Mentioned this on another thread but if they want to get with Massa so be it.
I don't advocate dating White Women for Brothers unless that is the only other alternative in your area (i.e. - Midwest).
In order of preference of general compatibility with the average Black American Man:
- South American
- Central American
- African (#3 because a lot of em hate us for whatever multitude of reasons)
- Native American
- Southeast Asian
- East Asian (China, Korea, Japan)
- Mexican/Peruvian/Chilean Women
- White Women (Eastern European)
- White Women (Western)
- Black Women from Western countries outside of the U.S. (UK/Canada/AU/Germany/etc)
- Black American Women
Now in certain cases, African Women could be #1 if they don't come with that judgmental Anti-Yankee attitude.

Brazilian is #1 because they respect and love American Black Men the most compared to any other foreign country IMHO.