Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Aug 25, 2015
I have no idea. :yeshrug:. The hypocrisy regarding interracial dating is obvious with a lot of posters on here so it wouldn't be surprising if she's also one of them.

Well... she does

She makes a point of mentioning the destructive properties of Pawglife in almost every thread... which I have no issue with.
But to turn around and be fine with IR dating when it concerns her is... :patrice:.
You know me, I don't give a shyt what people do/like, just be consistent and honest and I'll respect that. :ehh:

Don't fake like you're something you are not.. that simple :whoa:.


Aug 13, 2014
Private school and Ivy League educated, 180 IQ but isn't able to nuance. :ohhh:

She lives in Harlem on 124th street park avenue. Harlem native indeed. Might drive around there if I have time. :mjpls:

If you hate yourself, you're not going to like me.

If your IQ is below 160 you're not going to understand my posts.

If you sent Scarberry dikk pics, I can see why you're pissed. You're defending your precious ugly cumbucket PAWG.

I bring the ether that you cannot handle if you start some shyt.

If you want EVERYTHING the white man got, you're not going to understand me.

If you cannot comprehend written English above an 11th grade level- my posts will leave you perplexed.

I cannot help you with that.


Obviously it's a lot more :dame: than strong minded individuals.

:scust:You Eliott Rodger muthafuccas with yo ashy dikks living in yo moms basements will NEVER like me. Because I continue to remind you that you'll never get up, get out and do something. Because you'll always be cowards and crybabies.:sadbron:

I don't have a problem with you expressing your views on the black community, however posts like this....

How do I reconcile my feelings for this white dude I just met with my #ColiMilitantcy

Honestly, I can separate historical events from INDIVIDUAL people, and I've honestly never had a problem with white people interpersonally BUT as a Black woman should I be more suspicious of a white man. This guy is super dope, he's handsome, manly, kind, hardworking. And he's a grown ass man.

I've been around white people my whole life, but I've never give a white man a chance...

What's happening to me?

As a matter of fact, he's a man to me. Just like any other man. The only reason I'm pointing out that he's white is because I'm posting on the Coli.

He's soooo masculine. Hunting, fishing, horseback riding and all that other shyt. And he has a pickup truck soooo high that I damn near need a ladder to get in.

It was love at first sight though.

Am I getting soft?:mjpls:

Is questionable. Even @Elle Driver called you out on it but you....


Her question. You can't be problack and lust after the enemy. But do you brehette, do you. :mjpls:

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
You're still missing the point. In addition to her dropping n bombs she was on here talking shyt about the men here as if we didn't want strawberry and we pawg while she was in blesst's racist thread slurping his dikk and is going around conflicted about dating white men

If this was a breh attacking the women here, dropping "nikka bytches" and slurping up strawberry there would be no hesitation from y'all to call him out

It would be but depending on the person protesting and what they're saying I probably wouldn't take their outrage seriously.

I'm not saying every person commenting is being phony but certain posters just aren't as believable.


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
If you hate yourself, you're not going to like me.

If your IQ is below 160 you're not going to understand my posts.

If you sent Scarberry dikk pics, I can see why you're pissed. You're defending your precious ugly cumbucket PAWG.

I bring the ether that you cannot handle if you start some shyt.

If you want EVERYTHING the white man got, you're not going to understand me.

If you cannot comprehend written English above an 11th grade level- my posts will leave you perplexed.

I cannot help you with that.



Feb 20, 2013
But can you solve this problem though?

solve this baby math problem while you're at it:

Given φ=x²-y²z find ∇φ at (1,1,1)
All this intelligence and you've only seemed to remember one equation:skip:
Originally Posted by O.o
Thank you! I'm so tired of these hookers and whores on LSA who allegedly have gone to college (paid for by prostitution/escorting) and who are OBVIOUSLY not Black trying to mischaracterize Black women and WTF WE are doing with our lives. Twitter has 0% Black women, because that's what the fucc they want to have. Same with all the other tech companies. They're not low. I've worked in "tech" and these dotcom companies are bastions of privilege and he said/she said hiring recruiting process. They basically try to recreate/replicate their college experience in the workplace. Which in MOST cases was not inclusive or welcoming of Black women. Because even if Black women ATTEND HARVARD or MIT, we're seen as a threat to these fuccbois because they THINK they have a monopoly on intelligence. It burns their fuccin SOULS to see a Black woman who can run circles around their cheating/copying last years tests/homework asses.

So anyways, fucc Twitter or #FuccTwitter because they REFUSE to hire Black women. We shouldn't be keeping them or Facebook or IG or any of that shyt relevant when we have a Black owned social media app Tributaree that we are NOT supporting. And before anyone says shyt about how many downloads it has, it's a fuccin startup and they have to START somewhere.

Any Black person that is NOT using Tributaree (and CONTINUES to use Twitter, et al) is a tap dancing Lee Daniels with no respect for themselves!

The stupid non-Black whores in this thread who can't even solve a fuccin algebra problem need to sit the FUCC down and shut the fucc up, because there ARE Black women educated and qualified to compete and excel in tech jobs.

TLDR: if you can't solve this BASIC AZZ freshman year problem and/or you're not an actual REAL LIFE Black woman:

Given φ=x²-y²z find ∇φ at (1,1,1)

Then stay the fucc out of threads talking Black women and what the fucc we are doing! I cannot stand you
"e-Black" whores constantly speaking out of turn on Black women. We KNOW that you're only here on LSA to plot and scheme on fuccing/trapping Black men. I see a couple made it into the first couple of responses.


Dec 4, 2014
Truth and logic
You're still missing the point. In addition to her dropping n bombs she was on here talking shyt about the men here as if we didn't want strawberry and we pawg while she was in blesst's racist thread slurping his dikk and is going around conflicted about dating white men

If this was a breh attacking the women here, dropping "nikka bytches" and slurping up strawberry there would be no hesitation from y'all to call him out

But she wasn't dropping n bombs. That's why this whole thread is :snoop:

She was using the word to describe what whoreberry said. She had to use it repeatedly to make a point that many of you seemed to miss. You should be angry, but the anger should be directed towards @whoreberry.

The original premise of this thread is entirely flawed. Ok, she is unladylike and hypocritical. But that wasn't why this thread was started. If OP wanted to call her out, then he should have called her out on something solid, i.e. - the interracial hypocrisy. Calling her out for calling out someone else is stupid. You can take objection to her tone, but losing sight of the motive is unproductive.
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