Tariq aired them out in Sunday's UStream. This picture of "Zaza" with a Hustler magazine (porn mag) shirt and Gucci shades is from 2010:
He also showed "Zaza's" court indictment, which revealed she was facing thirty years in Fed time...but somehow she says she got off without snitching. Yeah, ok.
Irritated Genie was also working for DHS at one point...so there you have Griff going on a lecture tour with two probable agents/snitches. Who are now randomly going in on Tariq right when he starts funding Hidden Colors 4. Sounds more than a little fishy.
And his greater point in exposing them was to show that most of these current 'conscious' cats are powerless YouTube scholars who haven't built anything or put any tangible work in. Blacks are getting gentrified all over the country while these dudes are out here debating each other endlessly and not pooling any money or building anything.
Some people may disagree with Tariq going at these fools but he's right in that we need to purge bullshytters who are getting off-code. History and spirituality are important to uplift ourselves but more importantly they need to be followed up with action.
If you're yapping your gums all year long as a career and you haven't built or aren't building anything...and then go at someone who is building and has built...you're off-code, period.