shyt was ill. 1st PPV i ever go to and i had a good time other than the white bul next to me

that shyt damn near ruined the night it was bad like really bad. i never believed that stereotype of wrestling fans being smelly cause all the events i had gone to it was never bad but the RAW i went to in DC in August was bad in the hallways waiting to get in and now in Philly this shyt was awful so that wrestling fan stereotype is legit smh. the announcer jawn that had the yellowish dress

. the maga nxt white jawn with the ass was there in the crowd and she was lookin aight too

. got to keep the Ronda Rousey chair and i ended up gettin a few of the Philly themed shirts they had including a Meek Mill one lol. all the matches were cool, Rousey Liv was prolly the weakest one if i had to name one and McIntyre KKKross was meh i went to get the merch when that jawn started cause i ont care for KKKross so i only saw the latter half of it. the Bray shyt at the end was dope af cause the crowd in one section would start goin crazy and you would see these characters just standing like the pig one and then another section would do the same and another character would pop up so you was just lookin to see what would happen next. shyt was dope af.