Matter fact @EastCoastNaga I would really take those images with a grain of salt. I think I know who they're from...
Matter fact @EastCoastNaga I would really take those images with a grain of salt. I think I know who they're from...
While the first and second maps are extremely silly and semi-psuedo science. Especially with trying to claim the Persians as "black." The last one I find most interesting. I would use it in discussions if it would lose some of the writings it has. But anyways I find it INTERESTING, because those groups listed in the map all claim they come from the Nile Valley area.
THERE ARE some good arguments that the Bantu migration could have happened from the Nile Valley, or that the Bantu migration was not "monolithic" and that there were different waves of it. One from the Nile Valley(ideally Sudan) and one from West-Central Africa. Bantus such as the Zulus, Bantu ethnics in Kenya and other Bantus claim migration from Nile Valley.
Then we have the fact that E-M2 is in Upper Egypt but absent in Sudan.
E-M2n to me is interesting because it is already present in Upper Egypt. people merely can not simply dismiss it as it being from the Bantu migration because one it came from the Green Sahara before there was any Bantu speakers.
Also I hear that there is good arguments that Egyptian hieroglyphs have Bantu like words.
But we can't make bold claims because for one oral tradition can be slippery sloppy and can get mixed in with stuff. For example some Bantu groups We can NOT deny the obvious movement of metal working farmers speaking Niger-Kordofanian languages (ancestors of Bantu people) from west central Africa into east and Southern Africa. If the maps I posted are true than again a Bantu migration from Nile Valley is NOT mutually exclusive.
What will solve this puzzle is full on autosomal DNA of the Ancient Egyptians. To me IF CERTAIN Bantu ethnics came from the Nile Valley it would most likely have been Central Sudan near the Kushyte empire.
If this is true it would represent a doomsday for Eurocentrics.
But if your VERT interested in this topic then please subscribe to this guy and watch these videos....
Nigeria is a migrant land. Everyone came from somewhere else.Yes, its true that the Fulani always migrated back and forth between West and East. But I am not sure if they come from East Africa as their culture and Y-DNA does not hint that, but I do know for certain that they do come more northern. Hell so do the Soninke people who now live more southern use to live more north in Mauritania.
But if you're really interested to see which West African ethnic groups may come from the East, I have heard some convincing stuff that the Yoruba people of Nigeria may in fact come from the area of Nubia/Sudan... And their migration to West Africa may have been triggered by the invading hyksos.
True but due to influence by mostly muslim neighbouring ethnic groups since the 60's most Dogon are muslims now.
they're in touch with the creator.These brehs formed complex astrology in the mountains of Mali with NO modern technology...
According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis.they made his discovery before modern science did, without any technology
This tribe is so mysterious and powerful that cac con piracy theorists like David Icke believe they made and currently make contact with Aliens...
Black people untouched by slavery do amazing things.
Dogon people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia