Respect to GMB coalition @Tony_Bromo @kevm3 @Emperor_ReinScarf Ill have a moment of honesty and admit, I'd like to marry a black woman, but I just haven't found one worth marrying.
A lot of black women(ages 23-43) I meet are just outright rude or condescending, for no real reason. I could understand if j had done something to them for them to be upset with me, but I dont even know them that well and they're taking out their life frustrations on me? No thank you.
The rest usually end up toting their business minds/degrees/work in my face, like I need to be reminded constantly.
Yes, I know you have a good job. I have one, own a business and real estate company myself, but I'm not reminding you of it all the time(I just keep my mouth shut about it and get the work done). I dont even care about that though, can we move on and enjoy ourselves please?
I don't even want to count How many times I pulled out the G8GT or the SS, got dressed up, went out somewhere nice, and they sabotage the outing for no real reason just because they're nervous about me acting like a man/controlling the situation/ being laid back/not thirsty over them.
I've never had any other race do that. It's like they don't even know how to relax and enjoy themselves.
And that's the "GOOD" ones. The ones that are a headache(users,cheaters,hoes, semi reformed hoes) I don't even entertain, they disqualify themselves very quickly. I don't want to be the guy who can't walk in places around my city because I don't know who my wife has rolled in the hay with(I'm seeing all the reformed hoes(who are still hoeing) getting engaged to suckers, that's my worst fear) @beaniemac @Clark Kent @a murda You guys know how these Chicago women are, am I lying or what? The whole west side and Hammond/Gary done been in it and she think she can hide it from a guy in Hyde Park/Lincoln Park long enough to get a ring/baby or shake the stigma of being loose. I see it often with these sisters.
If we can't make it past any of that how can I consider marrying them?![]()
a good women who can find for she is far precious than rubies