"Woke" black people. Can we discuss these shirts, hashtags, and memes?

Black Steph Curry

Lines are being drawn in the sand.
Jan 3, 2017
Huntsville, AL
Its simple. Alternative (may or may not be from tha burbs, may or may not be biracial) nikkas who feel disillusioned from tha black community due to varying reasons, and therefore have major identity issues, have seen tha recent uptick in tha media attention given to tha harsh realities of being black in america as their way to latch on to some sort of identity, they see it as a trend, and treat it as such. A very juvenile way of thinking. it can be compared to an insecure teenager who doesnt feel like they belong, so they attach themselves to a clique 4 a sense of belonging, or a street gang. U can call this gang tha 'woke' gang:mjlol: now u have certain sets of tha 'woke' gang. Like tha 'hotep' set. or tha 'shea butter' set. Just like a real gang, tha 'woke' gang has even developed its own lingo(an example of this would be 'misogynoir'). This serves 2 purposes:
1: to further tha sense of identity within tha 'woke' gang.
2: When a person uses these terms, they become easily identifiable as a 'woke' gang member, letting them know they're on tha same team.
Nonetheless, tha goal of most of their validation seeking members remains tha same. Mirror mirror on tha wall, to prove tht they are tha wokest of them all. Just as overzealous low level gang members commit gruesome and dangerous crimes to prove tht they are 'hard enough', members of the 'woke' gang participate in what they believe are acts of 'wokeness', which basically amounts to posturing on social media. "Look at this #blackgirl/boy magic shirt i'm wearing, i'm so woke!:krs:" "My afro is nappier than yours, i'm so woke!:krs:" "My black soap and kente cloth is imported straight from Lagos, i'm so woke!:krs:" "Look at me, i traveled to baton rouge to hold up a #blacklivesmatter sign, i'm woker than all yall:birdman:" All it is is empty posturing for social media validation. Pretty lame if u ask me. Hell u even see it on here. So many outlandish comments have been uttered on this site all in tha name of a dap+rep. nikkas will post one thing, and then contradict themselves 2 months later if it goes with tha coli flavor of tha week.:russ: Im willing to bet tha majority of tha posters on here on tha extra tryhard rara hotep shyt can count on one hand tha number of black ppl theyve associated themselves with in their lives, not including family, b4 they found this site. tha shyt is see thru like generic toilet paper bruh.:mjlol: the saying 'thou doth protest too much' comes 2 mind. Think about this. Take a look at all tha outspoken black political/social figures throughout tha last century. mlk. malcolm x. marcus garvey. medgar evers. muhammad ali. tupac shakur. When have they ever felt tha need to prove to anybody how 'woke' they are, or tht they were proud 2 be black? they knew tha situation our ppl were in, felt strongly about it, and did something about it tht had tangible results. we need more of tht. less social media posturing for validation. this aint no woke pageant bih:mjlol:
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Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
I agree that these shirts are trash and counterproductive.

It's usually the "Black people didn't accept me because I listened to rock music" nikkas on this tip. Wild shyt is that they're actually appealing to White people on some "I'm not like those other Blacks" type shyt.

You bought the gloves out today boi.

King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt

Deray a real sell-out man.
Why this guy got corporate sponsors like PAtagonia that are obviously white-owned when he's trying to be a pro-black revolutionary?
Where does he get his funding from?
I used to support this guy until I read into him, now I just find him really suspicious.
I don't care about him being gay, I care abiout this dude obviously being propped up as a puppet with BLM being used as counter opposition.

Seriously? Patagoina sponsors him? I had no idea.

Regine Hunter

Captain Fupa
Dec 14, 2013
I feel that's a very lazy and non-thoughtful analysis, Black people wear these shirts to signal a message to someone, they want someone to know they're "quirky" or "awkward" or "insecure".
I disagree but aight Matt.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Or maybe this thread is full of projections and reaches. Notice that everyone here is going in on these people and giving thier whole (probably incorrect) life story off of what they assume to be the reasoning for wearing a t shirt.

Coli posters will link anything to asking for white acceptance no matter whether it's the case or not.

1.) When people wear stuff that says "I'm awkward and I'm black" it doesn't mean "I'm a special snowflake uppity black person that looks down on everyone else please white people accept me" like I've seen coli posters in this very thread assume

If these people had a T-shirt that said "I'm awkward" or "I'm xyz" without the "I'm black part" coli posters would STILL assume they are on that :mjpls: trying to hide their blackness and for proof look for any thread on this site on black women into cosplay or whatever alt shyt and you will see them saying the same thing.

We live in an individualistic society where everyone wants to show themselves to the world. What if the people wearing it are trying to say "I'm xyz way but I'm still proud of my blackness and not on that :mjpls:" ? That is the exact OPPOSITE meaning than the one being pushed

2.) People on this board say terms such as "black photographer" all the time and we know being black and being a photographer are not mutually exclusive.

3.) Also isn't "I'm awkward, I'm black" a reference to the web-series Awkward Black Girl:gucci: the show is a hit here and this seems like the most straightforward way of referencing the show on merchandise. Why are we even trying to go so in-depth with this?

This just seems to be searching for something to be vexed with black people over
Yep. Another reaching example of these dudes spreading their misery. No group is more fake woke than the coli uber militant crew, who feel mixed people aren't considered black. Get out of here. Also, if some black people don't feel acceptance because they like rock music, as an example, who made them feel less than accepted? It's like my question about how we clown dark skinned people...got glossed over. Love to complain about so called c00ns but won't admit our hand in creating them.

Black Sinatra

Raised Glass to the Squandered Potentials..
May 14, 2013
Like all things we gave light to and was initially powerful. It has been shared and is now perverted into a monetary avenue. Hotep is now an insult, our women are calling us ashy kangz, woke is now a meme.
Pro black is now =too militant = angry black man = not taken serious and must have afro and ak 47.
Militant is now an insult.
Intersectional is for every correlated grouping......except where it intersects for Black Men and Black Women...nah it's a broken line then:patrice:.
We wasted an opportunity. It will be 50-90 years before another generation stands up....unfortunately the only historical record and books to reference will be on fems, Trans, and BLM....those kids are gonna be like
":why:how the fukk were they planning on getting liberation with this shyt?"


All Star
May 13, 2012
Kalamazoo, MI #ADOS
I think a lot of this is a result of black celebrity and how they can manipulate these types of messages to keep the masses of black people politically stagnate and unable to rally around an agenda that benefits the group as a whole. Selling you the idea that certain personality traits supercede your blackness as the reason for your inhumane treatment. As posters pointed out some black people identify with these traits allowing them to more easily blame other blacks for their condition when they should really be focused on racism/white supremacy. It's unfortunate that so many black celebrities promote or push these types of messages simply because a black face is attached to it while not really looking at the social ramifications of such messages.


All Star
Jun 2, 2012
Why are yall always so damn extra?

Its a shirt

Ive seen "thick and curvy" "black and proud" "pretty girls like trap music"

So whats the problem again?