Crayola Coyote
"I've been busy" - I'm not that into you so i've been ignoring you hoping you would get the hint
what a a$$hole

"I've been busy" - I'm not that into you so i've been ignoring you hoping you would get the hint
Yea, this new age manosphere stuff is getting corny. Women are not a monolith and they don't operate under one set of rules.
Yup always read between the lines. If she ain't making it easy for you, shes not that into you.
End thread once again.Because once men understand their tactics, finding a guy to take them serious becomes way much harder.
Women get men to fall for them through mostly deceptive tactics, the biggest one being make up and perceived weakness. Men get women to fall for them through looks, status, and perceived strength
If you expose women’s tactics, it takes away their advantages
That Ancient Greek bs sciencewomen aren't evil but they occupy a different class, a more privileged one and they are evolutionarily incentivized to deceive both themselves and potential mates
Yeah their shaming him because he’s giving away their whole playbook.I see women in the comments triggered, angry, and calling him homosexual.
Thats how you know its #FACTS
"He must be gay" = "Wow he's dropping facts"
"Who hurt you" = "Wow facts"
"You hate women" = "Wow, so many facts"
If you can’t attack the message attack the messenger. The technique actually goes back thousands of yearsIt's like the women in the comments are auto-generated. They really can't come up with a different response than "who hurt you?".
got this from a Latina bytch at work.turned her into bait and got a Gothic cac bytch now.Got hit with the "I don't want to rush things" earlier in the summer
Seen her posting about how she met her soulmate about a week after getting dry through texts with me
The women can be mad in the comments all they want, he speaking facts![]()
Say it again for everyoneWhen a woman is really into you they don't play games,they are always available, and all their "rules" go out the window. It's really that simple.
Have it your way fine"- Im gonna still do what I want and make things worse
He is like brother- Hes the other guy
My ex was an controlling a$$hole- He put me in my place and I still love him.Would have had his baby. In fact your are the stepfather to his baby
I would never do that,that is nasty- I would do that for Tyrone.Chad, Trey Songz and personal trainer at my gym definetely not you
This guy at work harasses me bae- I use the nerd to cover ,you met the other dude and didnt even know it dumbass
As for 2nd date maybe- NO,but I might use you for a free meal if im bored and hungry. Im just thinking if you would be dumb enough to take me to expensive restaurant on 2nd date
I got rid of my dating apps once i got into a relationship with you- No I didnt I have a profile on Hinge you dont know about
I have nothing to hide- Im just not dumb to get caught,I always cover my tracks
Im going out with the girls for Keishas birthday- We gonna let simps buy us drinks and Im personally wanna see who is on the market.
Me and the girls are planning a trip Summer 2022- Gonna have hot girl summer once we officially break up