Rock not playing 3rd or 4th fiddle to a racc00n and/or a tree voiced by Vin in Guardians
Rock not playing Jaws 2.0 with no lines for 007
Rock not getting killed by Goslin in the first 10 minutes in 2049
If Rock wants to be Kratos, he will be Kratos
Exactly. Yes Dave is doing well and I’m happy for him. But his movies aren’t about his characters. He’s not the headliner. Again, not saying I like all of rocks movies. If I had to pick I’m watching Batistas stuff 9 times out of 10. But if we’re talking business, purely from a money standpoint, they’re not playing in the same league. One is doing shows as the drummer or the guy who plays tambourine and the other is lead singer or lead guitar. We’re comparing ringo to John or Paul