For those not up on who Dr. Carson is (and it is evident that the first mt have heard of him is through watching this video) go here to read his full biography:
Ben Carson Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
I have always found Dr. Carson to be a fascinating individual and though I disagree with him on several things, I do respect him for how he rose above his early beginnings and made something out of his life.
Plus I am a fan of voices outside of the same fields speaking out politically. I have had mor than enough of our country being run overwhelmingly by lawyers or lifetime politicos who have never done jack shyt in the real world that the rest of the country lives in.
That made-for-TV movie about his life that Cuba Gooding starred in was weak though.
Ben Carson Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story -
I have always found Dr. Carson to be a fascinating individual and though I disagree with him on several things, I do respect him for how he rose above his early beginnings and made something out of his life.
Plus I am a fan of voices outside of the same fields speaking out politically. I have had mor than enough of our country being run overwhelmingly by lawyers or lifetime politicos who have never done jack shyt in the real world that the rest of the country lives in.
That made-for-TV movie about his life that Cuba Gooding starred in was weak though.