Big Rufus is gonna give me a daughter named Apple
I'm not a bytch. I'm going off of what I've seen u post.
U come off as an attention whore. U might would have been cool if u just simply introduced yourself instead of trying to make us play a guessing game as if we were supposed to know u.
And yes I know it's a bob haircut and yes it's hideous on u
U can call me a prude all u want. At least I'm not stupid enough to go to a randoms mans house from the club. Your dumbass is gonna get raped if u dnt be careful
You're not a bytch?

Well I get compliments on my hair all the time by people that see me in person so

This thread was just for fun cuz I was tired of being accused of being **** or observe in other threads and I was genuinely curious who they thought I was
Still surprised at how many people thought I was black and how many people thought I was a dude

I never intended for this thread or my Vine account to blow up like this and to spawn a 2nd thread that also blew up. Wasn't looking for so much attention, I was just curious. Nothing to get worked up over!
And about going to dude's house, it was around the corner and we literally just drank some water then went back to the club.
He made a move and I said no and that was that...went back to the club. I can handle myself honey, but thanks for your concern!