Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Feb 20, 2013
False but nice try.
@MarsPunka is the homie. Dates interracially and I've never called her any such thing.
That term is reserved for black women who activley deride black men and/or can't date interacially without disparaging men who look like me.
And no, you come to a message board filled with black men to talk down to black men, then I'll continue to respond.
If you have a problem with that, eventually you'll build a bridge and get over it or you'll utilize the ignore function.
And I've never claimed to be pro black, so me taking note of a poster who does while dating interracially does dikk to help your argument, nor does it apply to me.
In fact, it accomplishes the opposite.
Again, it's not hard to comprehend but you have a role to play.
again, what role is that? Like I said, I don't support either parties lol

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
But she wasn't dropping n bombs. That's why this whole thread is :snoop:

She was using the word to describe what whoreberry said. She had to use it repeatedly to make a point that many of you seemed to miss. You should be angry, but the anger should be directed towards @whoreberry.

The original premise of this thread is entirely flawed. Ok, she is unladylike and hypocritical. But that wasn't why this thread was started. If OP wanted to call her out, then he should have called her out on something solid, i.e. - the interracial hypocrisy. Calling her out for calling out someone else is stupid. You can take objection to her tone, but losing sight of the motive is unproductive.
Did op not include all of the info in his post? No, but its just part of the bigger problem a lot of us have witnessed


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
She lives in Harlem on 124th street park avenue. Harlem native indeed. Might drive around there if I have time. :mjpls:

I don't have a problem with you expressing your views on the black community, however posts like this....

Is questionable. Even @Elle Driver called you out on it but you....


Her question. You can't be problack and lust after the enemy. But do you brehette, do you. :mjpls:
I got A LOT of people on ignore. And I don't explain myself. either people get it or they don't. If someone doesn't fukk with me because they can't tell when I'm being sarcastic or not, I can't help them. Once I start explaining, I've lost.

I'm obviously occupying time and space in people's minds and what's so funny, they're so insignificant to me, I can't see their posts.

Making one post about one white man in passing is not significant enough to draw any conclusions. That's inductive reasoning.

I actually made a thread about logic to HELP people understand and learn how to reason and think critically.


Jun 7, 2015
I got A LOT of people on ignore. And I don't explain myself. either people get it or they don't. If someone doesn't fukk with me because they can't tell when I'm being sarcastic or not, I can't help them. Once I start explaining, I've lost.

I'm obviously occupying time and space in people's minds and what's so funny, they're so insignificant to me, I can't see their posts.

Making one post about one white man in passing is not significant enough to draw any conclusions. That's inductive reasoning.

I actually made a thread about logic to HELP people understand and learn how to reason and think critically.
You can't even think critically.. You post the same problem over and over. :dead::dead::dead:


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
But she wasn't dropping n bombs. That's why this whole thread is :snoop:

She was using the word to describe what whoreberry said. She had to use it repeatedly to make a point that many of you seemed to miss. You should be angry, but the anger should be directed towards @whoreberry.

The original premise of this thread is entirely flawed. Ok, she is unladylike and hypocritical. But that wasn't why this thread was started. If OP wanted to call her out, then he should have called her out on something solid, i.e. - the interracial hypocrisy. Calling her out for calling out someone else is stupid. You can take objection to her tone, but losing sight of the motive is unproductive.
Thank you.


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
You can't even think critically.. You post the same problem over and over. :dead::dead::dead:
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning — Free Online Course Materials — USU OpenCourseWare

Deduction: In the process of deduction, you begin with some statements, called 'premises', that are assumed to be true, you then determine what else would have to be true if the premises are true. For example, you can begin by assuming that God exists, and is good, and then determine what would logically follow from such an assumption. You can begin by assuming that if you think, then you must exist, and work from there. In mathematics, you can also start will a premise and begin to prove other equations or other premises. With deduction you can provide absolute proof of your conclusions, given that your premises are correct. The premises themselves, however, remain unproven and unprovable, they must be accepted on face value, or by faith, or for the purpose of exploration. 1

Examples of deductive logic:

All men are mortal. Joe is a man. Therefore Joe is mortal. If the first two statements are true, then the conclusion must be true. 2

Bachelor's are unmarried men. Bill is unmarried. Therefore, Bill is a bachelor. 3

To get a Bachelor's degree at Utah Sate University, a student must have 120 credits. Sally has more than 130 credits. Therefore, Sally has a bachelor's degree.

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Induction: In the process of induction, you begin with some data, and then determine what general conclusion(s) can logically be derived from those data. In other words, you determine what theory or theories could explain the data. For example, you note that the probability of becoming schizophrenic is greatly increased if at least one parent is schizophrenic, and from that you conclude that schizophrenia may be inherited. That is certainly a reasonable hypothesis given the data. However, induction does not prove that the theory is correct. There are often alternative theories that are also supported by the data. For example, the behavior of the schizophrenic parent may cause the child to be schizophrenic, not the genes. What is important in induction is that the theory does indeed offer a logical explanation of the data. To conclude that the parents have no effect on the schizophrenia of the children is not supportable given the data, and would not be a logical conclusion. 1

Examples of inductive logic:

This cat is black. That cat is black A third cat is black. Therefore all cats are are black. 2

This marble from the bag is black. That marble from the bag is black. A third marble from the bag is black. Therefore all the marbles in the bag black. 2

Two-thirds of my latino neighbors are illegal immigrants. Therefore, two-thirds of latino immigrants come illegally.

Most universities and colleges in Utah ban alcohol from campus. That most universities and colleges in the U.S. ban alcohol from campus.

Deduction and induction by themselves are inadequate to make a compelling argument. While deduction gives absolute proof, it never makes contact with the real world, there is no place for observation or experimentation, no way to test the validity of the premises. And, while induction is driven by observation, it never approaches actual proof of a theory. Therefore an effective paper will include both types of logic. 1

  1. More on Logic
  2. Deduction and Induction
  3. Good and Bad Arguments

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