Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
This has been buggin me and made me quite insecure for the majority of the 28 years of my life. Went to predominately black school and was quiet and never "cool" or fit in. Actually got picked on until I did my own thing and excelled in sports and became a D1 silent but respected jock.
I was always smart, well-cultured and open-minded (played different instruments, listened to all music including classical music) but couldn't say the same for the people around me. I've had some black friends but not as much compared to my white friends throughout my life. I've had to weave through the black people who were ignorant and probably thought I wasn't hood enough for them and told me I talk "white" because I'm educated and speak intelligently, and the ignorant racist/prejudice white people who think I'm going to kill them..
Stop hanging with Ignorant black people?

If you live around Ignorant black people, leave the minute you can or don't fukk with 'em if they ain't fukking with you 'cause of how you are.
The most you can do is be REAL on both fronts. Don't front infront of either social group and act like you're more a part of them than the other, on some turncoat shyt.
In the mid 90's I branched out and started listening to Rock music heavy when Vh1 used to play music. As much as I loved Bone Thugs, The Wu, Busta Rhymes, Das EFX and (Crucial Conflict.

Then I started to travel, met and made more white friends who were thrilled that I liked Metal and Folk music but would kinda tense up when they noticed I fukked with The Wu Tang and other 'Hard rap' when they themselves was too busy spreading that horrid phrase about 'RAP = Retards Attempting Poetry'. Had to cut off the latent racist ones and explain that I like anything that sounds good, fukk listening predominantly to a genre because of my skin colour

It's a bit of a balancing act, but at 28 you should have already had your own identity. I mean, at no point in time did I feel like I needed to act like the white, skater crowd because I got into Punk music and Tony Hawk nor did I ever feel the need to rock Timbs, Baggy Jeans and 'Yank' like I spent time in Staten Island because I went abroad a few Summer Holidays which was like a huge fad for ALOT of Caribbean Black folk in the 90's to just ditch their identity because they just got a greencard or some shyt and felt like they were moving on up like that Theme song.

Just do you, man. Or move if you can.

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