The other day when I came home from work, I passed this couple...
It was a skinny white skater dude, and a very pretty light-skinned black girl with a natural afro. They were probably 18 or 19.
I couldn't help but think of the coli saying that natural haired black women always go for white boys.
That in NYC? It ain't just the Coli. shyt on my FB thread with the younger bros stay encountering that shyt too.

Got one Brother in particular a skater dude just shaking his head when he sees these "natural" sisters with a White boy cause a Brother who skates is just posing

I guess Lupe wasn't enough to make the "trend" that sisters have to ride instead of blazing their own trail when it comes to choosing Men.
And as usual Women have to attribute emotions to shyt when a Man has an opinion on something she does.
I don't see a single nikka on here "mad" the main hypocrisy we are pointing out is when we form ranking lists with American Black Women dead last they got a problem with it on the majority of forums - But again - Reading comprehension is critical here - Most Black Men don't give a fukk who this Woman in particular dating because we not hollering at her and a growing number of us not interested in American Black Women period. And if you not interested in us then why do you care what our opinion is either way?
Now I am of the "Defcon" 5 approach - A lot of people say "It's sad" and all that crybaby

bullshyt about how Black Men and Women cannot communicate in America, the sons and daughters of slaves (Africans you are not in this discussion). But increasingly I've realized that the situation
IS NOT SALVAGEABLE no matter what the stats say Our single baby momma head of household rate is 70%, therefore to say the "VAST MAJORITY OF BLACK MEN" are still marrying Black Women is flat out
INACCURATE - With a 30% rate of participation in the home this is clearly still a MINORITY - What they should be saying is the "Vast majority of Black Men still fukk" Black Women. So because we still "fukk with" Black Women on the side it means we are still committed to them? This is how illogical Women's minds operate. 1+1 = 3?
@MikeElam23 you are only 3 years younger than me but I've been debating online for a while now and I really try not to address Women. My posts are mainly to wake up Brothers to their options . As I mentioned in another post there is no point in arguing with a Woman and I've really got to stick with that including undercover DL gay nikkas on this board along with their "straight" but bowl legged walking

nikka counterparts.
A lot of nikkas really have no brain and their only talking point when it comes to subjects like these is "Why you care" "U Mad" and "I ain't got no problems so it must be YOU" notice that?
Maybe the shyt I write aggravates them emotionally so they have to project that bullshyt back out on my post. They not being true to themselves or some shyt and want to say the same thing but they momma (or in some cases daddy, if he was 'round) raised them to mince words with Women "uplift" them talking that sweet mumbo jumbo jive turkey bullshyt
Who is more desperate in reality... The nikka coming to these hoes defense regarding their hypocrisy - Or the nikkas being 100 about their opinions?
Don't give a fukk if yall consider my posts "Madgraphs" or not or "Did not read" it just shows your ignorance and I question how some of yall nikkas even managed to get degrees and a job beyond a line cook at McEDeez