Black women don't want you, yet expect you to rot away.
Most nikkaz in jail got a seed or a couple women he can beat on his first day off from release
That's what I don't get.
Most young black women in the 16 - 25 bracket aren't checking for the "corny" guys who end up with your average Becky.
I have an associate that goes to Auburn that never got a second look from black women but now that's he's about graduate in Engineering and is with a brunette white woman, chicks we grew up with are on his FB page throwing salt.
Y'all never wanted buddy and he got in where he fit.
Dude never has a bad thing to say about black women either and has two sisters, so the old, "Just don't badmouth us," thing isn't holding up.
These women chests' will get tight as hell seeing a cornball brother with a white woman but they didn't want to date him.
It's some ol' "If I can't have you, no one can," possessive shyt.
The kicker is that you don't want son, though.

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