WTF HALO COLLECTION for XBOXONE has a 20GB day one download u must download

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
first of all I suggest you get a internet power adapter and stop using wifi,

but even still 20gb is insane, for even fast internet connections
So then the concept of downloading a game is insane to you two since games average about 38gb right about now

The idea is brilliant because it stops illegal downloads. How you gonna play the online when the online is not on the disc :wow:


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
So then the concept of downloading a game is insane to you two since games average about 38gb right about now

The idea is brilliant because it stops illegal downloads. How you gonna play the online when the online is not on the disc :wow:

Micro$oft is not fukking around. They want the GOLD! They have to make up that sales difference and I have to say this is genius...even releasing the word that it's going to be a 20GB patch, is going to increase digital sales for the collection. I wonder if someone is tracking the digital sales before and after the 20GB announcement. That shyt probably skyrocketed!

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Micro$oft is not fukking around. They want the GOLD! They have to make up that sales difference and I have to say this is genius...even releasing the word that it's going to be a 20GB patch, is going to increase digital sales for the collection. I wonder if someone is tracking the digital sales before and after the 20GB announcement. That shyt probably skyrocketed!
You don't quite getting whats going on, its bigger than what you are trying to say it is. They don't have to do all that to "get ppl"
People are already on board to go digital, only fanboys from the sony side acted like it was an issue
What Microsoft and sony made sure of, was every game must be installed to play this gen
That means every game you have played this gen has been digital already. No game runs off a disc
Now, you can download it, or extract it via disc. But at the end of the day, you playing off the same "digital file"

Once you realize that, you realize your angle is hilarious. The question you should be asking is why is sony forcing that angle? The answer is they going digital too. There is a reason sony waited til E3 to announce there revised plans. Because they realized that the consumers are not that bright. They swindled there way into the position they are in. The fanboys ate it up. And the fact on paper it appears more powerful? Thats all most needed to hear.

The problem, Microsoft isn't stupid. They have very detailed plans on how to expand the power of the XB1
And those same "fanboys" have yelled how whatever Microsoft has up there sleeves, isn't possible because they say so. If you a PC fanboy, its "Well I know how my PC works so I know how the XB1 works too" when in reality that is 1000% bullshyt and false. Crackdown 3 is real, the tech is real. The power of the XB1 is largely untapped as of today. Its upside is much higher than its competition. Because it has a very clear digital future in place thanks to its 13billion dollar cloud investment. Sony ain't even worth 13billion :heh:

Facts are funny...


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
You don't quite getting whats going on, its bigger than what you are trying to say it is. They don't have to do all that to "get ppl"
People are already on board to go digital, only fanboys from the sony side acted like it was an issue
What Microsoft and sony made sure of, was every game must be installed to play this gen
That means every game you have played this gen has been digital already. No game runs off a disc
Now, you can download it, or extract it via disc. But at the end of the day, you playing off the same "digital file"

Once you realize that, you realize your angle is hilarious. The question you should be asking is why is sony forcing that angle? The answer is they going digital too. There is a reason sony waited til E3 to announce there revised plans. Because they realized that the consumers are not that bright. They swindled there way into the position they are in. The fanboys ate it up. And the fact on paper it appears more powerful? Thats all most needed to hear.

The problem, Microsoft isn't stupid. They have very detailed plans on how to expand the power of the XB1
And those same "fanboys" have yelled how whatever Microsoft has up there sleeves, isn't possible because they say so. If you a PC fanboy, its "Well I know how my PC works so I know how the XB1 works too" when in reality that is 1000% bullshyt and false. Crackdown 3 is real, the tech is real. The power of the XB1 is largely untapped as of today. Its upside is much higher than its competition. Because it has a very clear digital future in place thanks to its 13billion dollar cloud investment. Sony ain't even worth 13billion :heh:

Facts are funny...

shyt, I get what is going on! lol There is only one angle to this, Microsoft wants that payday. Maximizing their profits to the fullest. If I'm a Microsoft executive I'm going for 100% of the sales going into Microsoft's pocket. Cutting out Amazon, Gamefly, Gamestop, whoever! The real problem they will run into is memory. The hard drives only have so much space (sure you can delete some games) but I feel like we will see the day of a 100GB game. The size of these games are getting bigger and bigger so yes the cloud would make sense but we have yet to see work on a massive scale (such as covering the entire Live online system). I applaud Microsoft for these advances on their machine but I personally don't feel it's enough to catch PlayStation.
People may be ready to go digital...but these ISP's are not.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you are referring to Crackdown 3. I thought they would have stopped making the game after the 2nd. Post a lank with it.

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Meach being a dumbass. :mjlol: Any additive or fix work to the "vanilla" product is considered a patch. Firmware upgrades are patches. Extra content are patches. The colorful spots on Meach's jacket are patches.

As for the definition Meach quoted left out this nice bit: A patch is a piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting data, to fix or improve it.[1] This includes fixing security vulnerabilities[1] and other bugs, and improving the usability or performance.

Having a required download Multiplayer is (of course) considered improving the usability of the product, otherwise deemed useless without the patch.

Patch day one at 20GBs because you're too cheap to use that $.03 to press a new disc brehs.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
it's a 100% increase in the number of discs. I don't think you need to be an accountant to understand that's significant. plus it would require different packaging to accommodate 2 discs

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
shyt, I get what is going on! lol There is only one angle to this, Microsoft wants that payday. Maximizing their profits to the fullest. If I'm a Microsoft executive I'm going for 100% of the sales going into Microsoft's pocket. Cutting out Amazon, Gamefly, Gamestop, whoever! The real problem they will run into is memory. The hard drives only have so much space (sure you can delete some games) but I feel like we will see the day of a 100GB game. The size of these games are getting bigger and bigger so yes the cloud would make sense but we have yet to see work on a massive scale (such as covering the entire Live online system). I applaud Microsoft for these advances on their machine but I personally don't feel it's enough to catch PlayStation.
People may be ready to go digital...but these ISP's are not.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you are referring to Crackdown 3. I thought they would have stopped making the game after the 2nd. Post a lank with it.
Oh man, you are in for a treat then.. friend :shaq:
You know how sony has Gaikai. That is the future, and sony is playing around. Microsoft is setting the trend
Whats about to go down, the cloud will store the games we play. With internet speeds increasing, it wouldn't take long to download a 100gb game if needed. But if the game is based in the cloud, these downloads are not necessary for us. They can handle all the changes on there end. Games will get bigger, but the cloud will be where it gets bigger. And here is the future you didn't know nan about...
Pretty much everything you REALLY need to know about it :blessed:

And here is it in its early stages...

And here is Crackdown 3

And this is how they will make the entire thing be running 1080p/60fps

shyt, they believe they'll reach 4K with the cloud :wow:
But we'll see about all that...


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Oh man, you are in for a treat then.. friend :shaq:
You know how sony has Gaikai. That is the future, and sony is playing around. Microsoft is setting the trend
Whats about to go down, the cloud will store the games we play. With internet speeds increasing, it wouldn't take long to download a 100gb game if needed. But if the game is based in the cloud, these downloads are not necessary for us. They can handle all the changes on there end. Games will get bigger, but the cloud will be where it gets bigger. And here is the future you didn't know nan about...
Pretty much everything you REALLY need to know about it :blessed:

And here is it in its early stages...

And here is Crackdown 3

And this is how they will make the entire thing be running 1080p/60fps

shyt, they believe they'll reach 4K with the cloud :wow:
But we'll see about all that...

Hmmmm...that's interesting.....but if Sony has Gaikai....and uses it.....We will be right back where we started with Sony still having the advantage over the Xbox. (I still can't believe they are bring back Crackdown...They just won't give up on The ISP's are going to want their pound of flesh before that cloud becomes reality. So I won't put too much faith in it being pulled off...damn Comcast is going to be in Microsoft's ass for that money. Demos and pre-builds mean nothing to me....since I got suckered by Watch Dogs, FF7 PS3 demo, and ACU 900p fukkery....I can't trust any of it!


Jul 17, 2012
So then the concept of downloading a game is insane to you two since games average about 38gb right about now

The idea is brilliant because it stops illegal downloads. How you gonna play the online when the online is not on the disc :wow:
if I purchase a retail game I expect everything to be within the case

if I purchase a game online regardless of how big it is I surrender to the file size as I purchased online

buying retail then having to still download online is unacceptable


Jul 17, 2012
Nah. Not one day, more like two. I had roadrunner Internet.

And I understand that some people don't have good Internet. What you should understand is that this is a product aimed at people who do have good interenet. Your complaints should be aimed at your ISP.
its only a product aimed at people with great internet because it requires you to download massive portions of the game.

you don't need amazing internet to play online shooters, ive already explained this to you