What the hell do you mean his "ideas?" You simply made a generic statement about him being a "right wing nutjob", then went on to dismiss his entire argument. This mind you is concerning the words from a man who RIGHT NOW is considered on of the most PROMINENT medical physicians in the entire world!
Clearly as a smug liberal I'm sure you feel his is an "idiot" or a "moron" simply because he doesn't hold far left views to say yourself or Rachel Maddow. Its truly pathetic and part of the reason many people don't take people like yourself seriously. I'm sure if he stood up there and demanded a social healthcare system and taxes should be raised on rich people to 90% to pay for it, you would be effusively praising him as some black icon. But because he disparaged your beloved Obama to his face, you cry like a bytch on the net about him being c00n.
So instead of trolling, why don't you explain what makes his ideas so B.S. anyways? Your first weak point you made about taxation being punitive to the rich is a HUGE part of the liberal agenda, and is part of the reason than they have been constantly accused of inciting class warfare. Anyone who listens to liberal talk radio and such can find examples REPLETE with people insisting the rich need to "pay their fare share" as if 32% is somehow unfair. Flat taxation is easily the fairest system yet its automatically dismissed simply because people feel the rich need to pay for the entire tax burden of the federal government whilst the poor pay nothing. Meanwhile the debt explodes further and further into oblivion!
So please, I know you consider yourself far more intelligent than people like my simple ass or the apparently "half-assed" Dr. Ben Carson, but please enlighten us morons on how your point of view is so much more superior than his or mine for that matter.
This is a dysfunctional mess. Im not going to even bother w/ 97% of your response; its riddled with ad hominems, strawmans, personal attacks and outright mistruths. You're projecting my supposed passionate "defense" of Obama, with your own lustily impassioned crusade to ride for Dr. Carson at all costs to personal dignity. I thought this was 'higher learning'?
At any rate, the good doctor needs to flesh out his positions to at least workable ideas. His performances in interviews and the breakfast, offer little more than talk radio echo chamber jargon. He claims he is a man of logic --- yet, he advocates a flat tax not based on empiricism or economic reason but because of Jesus' tithes.
He prattles on about "political correctness" (which is loaded phraseology largely designed to shame people of color from addressing racial issues), yet his only example of this supposed wide spread, damaging social phenomenon, is the meaningless Brent Musburger/ Alabama QB girlfriend non-issue last month.
His underlying message of "cant do/handout nation", is spoon-fed drivel for mouth breathers as an explanation for the explosion of wealth inequality in the past 30 years. True to the theme, he fails to expand on anything and provides nothing but trite platitudes. So in a sense you're right --- I cant address his ideas, because he didnt provide anything of substance, expect to punctuate everything w/ biblical justification. Thats fine as a personal choice, but thats not policy engagement. He's like the brain surgeon version of Nas: Brilliant in his lane, but removed from it and he's shaky at best.