"Worldstarhiphop is much blacker than the Coli..."


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Obviously Worldstar isn't 'Blacker' than TheColi, he's bugging for that

But he's spot-on as far as the Carlton Banks comment. There's a significant disconnect between the majority of TheColi and the greater Black community. Children of Mid/Upper Middle Class black households are oftentimes far removed from authentic Black culture and view it largely in the abstract, that's why the 'hood' videos that get posted on here or videos that are more reflective of our visceral, everday culture are seen as "cacs and c00n" topics. I believe this is what TheColi calls "New Blacks".

The majority of these nikkas only frame of reference for Black men is Carlton Banks, Barack Obama or Nas. And that's cool but the disconnect festers nontheless and you'll see nikkas on TheColi talk in white conservative language about Black people who aren't like them, allat "ghetto ratchet thugs!" talk you see on here is a testament to that.

Feels like some Twilight Zone shyt, lml. This is exactly what we say about some BW.
What is authentic black culture that affluent black people don't know about? :usure:


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
Quick example of what I'm talking about..

Bedstuy Brooklyn is the mecca of African-Americans in Brooklyn, the original Harlem.. It was a center for Black commerce, Black thought & Black intellectualism going back almost 200 years.

There was a video posted earlier today about a rapper from Bedstuy. I don't know the dude, but I know some of the cats in the video and they're apart of something that I, and alot of brothers in NYC represent. These dudes are from the hood and using rap as a vehicle to uplift other Black men. I shouted it out, here are some of the responses.. There are a bunch of them you can look at, though.

These are Black men who don't understand, don't know and have that same disdain for and woud like to drop a bomb on the Mecca for Black thought in the biggest city in the country. When I say that that there's a considerable degree of seperation between Black people based on socioeconomic factors, that transcends location, it becomes an ideological shift and eventually they clash.

There are comments on here that read like Yahoo News comment sections with confirmed Black people talking about euthanizing entire Black cities because they simply can't identify with the broader Black community (Most of us, even Middle Class people, live in areas that Whites do not want to live in, google "white flight") These are the places that have acted as incubators of a culture that we've developed from the plantation to now, and the further you move/seperate yourself from it, the more you're going to see a disconnect with our own culture. It's not about all black people living in the hood or Carlton Banks not being Black enough, it's about the disconnect. That's what the Asian dude was speaking to, and frankly, he's right. A nikka that didn't grow up understanding anything about Black culture doesn't just magically come to represent all of us.. tha'ts how you get these "all lives matter breh! Black frigility!!" type nikkas u see now.

^^^^ Are these the guys you're referring to using rap to uplift the black community?


The Mayor
Nov 19, 2016
This is gonna be super long but I think it's important.
What is authentic black culture that affluent black people don't know about? :usure:
I don't speak in absolutes. The majority of 'affluent' Black people come from The Hood anyway

To your question, the children/forthcoming generation that makeup that background oftentimes struggle with

Linguistics. There was a lengthy conversation in here about Ebonics/AAVE/Pidgin/whatever. The majority of Black people that don't grow up around other Black people or Black influences don't understand why Black people choose to articulate themselves in a dialect that fuses African syntax into the overarching linguistic strutcture (English). Language is one of the foundational aspects of a people's culture. If only they spoke with proper grammar, it's really not that hard. If a person can't relate to you simply off how you're speaking, there's an immediate disconnect. You see that on TheColi aswell.

Etiquette/ tradition.
It may seem trivial, but the vast majority of Black black cultural groupings (AA, WI, Carib etc.) are part of what's called a high-context culture, very interpretive and many things go unsaid out of a shared sense of experience/understanding, there was a thread not too long ago on here that went several pages about "the nod" among Black men as a sign of mutual understanding. It goes alot deeper than that, but you get the drift
If you are a Black Man and another Black Man gives you "The Nod" in these streets...

Thought. Ideas like Pan-Africanism and Black nationalism are the cornerstone of Black thought, group economics, generational wealth and allat good shyt yall talk about on some level derives from one of these schools of thought. Once you lose your sense of thought focused on Black issues on the backdrop of Black culture, you take up the inverse.. You become a cac in Blackface.

Music. Relatively straight-forward, there was a thread on here a few days ago about 21 Savage rapping about the hardships of living in The Hood and how external forces play a dominant role in it's continued stagnation.. This is literally the cornerstone of Hip Hop.. The poster did not understand that and attributed it to his relationship with Amber Rose softening him up.. this is a fundamental misunderstanding of Black culture, Black discourse and Black music. This is what I mean when I say the broader Black community becomes abstract to some nikkas. They know alot of our people are living in the struggle, but realistically they've never seen that and have trouble comprehending the extent to which these circumstances perpetuate themselves against our own efforts.. The white man will fill in the Blanks for that and you get Black people who parrot white conservative talking points and simply tell black people to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps!". Our problems don't exist to someone who doesn't know/understand them.

Music II this is more trivial. A suburbreh who grew up listening to Coldplay and My Chemical Romance will have a harder time understanding how they derive from art-forms our people created. We are the most musically gifted people on the planet.

There's MUCH more but this all plays into how a Black person comes to view others and themselves.. Communal living, nontraditional families, matrilineal society, these are all historical elements of Black American (And African ppl in general tbh) culture that shape our views on contemporary issues like Birth control, women's rights, sex, media, everything really.. This is our culture, it's not something to look down upon, and it doesn't mean you're ghetto or live in The Hood.

When you see this ideological shift that essentially parrots a White conservative agenda (I wonder why), you see nikkas on TheColi who didn't grow up around other Black people saying they would like to BOMB other Black men who they feel are a deviant strain of our people (I like how we said 70% of blacks are above the poverty line and forgot that means more than a quarter of us aren't:troll:).

tired of writing now.

^^^^ Are these the guys you're referring to using rap to uplift the black community?

Yup. Rap music has put more dollars into Black hands than any other form of entertainment and put our issues (Many of which have been discussed in the song) on the forefront. Not to mention it's probably saved more Black lives than any hospital u can imagine lol. Like Jay Z, who's also from Bedstuy.

It's ironic that you cut the actual song out and just included the behind-the-scenes shyt. The dudes in the video are in an actual incubator of Black culture speaking and living a reality of that, because you don't like/understand it, doesn't mean that it's not uplifting. After all, Hip Hop is about living your truth, being yourself on the backdrop of the Dominant society's campaign against you.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Homie was so mad at me he tried to sell Orlando out.
I’m not mad at you at all. You corny fake internet gangsta. I’m mad your dumb ass said you in the streets pushing work right now and that you from the hood when you live in fukking Orlando. You can’t even scratch your ass while being black in Orlando without having police stop you, much less moving work you clown.

The only believable thing you said is that you knew people pimping washed up old white women with no teeth, because those freakishly nasty looking hoes are the norm at 7-11 at night time.

Your gangsta online fantasies are sad. You not even man enough to post a video or photo of yourself but you in the streets...

Clown shyt:mjlol: you ain’t nothing but a suburb palm tree winter park living cac


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012
Bruh ...ideologically i want to be upset, but the rhetoric is so over the top I just laugh.
If only "hood" gov housing types are a true rep of "blackness" then the vast majority of African Americans are "fake blacks"...





I quess over +70% of African Americans are fake blacks?:patrice::ld: Who ever dude is he obviously posts/lurk coli though :jbhmm:


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
This is gonna be super long but I think it's important.

I don't speak in absolutes. The majority of 'affluent' Black people come from The Hood anyway

To your question, the children/forthcoming generation that makeup that background oftentimes struggle with

Linguistics. There was a lengthy conversation in here about Ebonics/AAVE/Pidgin/whatever. The majority of Black people that don't grow up around other Black people or Black influences don't understand why Black people choose to articulate themselves in a dialect that fuses African syntax into the overarching linguistic strutcture (English). Language is one of the foundational aspects of a people's culture. If only they spoke with proper grammar, it's really not that hard. If a person can't relate to you simply off how you're speaking, there's an immediate disconnect. You see that on TheColi aswell.

Etiquette/ tradition.
It may seem trivial, but the vast majority of Black black cultural groupings (AA, WI, Carib etc.) are part of what's called a high-context culture, very interpretive and many things go unsaid out of a shared sense of experience/understanding, there was a thread not too long ago on here that went several pages about "the nod" among Black men as a sign of mutual understanding. It goes alot deeper than that, but you get the drift
If you are a Black Man and another Black Man gives you "The Nod" in these streets...

Thought. Ideas like Pan-Africanism and Black nationalism are the cornerstone of Black thought, group economics, generational wealth and allat good shyt yall talk about on some level derives from one of these schools of thought. Once you lose your sense of thought focused on Black issues on the backdrop of Black culture, you take up the inverse.. You become a cac in Blackface.

Music. Relatively straight-forward, there was a thread on here a few days ago about 21 Savage rapping about the hardships of living in The Hood and how external forces play a dominant role in it's continued stagnation.. This is literally the cornerstone of Hip Hop.. The poster did not understand that and attributed it to his relationship with Amber Rose softening him up.. this is a fundamental misunderstanding of Black culture, Black discourse and Black music. This is what I mean when I say the broader Black community becomes abstract to some nikkas. They know alot of our people are living in the struggle, but realistically they've never seen that and have trouble comprehending the extent to which these circumstances perpetuate themselves against our own efforts.. The white man will fill in the Blanks for that and you get Black people who parrot white conservative talking points and simply tell black people to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps!". Our problems don't exist to someone who doesn't know/understand them.

Music II this is more trivial. A suburbreh who grew up listening to Coldplay and My Chemical Romance will have a harder time understanding how they derive from art-forms our people created. We are the most musically gifted people on the planet.

There's MUCH more but this all plays into how a Black person comes to view others and themselves.. Communal living, nontraditional families, matrilineal society, these are all historical elements of Black American (And African ppl in general tbh) culture that shape our views on contemporary issues like Birth control, women's rights, sex, media, everything really.. This is our culture, it's not something to look down upon, and it doesn't mean you're ghetto or live in The Hood.

When you see this ideological shift that essentially parrots a White conservative agenda (I wonder why), you see nikkas on TheColi who didn't grow up around other Black people saying they would like to BOMB other Black men who they feel are a deviant strain of our people (I like how we said 70% of blacks are above the poverty line and forgot that means more than a quarter of us aren't:troll:).

tired of writing now.

Yup. Rap music has put more dollars into Black hands than any other form of entertainment and put our issues (Many of which have been discussed in the song) on the forefront. Not to mention it's probably saved more Black lives than any hospital u can imagine lol. Like Jay Z, who's also from Bedstuy.

It's ironic that you cut the actual song out and just included the behind-the-scenes shyt. The dudes in the video are in an actual incubator of Black culture speaking and living a reality of that, because you don't like/understand it, doesn't mean that it's not uplifting. After all, Hip Hop is about living your truth, being yourself on the backdrop of the Dominant society's campaign against you.

I made a thread about that. The black collective mindset, nikkahs complained.

Black People are Actually "Black"


The Mayor
Nov 19, 2016
I made a thread about that. The black collective mindset, nikkahs complained.

Black People are Actually "Black"
You know how that go.

That's because Suburbrehs are huge on the idea that Black identity = Lack of independent thought. Those the type nikkas who say shyt like

You know, when you call yourself an AFRICAN American you're seperating yourself from everyone else!
Why does it have to be BLACK Lives Matter, why not just ALL lives matter?:to:


The Mayor
Nov 19, 2016
Gonna used this thread as an exhibit for my point going forward..



Let's be honest: black people are finished. You can't save dudes like this. Just gotta let them become a statistic. It's unfortunate but the self-hate and degeneracy is so deeply ingrained at this point.
So fukking glad I don’t live around these types. fukk em and the women that raised them.

:francis:Did you notice most the suspects in these videos are black?

We should be dominating the world, but that shyt wont happen as long as we let these weak links exist.

Typical black behavior. The older I got the more i hate these nikkas. Going back to North Philly sometimes shyt is disgusting and embarrassing.
I hate nikkas as much as I hate CACs.


The Mayor
Nov 19, 2016
Are we c00ns now for not wanting psychopaths in or community?
You made it clear there's no 'our' to the community, lol. You glad you don't live near these types.. fukk them and the women who birthed them, right? You just said fukk every piece of the Black community.

If you can't identify with the root causes of our continued issues, then about 40% of our people are left in the cold, that means the young dudes who are in the community wreaking havoc aswell as the oldhead pizzaman that's gettin vic'd. That's why I said you nikkas honestly don't care about Black people, so stop acting like you do.

That cycle will perpetuate itself over and over and cacs will eat off of it, just like they've been doing in various forms for the last 400 years.

This is the continuity of freedmen saying "lol fukk them ignorant nigras still on them plantations down south". I'll say it AGAIN.. 'Black People' are an abstract body to you nikkas lol. It's like something you're acutely aware of, but really don't have a vested interest in.