Red Shield
Global Domination
That's not a solution or an option Black folks are willing to take.
keyword willing.
Like I said before black folk/aa's won't have shyt to do with it or ws ending.
That's not a solution or an option Black folks are willing to take.
As of right now... none. 10-30yrs from now
Tanzania is on a good track
I also disagree with the Tanzania kick some of yall are on.
To be a superpower, you have to have an imperial mindset and I don't ever see Tanzania being expansionist.
A country like Ethiopia on the other hand....
Either way, like I keep telling yall...this is an impossible question to even begin to answer.
John Magufuli is bulldozing the opposition and wrecking the economy ill in a hospital in Nairobi, Tundu Lissu, the chief whip of Tanzania’s main opposition party, Chadema, is a lesson to those who would criticise the Tanzanian president, John Magufuli (pictured). On September 7th Mr Lissu was gunned down in broad daylight near his house in the sleepy administrative capital, Dodoma, after returning from a session in parliament. The attempted assassination came just two weeks after he was arrested—for the sixth time—for such things as insulting the president. It is not clear who was behind the attack. A month later, the government has yet to make any arrests. Mr Lissu had previously complained about being followed, and said he worried he might be killed. “This cowardly attack on one of Tanzania’s most fearless and prominent politicians raises concerns about the safety of all dissident voices in the country, at a time when space for dissent is quickly shrinking,” said Amnesty International, a human-rights group.
Tanzania, a country of 55m people on the East African coast, is rarely seen as one of Africa’s problem cases. Unlike Congo, Uganda or Burundi, it has never had a civil war or a military dictatorship. And although its elections have never once ousted the party (and its predecessor) that has governed Tanzania since independence in 1962, nor are they especially bloody affairs. Yet over the past two years, since the election of John Magufuli, Tanzania’s descent into autocracy has been stunning. It is a lesson in how when the presidency is strong and other institutions are weak, a single bad leader can set a country back many years.
The attack on Mr Lissu occurred in an atmosphere of intensifying political repression. Opposition rallies have been banned for almost a year on spurious security grounds. Dozens of people have been arrested for insulting the president on internet chat groups under a cybercrimes law. Even musicians have not escaped the rap.
It's none of them to be honest unless Blacks in America end white supremacy as the rule of the global land.
Black people in America are the only ones who can change Africans faith but it won't be by business
You guys always over-rate Tanzania. Their president is crazy authoritarian just type President Magufuli on google and see all the news stories criticizing him for arresting half the nation. And whats all this talk of industrialization, Ethiopia and Kenya have waaay more Industrial parks. I don't know what hypnotic love potions got you guys so hooked on Tanzania.
Blacks in America aint ending anything.
We've taken too many hits physically, mentally, and spiritually. Most probably just wanna check out and be done with the struggle.
We CAN "escape" White Supremacy. We call it "Liberation." Topple it? Very doubtful...
I was agreeing with you in that post man
WS ends when this country get's glassed. The west will have lost it's military might at that point...reason what the eu wants to create a eu army. Which won't work....