Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
I think you're an attention whore.

Heres why:

1. Your Fake Exposal Thread dropping random nudes :scust:

2. Petty "Exposal" of @agnosticlady when all she was doing was posting pictures of cute children on your blatant bait thread :comeon:

3. This fukking thread :camby:

I swear to god Attention Whoring is the staple of American women in this day in age. :camby:


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
Some of the stuff said and done was foul. Entertaining… but foul. So no... I don't think you are a bad person.
Jul 6, 2012
A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
I already posted this definition...
this is how texas A&M university defines if you want to use an academic definition
First of their are over a dozen "definitions of culture" and your definition isn't in Webster's Dictionary apparently
I read the definition you posted, and it is the same with what I posted.
The fact you think black people have the same customs and beliefs as white people tells me you've never believed in a black community
Black people do have the same customs as White people in America...You follow the same law and patterns of social behavior that maintain social harmony...When you need a favor you say "please," when you receive a favor you say "thank you"

The definition of respect is the same for Black Americans and White Americans (generally speaking)...For example, the way a well educated Black Man is taught to respect a woman is the same as the way a White Man is taught to respect a woman...

So, if you take race and socioeconomic status out of the way, a Black Man in New York will have no problem dating a White Woman from New York, because the process is the same and the expectation is the same...

On the other hand, an Arab Man would have to be VERY careful, because they have different definitions of respect...

So please give me an example of how Black American beliefs are different from White Americans...
Secondly you don't know what customs and beliefs are judging by that retarded shyt you wrote, so let me define them for you
Sociology. a group pattern of habitual activity usually transmitted from one generation to another.
The way blacks take care of their hair alone is a custom thats not white lmao
1) You are using that definition the wrong way...The custom in America (for the most part) is that you must have neat healthy looking hair before you go to work...That is the custom...It is the same for Blacks and Whites...

The way that Blacks and Whites adhere to this custom has MANY variations between the individual races themselves...It almost like you are telling me there are +300 Million hair customs in America...

I wouldn't say the way Black People manage their hair is a custom, it is a TREND...The way Black People with "good hair" manage their hair is different from the way other black people manage their hair...

It is a trend that arises due to the genetics of Black People, and it has been changing over time...From Afros to perms, to jerry curls, to cornrows, to bald, and now it is dreadlocks...

It has NO special meaning for black people...How many Black Americans with dreadlocks today are doing it as a symbol of their spirituality/tradition?

Even White people do dreadlocks....:mjlol:There is a difference between custom and trend...

the 4th of july s not for black people it's a national holiday so people BBQ any just like an immigrant would, black people celebrate JUNETEENTH not white people
BBQs on the 4th of July is American culture...If an immigrant wants to assimilate, he BETTER get with the program or raise suspicion...That is EXACTLY how you distinguish culture...

Most people who identify as American know 4th of July is BBQ time...The day is symbolic, the custom is pasted on from generation to generation, the people know this what they have to do without thinking about it...

Look at your definition of Culture and reconsider your statement...

I have been on this forum for 3 years now, I have been l have been on SOHH, the NAS BBS, the Nas Forums, been listening to Hip Hop since My older brother introduced me to "Dear Mama", and I today is the first time I find about JUNETEENTH...

So my question is "Do Black Americans really value the symbolism of this day, do they teach it to their children, and do Black Americans celebrate this day without even thinking about it?"

the fact you do not knows this shows you absolutely nothing about black culture
far as beliefs, you hear black and white people argue on here all the time about beliefs, get a clue and the stuff you said about college isn't even worth addressing
Arguing about beliefs does not necessarily separate cultures...People with different cultures can share the same beliefs...

For example, Nelson Mandela was Xhosa and Jacob Zuma (current South African president) is Zulu, but they were both ANC political party...Different cultures but shared political beliefs...

People of the same culture can have different beliefs...How they confront their differences is the CULTURE...In America, when Dems and Reps have a disagreement, they go to court and congress and elections or whatever...Both these groups believe that is how to resolve disagreements...

In other countries, they just massacre an entire village :russ:

You need to understand the definitions you posted and use them appropriately...
May 15, 2012
I already posted this definition...

I read the definition you posted, and it is the same with what I posted.

Black people do have the same customs as White people in America...You follow the same law and patterns of social behavior that maintain social harmony...When you need a favor you say "please," when you receive a favor you say "thank you"

The definition of respect is the same for Black Americans and White Americans (generally speaking)...For example, the way a well educated Black Man is taught to respect a woman is the same as the way a White Man is taught to respect a woman...

So, if you take race and socioeconomic status out of the way, a Black Man in New York will have no problem dating a White Woman from New York, because the process is the same and the expectation is the same...

On the other hand, an Arab Man would have to be VERY careful, because they have different definitions of respect...

So please give me an example of how Black American beliefs are different from White Americans...

1) You are using that definition the wrong way...The custom in America (for the most part) is that you must have neat healthy looking hair before you go to work...That is the custom...It is the same for Blacks and Whites...

The way that Blacks and Whites adhere to this custom has MANY variations between the individual races themselves...It almost like you are telling me there are +300 Million hair customs in America...

I wouldn't say the way Black People manage their hair is a custom, it is a TREND...The way Black People with "good hair" manage their hair is different from the way other black people manage their hair...

It is a trend that arises due to the genetics of Black People, and it has been changing over time...From Afros to perms, to jerry curls, to cornrows, to bald, and now it is dreadlocks...

It has NO special meaning for black people...How many Black Americans with dreadlocks today are doing it as a symbol of their spirituality/tradition?

Even White people do dreadlocks....:mjlol:There is a difference between custom and trend...

BBQs on the 4th of July is American culture...If an immigrant wants to assimilate, he BETTER get with the program or raise suspicion...That is EXACTLY how you distinguish culture...

Most people who identify as American know 4th of July is BBQ time...The day is symbolic, the custom is pasted on from generation to generation, the people know this what they have to do without thinking about it...

Look at your definition of Culture and reconsider your statement...

I have been on this forum for 3 years now, I have been l have been on SOHH, the NAS BBS, the Nas Forums, been listening to Hip Hop since My older brother introduced me to "Dear Mama", and I today is the first time I find about JUNETEENTH...

So my question is "Do Black Americans really value the symbolism of this day, do they teach it to their children, and do Black Americans celebrate this day without even thinking about it?"

Arguing about beliefs does not necessarily separate cultures...People with different cultures can share the same beliefs...

For example, Nelson Mandela was Xhosa and Jacob Zuma (current South African president) is Zulu, but they were both ANC political party...Different cultures but shared political beliefs...

People of the same culture can have different beliefs...How they confront their differences is the CULTURE...In America, when Dems and Reps have a disagreement, they go to court and congress and elections or whatever...Both these groups believe that is how to resolve disagreements...

In other countries, they just massacre an entire village :russ:

You need to understand the definitions you posted and use them appropriately...

It's not the same because they both say something different lmao and yours isn't in the webster's dictionary lmao

Secondly, hello please, thank you, LMAO


Most of the things you claim are culture is stuff all human beings do, but they do them differently

black americans have american customs becasue we are americans you moron and have always been since the beginning, what makes us different than other americans who share customs with is that we are black and do things differently in our communities
Sep 28, 2012
Christianity was essential designed for Europeans...

translation: white people have their culture designed for them or they borrow from others and the shyt is okay but black folks steal culture and need to be called out on it:troll:...

first you say black folks stole european culture and dont have they original culture but then you say christianity was designed for europeans... if christianity was designed for europeans that dont make it their original culture...europeans replaced their original culture/religions for the ones the jews designed/gave still believe christianity is european after all that so it shouldnt be too difficult for you to believe black culture is black even if it came from not sure any of the shyt you think comes from europe originated in europe...
Jul 6, 2012
It's not the same because they both say something different lmao and yours isn't in the webster's dictionary lmao

Secondly, hello please, thank you, LMAO


Most of the things you claim are culture is stuff all human beings do, but they do them differently

black americans have american customs becasue we are americans you moron and have always been since the beginning, what makes us different than other americans who share customs with is that we are black and do things differently in our communities
Damn guy, travel the world...

Some languages don't have the word for thank you...Some cultures don't have the concept of cousin, step-brother, mother-in-law...

I am done with this discussion. If we can't agree on basic definitions, and some of us don't even understand the definitions we are posting and how to apply them, then we are just dogs chasing our tails...:russ:


Oct 10, 2014
The 🏝️ Of Relevancy
:mjlol:The denial is real.

Thanks for bushing @Always-Right Liggins :handshake:.
Technically, it was already bushed. He just merged it with this "thread" anyway
If you wasn't feeling me.......

How come you told me about you're numerous pregnancies scares


How you have to taken medication because of your illness


How come you sent me several pics(some unflattering)


You asking me who negged me so you can go and neg them.......

Or all those things I stated me being delusional?
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