Is he over-saturating himself? Should he slow down on all the movies he puts out a year or just take his losses when he can and keep it moving?
It's partially this IMO. People are fickle and easily tire of seeing the same actor over and over again. Especially in what is essentially the same role.
Now if his goal is to collect as many checks as possible RIGHT NOW then he should do him and stay on his current trajectory, but the roles WILL dry up, salaries will decrease and ticket sales will plummet soon enough. But if he wants to have any kind of longevity - which is already going to be difficult for an off-white middle aged man - he needs to A) ease up on the number of films he chooses to do and B) show A LOT more discernment when it comes to roles he accepts.
Like someone else said, how did he ever sign on to Baywatch? Random people on the internet knew that was going to be a flop when it was just a rumor and not even cast, meaning well before production. So how did this info escape his notice?
But hey, maybe being on top isn't his main goal. He may just be the type who likes getting paid and is good enough at different things to keep his fingers in many pies. I mean dude has gone from being a championship winning college ball player, to a wrestling superstar and household name to a bonafide actor and currently THE highest paid in his field. He very well may not want to be great, just PAID.