Living dead
The awkward looks I got around my white friends when I said I don't find white women attractive were COMEDY.
They looked all in their feelings. This Is after I recall them vividly saying they find black women to be the least attractive females too.
They can think nothing of your own but the second you let it be known you feel the same way about their blue eyed white skinned princesses they look at you like you're a weirdo
Think a black man not being into your women weird when you always refer to his race of women as "being cute for a black girl" brehs.
They don't even bring race up around me anymore cuz they know I got that work. As far as my non-black friends are concerned we keep it strictly video games, sports, wrestling, t.v. and movies. I can't talk deep with them like I can with my black friends or I know I'd end up cutting them off.
You rock!