Why do they have a meeting once a week and then a take the rest of the week off? Maybe if they had more than one meeting a week, they could get to an agreement faster. “Alright, everyone, we’ve had our meeting and both sides are going to go back home and chill for another week.” It’s not like people’s jobs are on the line or anything.
Because when one side offers you terms you have to take it back to team's of lawyers, analysts and experts to game out the analytics or the financials. Obviously some of the negotiating team are lawyers, analysts etc., but you have to do your due diligence.
Term Offer: 1% of X plus a 15% raise in Y if ABC does LMNOP (that's a very simple version, there are dozens of points of negotiations and that would be just one example)
Then you have your lawyers and experts you've hired show you what that will look like in multiple scenarios across the different services, networks, streamers and against current and future possibilities to see if that's actually a good offer or a bad offer, or if its a set of terms that can even happen. It might sound like a good offer but analysts and experts might be able to tell you the terms they've put forward aren't even likely to happen so you'll never hit those objectives or benchmarks.
Then and you redraw a plan and come back with your counter-offer.
You present the counter-offer, talk about it, then they go back and do the same thing with their team's.
Eventually you get to a point where you're both at the table looking at a set of terms you both broadly agree on, and you're both going back to your team's tweaking the same offer until you both have a deal you think is fair.