From a Biological perspective IT'S NOT!!!!!
There is no genetic sequence unique to blacks or whites or Asians. In fact, these categories don’t reflect biological groupings at all. There is more genetic variation in the diverse populations from the continent of Africa (who most would lump into a “black” category) than exists in ALL populations from outside of Africa (the rest of the world) combined!
This is the problem with most racial arguments on, Most on here continue to approach racial debates in a scientific manner ( and use horrible junk science and off base genetic references) when Race is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.
Based on Coli posts, you'd think that race is quite a real thing.
Cacs are inherently devilish, etc. It's true that there are very few genetic sequences unique to blacks, whites or Asians, however, people from different regions of the world are more closely related to each other than to people from other regions.