Women reject 95% of potential partners on dating apps


Feb 12, 2015
American and European society is damn near identical in every way so it’s not about cultural differences. :unimpressed:

Something that is natural is spread across most if not all of an entire species. Women who want to be independent and dependent at the same time is not natural if there are dozens of countries full of women not behaving this way. If you’re saying it’s natural for women to want a man’s resources you’re saying it’s unnatural for women to acquire resources of their own. 2 opposites cannot be true at the same time. :unimpressed:
American society is nowhere near identical culturally to the entire continent of Europe, much less separate countries who each have their own unique cultures that even differ from one another.

And i didn’t say they wanted to be independent and dependent. I said they are hoarding resources because that’s apart of a woman’s biological imperative. So her making money doesn’t make your any less attractive.:dahell: Cultural norms may shape this behavior differently and yeah...various cultures of European countries definitely vary from American culture babe.


Feb 12, 2015
A funny story. I was working alongside a sister unit that had a fair amount of sisters in it when I was in Iraq. We were in the middle of nowhere even by Iraqi standards. (In the War they had big bases with all the modern amenities complete with coffee shops and Burger Kings) and there were places like ours where we burned our own shyt. Even though you risked being killed by an IED most people wanted to go to the big bases on supply runs and even if you didn't people would "order" a pizza meaning they would ask you to bring them back a Pizza from Pizza Hut (yes they had them on the Big FOB bases)

There was a rumor that some of the female soldiers were sleeping with men for money. I asked My supervisor That doesn't make sense not only do we not make that much money there's literally nothing to spend it on He said that's true but at the big Fobs They'd rather spend your money.

And true enough there was a chick who got on a supply run at LSA Anaconda so she could get her hair did. Not only did she risk the IED' but Anaconda was known as Mortaritaville because the Iraqi's outside of the wire would fire rockets at the base.

The chick in question later went on a mission where she was hit on the head with the gunner door lid and was sent home and got 50% disability.
Dayum! When GMB (get money bytches) goes wrong!


Feb 12, 2015
The answer is Aquaman and YMCA dude are both annoying and entitled. But Aquaman is Aquaman. But most women don't quality for Aquaman. 10 years ago Aquaman could meet you at a club. But now you will go to Tasha K on him when he bushes you so no Aquadikk for you.

YMCA dude is still YMCA dude and not really an option.
Only Lisa Bonet gettin that. :wow:


Feb 16, 2017
It’s actually not a contradiction and it happens to men too but to a lesser degree. For instance, one of my cousins only dated dimes. Can’t say he was a high value guy (whatever that means) but he was decent. Works for a cable company, looks cool. He’s an average guy. But he always ended up dating dimes. But not nice dimes or sweet gorgeous women.
Nah he likes em crazy. Like el loco.
So one day he started talking to this chick he knew from high school. We teased him about how she was different from his usuals. She was a cute chick, but wasn’t a fashion chick. Didn’t have that bubble we’ve seen him bring to cookouts.
But we teased him and he used to play her, saying how he don’t deal with mediocre.

Do you know? That nikka sprung now. Gettin ready to propose and everything. Sometimes people can grow on you in spite of what you want. They end up showing you something else good too and initially he was not feeling her like that.

It’s the same thing with women. They want what they want. But sometimes shyt pops off. However, had that chick tried the same shyt as some of them crazy bytches he was dealing with and she would have gotten bushed with a quickness. So I just want average men and average women to stop acting up with each other like they got that kind of pull because they don’t. And average men used to have it because society gave it to them. But now that women ain’t gotta rely on men as much, they got less wiggle room to fukk up.
The only problem is that dude could get married to shorty, Then shorty could act crazy, bush him and get half of his shyt. He's taking a finanicial risk. People change, seasons change. There's no incentive for Men to get married. Under the old deal there was social pressure on the Man to stay married too. Your bytch got fat and maybe you had a family on the other side of town but you always took care of home And like you said maybe the women wasn't happy either so she was glad that you were gone half of the time. But the Man provided Now in the free association age. Let people frelly associate I say.

It's easier to get a Man to compromise than a woman nowadays. thank God for increased male sexual desire.


Feb 16, 2017
Dayum! When GMB (get money bytches) goes wrong!

shyt that bytch had like 5 kids, she cashed out, probably at 100% now. Her sister who was mad short married another short breh and lived happily ever after. this was 12 years ago so I know the married sister is still married to her Man.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
American society is nowhere near identical culturally to the entire continent of Europe, much less separate countries who each have their own unique cultures that even differ from one another.

And i didn’t say they wanted to be independent and dependent. I said they are hoarding resources because that’s apart of a woman’s biological imperative. So her making money doesn’t make your any less attractive.:dahell: Cultural norms may shape this behavior differently and yeah...various cultures of European countries definitely vary from American culture babe.

Have you even been to Europe? :gucci:

Maybe I should have specified Western Europe but yes there are way more similarities than there are differences. The main differences are the languages, infrastructure, and one place having independent women who take pride in actually being independent.

And how is wanting someone to spend money on you not being dependent on them? You stray so far from logic to defend your stance :mjlol:


Feb 16, 2017
Only Lisa Bonet gettin that. :wow:

Yes because Tasha K and the other bloggers are doing the Lord's work in exposing side chicks and stopping nikkas food.

In one of those Blogs the nikka John Boyega is dating a Love & Hip-Hop chick that Maino Bushed.

That Male sexual desire though, You'd think he'd be damned if he'd date a rando reality ex girl of a failed rapper.
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Feb 12, 2015
Have you even been to Europe? :gucci:

Maybe I should have specified Western Europe but yes there are way more similarities than there are differences. The main differences are the languages, infrastructure, and one place having independent women who take pride in actually being independent.

And how is wanting someone to spend money on you not being dependent on them? You stray so far from logic to defend your stance :mjlol:
Dude you just tried to compare an entire continent to one country. Hell we different from Canada, much less Western Europe. They had separate feminist movements, histories, cultural trends, economic trends, but because some chicks went Dutch with you in one country, all of a sudden women don’t biologically want to hoard resources anymore as a gender.

I know actual sociologists and evolutionary biologists who are gonna be in tears when I tell them this shyt.:laff::laff::laff:
Please. Tell me more about how I’M straying from logic about my own gender.

Also what does wanting money have to do with wanting more opportunities for yourself?:mjlol: Wanting autonomy and the option of supporting yourself if shyt goes to hell so that you don’t have to put up with shyt from dudes you ain’t really feeling like that, doesn’t negate appreciating and wanting as many resources as possible due to reproductive biological imperative.
Dude. You not even making sense.
:dahell:They want independence from the bullshyt. That doesn’t stop them from eyeballing wallets.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Dude you just tried to compare an entire continent to one country. Hell we different from Canada, much less Western Europe. They had separate feminist movements, histories, cultural trends, economic trends, but because some chicks went Dutch with you in one country, all of a sudden women don’t biologically want to hoard resources anymore as a gender.

I know actual sociologists and evolutionary biologists who are gonna be in tears when I tell them this shyt.:laff::laff::laff:
Please. Tell me more about how I’M straying from logic about my own gender.

Also what does wanting money have to do with wanting more opportunities for yourself?:mjlol: Wanting autonomy and the option of supporting yourself if shyt goes to hell so that you don’t have to put up with shyt from dudes you ain’t really feeling like that, doesn’t negate appreciating and wanting as many resources as possible due to reproductive biological imperative.
Dude. You not even making sense.
:dahell:They want independence from the bullshyt. That doesn’t stop them from eyeballing wallets.

So I take that as a “no” you haven’t actually been to Europe but are telling me about a place I lived twice. :unimpressed:

Why do you think they lump America and Europe up in one and call it “western society” :gucci:

There is nothing biological/natural about something that is not commonplace throughout an entire species. :dwillhuh:

And it isn’t just my experiences in the countries I lived in, every single dude I know who has also lived in Europe had the same experiences, some of which been to well over a dozen countries. I know dudes who was eating in America who still moved to Europe just to get away from American women.


Feb 12, 2015
The only problem is that dude could get married to shorty, Then shorty could act crazy, bush him and get half of his shyt. He's taking a finanicial risk. People change, seasons change. There's no incentive for Men to get married. Under the old deal there was social pressure on the Man to stay married too. Your bytch got fat and maybe you had a family on the other side of town but you always took care of home And like you said maybe the women wasn't happy either so she was glad that you were gone half of the time. But the Man provided Now in the free association age. Let people frelly associate I say.

It's easier to get a Man to compromise than a woman nowadays. thank God for increased male sexual desire.
Now we are getting there. Yes. Men these day have also been disincentivized to marry as well. Telling them they gon end up as lonely old cat nikkas is just as ineffective for them as it is for women.
The ONLY reason men still risking anything to deal with chicks these days is for p*ssy.
So if fearmongering won’t cut it and soon porn, robots gone take sex out of the game too. Also a lot of men cooking and cleaning for themselves so that shyt don’t count.

So why would they put up with shyt from an average chick they gon get tired of dealing with?

Women gotta bring something better.


Feb 16, 2017
Dude you just tried to compare an entire continent to one country. Hell we different from Canada, much less Western Europe. They had separate feminist movements, histories, cultural trends, economic trends, but because some chicks went Dutch with you in one country, all of a sudden women don’t biologically want to hoard resources anymore as a gender.

I know actual sociologists and evolutionary biologists who are gonna be in tears when I tell them this shyt.:laff::laff::laff:
Please. Tell me more about how I’M straying from logic about my own gender.

Also what does wanting money have to do with wanting more opportunities for yourself?:mjlol: Wanting autonomy and the option of supporting yourself if shyt goes to hell so that you don’t have to put up with shyt from dudes you ain’t really feeling like that, doesn’t negate appreciating and wanting as many resources as possible due to reproductive biological imperative.
Dude. You not even making sense.
:dahell:They want independence from the bullshyt. That doesn’t stop them from eyeballing wallets.
What have you told your sociologist and evolutionary biologist friends about this site?


Feb 16, 2017
Now we are getting there. Yes. Men these day have also been disincentivized to marry as well. Telling them they gon end up as lonely old cat nikkas is just as ineffective for them as it is for women.
The ONLY reason men still risking anything to deal with chicks these days is for p*ssy.
So if fearmongering won’t cut it and soon porn, robots gone take sex out of the game too. Also a lot of men cooking and cleaning for themselves so that shyt don’t count.

So why would they put up with shyt from an average chick they gon get tired of dealing with?

Women gotta bring something better.

How about they just bring the same shyt that women have been bringing since the beginning? I mean was the old deal that bad for women? Is the ability to bush and try to grab that brass ring worth all this bullshyt? With the knowledge that every woman fukks a few duds in her lifetime.

Back when sucking dikk was seen as taboo in the Black community they asked Charlie Baltimore about her life with Biggie and before her life with Biggie especially in the wake of the Faith Evans marriage and she said said Every woman has to suck some dikk.


Feb 12, 2015
What have you told your sociologist and evolutionary biologist friends about this site?
Nothing yet! Tomorrow we gon have a laugh at the assumption that all Western cultures are alike and comparable in terms of gender norms.
And women apparently not having biological impetus oriented towards hoarding resources to provide for offspring unless mitigated by cultural values.:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: