Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Jul 3, 2018
No. You won't get to that uncanny valley. Most people will just get a Dog and hang out with their friends.

Yes, when they have sex robots that look, walk and talk exactly like females without the egregious requirements for a male.

A dog or friends has yet to satisfy the male urge for sex or female companionship.

Women will share high value males and average men will enjoy sex with robots. Mark my words
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Feb 12, 2015
How am I backtracking? By saying it’s so obvious every country and even region has it’s own history and culture that it goes without saying? :dwillhuh:

You first tried to lump Europe all in as one society by saying American women are one way and European women are the other way. Then you later changed it to every country has it’s own culture. That actually further hurts your argument because if UK, Germany and every other European country has a different culture yet they tend to have one thing in common, clearly the thing they have in common was not affected by cultural differences.

You can back down and make it seem like you’re taking the high road all you want. I was pretty much done when you started writing diatribes on places you’ve never been trying to tell me because you read about history and culture you can tell me more than my actual experience. Notice I was able to tell you haven’t actually been to Europe as soon as you started speaking on it because no one who has actually been there would say there’s vast differences in society especially when it comes to dating. Someone who read about it and think book knowledge is somehow on the same level as actual experience would tho. :francis:

You went from arguing against things I didn’t ever say to making analogies comparing things that happen all the time to things that don’t ever happen to speaking on something you have 0 experience with vs someone with both book knowledge and direct experience yet still somehow convinced yourself you’re the one operating with logic.

You up at 3 something in the morning making plans to speak to your real life friends about a coli debate to seek reassurance from people you know will be on your side no matter what because logic definitely wasn’t but I’m the one in my feelings.

You got it :hubie:
I was grading papers anyway so you provided a pleasant distraction and yeah we did get a chuckle at your more outlandish claims hun.:russ: Have a good one!


Feb 12, 2015
Ask one of your female friends or relatives (if they're on dating apps) to show you some of the messages they get and the profiles of the men who swipe right on them. A lot of dudes are on there explicitly looking for "something casual" or "NSA" or say they "just wanna have fun" with profiles ripped from the pages of the Sleazebag Handbook or some kind of angry, bitter ass "you women are too stupid to know a good guy like me when you see one anyways".

They may not be strictly tryna hit it and quit it, but there's a lot of dudes who are looking for fukk buddies and long term FWBs they don't have to court or waste time or $$$ on going on dates or other normal shyt people do when they're looking for an actual relationship.

Your average (and I do mean average) woman's app inbox is likely filled with these kinds of "offers" or something similar such as "I read you like (such and such cuisine) how bout you come over and I cook that for you". Women with sense just aren't going for that anymore cause they know it's a trap.
Thank you!

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Women will just move the goal posts.

The difference between "looking for something serious" and "just looking to smash" is looks.
Again, the difference between "looking for something serious" and "just looking to smash" is looks.
For the third time, the difference between "looking for something serious" and "just looking to smash" is looks.

Why do y'all think a dude who gets serious interest from a woman once every three years is trying to run game on you?
And before you deflect, no - this guy does not have any room to be "picky" and wait for Rihanna. That does not happen in the real world.

This would be a fair analogy if said woman struggled with receiving interest from men. ANY man, not just the Trevantes, Odells and MBJs she wants. A respectable guy would not take seriously a woman who he can tell goes out with a different guy four times a week, but is asking him for money as a prerequisite to linking up.
I didn't say or infer any of that. Your advice is just bad advice because it contradicts the actual goal.


Death to the demoness Allegra Geller
Aug 24, 2017
This post makes no sense :gucci:

For one you pulled up a link to tell me about a place you never even been to

Secondly, I’ve dealt with dozens of women not to mention the ones my homeboys dealt with in Europe and did not meet a single one on any kind of assistance

Thirdly, women get first priority in America when it comes to any sort of public assistance. As a single man in America you ain’t getting a free ride from the government while struggling women get first dibs on housing and whatever else

And if your argument is women in Europe are more willing to pay for their own shyt because they receive government assistance, that’s even MORE of a reason why women with actual jobs have no excuse to not pay for their own shyt especially while claiming to be independent :unimpressed:

So women on public assistance can pay for their own shyt but career women can’t? Does that make sense to you? :gucci:

If anything you further showed how hypocritical y’all are :umad:
I've been to multiple countries in Europe several times.
If theyre on government healthcare or have free or subsidized college, that's government assistance. What countries in europe are you talking about??

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
This hilarious because foreign women make related complaints about American men. They say that they want traditional women without taking on the responsibilities of traditional men.
As far as it being hypocritical, how is expecting somebody to pick up the tab on a meal they invited you to that you are taking time out of your day for hypocritical? I’ve already detailed the risks, aggravations and all the shyt many chicks go to just to even get to this date...with a guy she really not feeling...who is also expecting sex too?!

Why would a woman go through even a third of that hassle with a potential psycho, to pick up her own tab with a stranger that isn’t even that attractive to her and trying to play games other men she might actually desire are playing? If she gon deal with fukkery from either one, she might as well entertain what she wants or stay home.

Its gonna be a hard sell for women to be bothered if the only thing men have is that vinegar courtship.
This is what women are hearing when men talk about the issue.

“Yeah! Get with me and let me fukk you and put up with my nonsense even though I’m not bringing anything to your life other than potential fukkery or you’re just gonna be an old cat lady waiting for Tupac in a business suit and you’re gonna die alone (even though you were probably gonna die alone anyway because women outlive men but fukk logic I’m horny) so hurry up! This dikk ain’t gon suck itself! And fukk doing anything for you because your soooo independent so you that means you should continue to inconvenience yourself for me and expecting nothing because you had the nerve to prove you could do shyt without me! You’d probably pay for another dude because you like him! So you should do the same for me whether you like me or not! Grrrr!”

Women saying... “Nah!”:deadmanny:

Whether we agree with this or not...that’s what many women are thinking and they might complain about being single and talk but according to men we should watch female’s actions right?:mjpls:
Welp here ya go. Here’s their actions.

Keep in mind that divorce is initiated by women nearly 70% of the time.:deadmanny:
People can keep talking about high value men all day long. But apparently, women don’t give a damn if they are willingly chucking deuces in the face of death, poverty, frailty by divorcing even when they old as hell. You ain’t got no value to somebody who has determined that your juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

So average men and average women need to be willing to put in a lil bit more sweetness in their courtship of one another. Or not. It’ll all come out in the wash sooner or later.:manny:
I'm normally with you and I do partial agree with you but why is the automatic assumption that most men are terrible and ugly? There are A LOT of handsome guys out here and I don't think the majority of them are going around treating women like trash especially when they are ready to settle down.


Feb 16, 2017
If you been there then you know European women don’t look at American men as some sort of gold mine from a rich powerful country. UK and Germany are both 2 of the top 5 richest countries on the planet.

And your logic not even making sense. If they saw us as so rich then wouldn’t that lead to them actually wanting and expecting us to spend money on them? Why would a woman want a man because he’s from a rich and powerful nation while insisting on spending her own money? :dwillhuh:

They definitely do not look up to Americans in that regard. The only thing in American culture they have the utmost respect for is hip hop.

No clue why u went from making posts that make sense to pandering to @Booksnrain but do you breh :hubie:
Listen homie I was up because I couldn't sleep. I didn't even read your shyt about europe so what was your overall point?

In another thread I talked about the european "welcoming committee" where chicks would just pick you to smash. Obviously not all and not even most. But are you really saying that euros especially Black euros don't look up to ADOS people? Everyone low key looks up to and admires ADOS people.


Feb 16, 2017
Yes, when they have sex robots that look, walk and talk exactly like females without the egregious requirements for a male.

A dog or friends has yet to satisfy the male urge for sex or female companionship.

Women will share high value males and average men will enjoy sex with robots. Mark my words
It will never happen. Men have egos. Egos will not allow most Men to get a lifesized fleshlight.

shyt talk to any incel and point out that they can just trick and they'll say But that's not Love


All Star
May 8, 2015
I didn't say or infer any of that. Your advice is just bad advice because it contradicts the actual goal.

Yes, as y'all's actual goal being to swipe right on a six percent body fat, 6'5" multi-millionaire with perfect facial features, would be the best father to ever exist, gives you great sex between five-ten times a day, appreciates you even when you're a bytch to him, knows exactly what you're feeling at all times of every day, is absolutely hilarious and a thousand percent loyal to you.

For women who are realistic (not many of y'all), a dude who's not the most good-looking, with a decent income, but who is going to treat you like you're the only woman in the world for the rest of his natural life is still going to want to fukk you.


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
women cant use dating sites the correct way

some or a good amount will obviously ... but most are just choosing men based on who they want to beat the walls down, or men they can benefit from.

I dont blame them though cause most dudes are annoying or thirsty as fukk... and dudes can use it for the same thing too. But I'm more in tune with just kicking it with a female if shes ugly, or has a good personality in general. Whereas women are on that bytch like Rambo.

I had this pretty spanish girl open the convo by telling me about her business or some shyt first sentence, and I was immediately out. I know off rip she was gonna be a headache. Nobody wants to hear the ups and downs of your earring etsy shop and how independent you are... then when I tell you I got money and a house, you are gonna battle me financially and act like a clown. I've encountered mostly pushy weirdo women... women who have terrible conversation, or women who try to boss up and completely crash the convo immediately. Like I said, not a complete rag on women I'd rather chill and be around women than men... but I just dont think women are in the same game in a pick up scene as men. Like the jokes about women "shooting their shot by glancing" most women arent privy to actual courtship. They just approach the man they want and it works or it doesnt.

a huge problem ive had and it slowly came as I got older, especially with this generation. Women want to be independent with shyt, so i've supported it and them (my girl obviously) I already have large bread and a house paid off with no mortgage. You add in the fact that women have a kid or multiple, or they are bum bytches struggling to be "independent" and you get stuck in the middle. I dont want to babysit a bytch, and I dont need to be around a Major Payne ass bytch either. I'm not trying to rag on women but there's always this outside force that accompanies them... the independent ones want you to "grind" with them and struggle to look successful. Its a fukking lose lose.