Of course the Fulani people are not originally from Nigeria. They came as Jihadist especially during the Sokoto Caliphate conquest. But again I do not know if they are from the East. Most Fulani groups in the Sudan if I remember correctly are recent migrants.
But as far as the Tikar people. Good find!
Do you know if the Tikar people religious beliefs are similar to those in Ancient Egypt? What I find very interesting is that if you check most of these ethnic groups in West Africa, we find that they recently migrated there. The Dogon, Yoruba, Tikar and others. They have not been there during very early antiquity or bronze age where during that period Ancient Egypt was most active. This is why I am beginning to no longer look at the idea of certain West African ethnic groups migrating from Egypt as "Afrocentric nonsense" like I use this. This is why I am agreeing more and more with
@Poitier statement of why there is a civilization timeline GAP between Ancient Egypt and West Africa.
The Bamielke people of Cameroon also are said to come from Ancient Egypt. We have to understand that the West African region is not monolithic. And that different groups of people migrated to that area during different periods.