Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Action Mike

All praise..
Feb 24, 2014
Hmm, anecdotal evidence (in which you don't even know if your partner reached climax), or peer reviewed studies? :jbhmm: I'm going to go with the articles not Stacy screaming at the top of her lungs to stroke your ego all the while you were boring her to death.

Your fellow brehettes are telling you yet...never mind.



May 12, 2014
Hmm, anecdotal evidence (in which you don't even know if your partner reached climax), or peer reviewed studies? :jbhmm: I'm going to go with the articles not Stacy screaming at the top of her lungs to stroke your ego all the while you were boring her to death.

Be sheltered and try to understand everything through studies brehettes
Jul 6, 2012
Nope. It's sub culture of America that's caught in between West/West Central Africa and the British Isles
Are you talking language or dialect?
not quite
This way of thinking is the norm globally for the "modern" thinker unless you are on some old way/tribal thinking
keep thinking that..........the only white americans that are even somewhat similar to Aframs culturally are certain Southern whites and that's for obvious reasons.
Nope...Northern Black Americans still have the same cultural roots as Southern ones just with an urban twist.
yes and no.........any two or more peoples in close proximity for an extended period will have similarities but also differences. White Americans on the whole and Black Americans are not that similar culturally. A Greek American from the North East has nothing in common with Aframs, regardless of region. Anglo-celtic based Southern white americans have more in common with Aframs because Afram culture is Creolized, Afro-AngloCeltic but the two are clearly distinct. An Italian, Jewish or Green American, falls outside of this bubble. The same way a Haitian has Creolized FrancoAfrican culture like Louisiana Creoles but because of geographic proximity, they have more in common with the Creolized AfroIberian Dominicans than the more Creolized Angloceltic Afram, influenced Louisiana Creoles.
1) There is very little West Central African culture in Black American culture...The majority of Black American culture is Black people's interpretation of Western Culture...

You don't give your children African names, you don't practice marriage and romance like Africans, a poor African will go to a Traditional Healer if he sick, a poor Black American will go to a doctor...The few things you kept from your African roots are probably a love of drums, dancing and chanting (but that is universal)...But infrastructure of Black American culture is Western Culture...

2) It DOES NOT matter if Modern Thinking is the global norm...First of all it is NOT, leave America and you will find many people who don't have this "modern thinking"...Secondly, the fact that Modern Thinking is global is only proof of how effective the White Man was at colonizing other races of people...So, it DOES NOT negate the fact that Modern Thinking is DISTINCTIVELY Western...

3) You are not giving me any ANSWERS sir, you are saying "this people are different from those people" but you are NOT showing me those differences...So let me be more specific..For Black and White American who are in the same socioeconomic bracket,

Do Black American Men court women differently from White American Men? Do Black American Men have different views about women, children, and family than White American Men? Is the ritual of marriage different between the two races? What do Blacks do in their marriages than has different symbolic meaning from Whites?

Essentially what I am asking is for you tell me what is that the average Black American does and believes that is SYMBOLICALLY different from the average White American...

Are there specific things that a Black Man must do to be accepted as Black, and are those specific things distinct from what a White Man does in his community?

For example, Jews eat kosher i.e. there are strict guidelines on how the food is prepared, circumcision is a MUST, they have Bar Mitzvahs, they eat kosher, they have certain days of the year that are significant for them...

I am talking about this type of DISTINCT symbolism...Beliefs, Actions and Symbols that have significant meaning for a people, and they believe it is important to teach it to their children...

Do you think it is important for your child to listen to gangsta rap and sag his jeans?

Again, what is it that you Black Americans teach your children that is distinct and different from White Americans? Something that your children will get laughed at and teased for if they went to an all White school?

It seems to me the biggest differences between Whites and Blacks is race and socioeconomics, other than that, the two groups are way more similar than they would like to admit...


Packing All The Flavour You Need
Mar 11, 2015
Hmm, anecdotal evidence (in which you don't even know if your partner reached climax), or peer reviewed studies? :jbhmm: I'm going to go with the articles not Stacy screaming at the top of her lungs to stroke your ego all the while you were boring her to death.
Girl when he hitting it from the back with a fistful of your hair and his hand
You wont be faking shyt. Lol your throat will get sore:banderas:


Nov 25, 2014
Be sheltered and try to understand everything through studies brehettes
Your fellow brehettes are telling you yet...never mind.

Girl when he hitting it from the back with a fistful of your hair and his hand
You wont be faking shyt. Lol your throat will get sore:banderas:
dikkmatization is real :mjcry:
:why: I refuse to believe that you all are going nutters over some peen. Peen? Really. To each her own though. :manny:


Jul 21, 2014
I've noticed all the decent looking chicks with healthy personal lives are able to post on here with no trouble, without resorting to trolling or stupid tit for tat antics with the c00ns and trolls. All the female trolls are:

fat/bitter/ugly/lonely/virgins/have a bad relationship with one or more of their parents/old as fukk
Hard to find fault with any of this. :francis: One could say something similar for many of the males here as well. It's sad how poor relationships/lack of relationships can cause one to become so bitter and angry at the world. It definitely demonstrates the importance of having at least one person of significance in your life.
Jul 6, 2012
Make a thread about culture when you dont understand anything cultural brehs

Your "culture" is like a pair of glasses you can't take off, it shapes everything about your human experiences, how you interact with your family, religions, what you eat, everything. Just stop.

:mjlol: you one those posters who like to hear themselves post
1) Bullshat

2) When you have the scientific method, the only other thing that shapes your world is your personality and biases from past and limited experiences...This why the scientific method is so IMPORTANT...

It lets make threads such as this, that question all the BULLSHAT that people believe...All the symbolism that really has NO OBJECTIVE MEANING on a universal scale...

Jews don't eat pork because it is unclean :mjlol:Well, that is because back in the day they didn't understand what causes disease and how handle and treat food correctly, so they made up a "God says we should not eat pork if we want to be clean and go to heaven" in order to keep people from getting sick...

Today, we know that if you handle pork with clean technique and you cook it to the right temperature then you have minimized the health risks...

If I ever have male children, I will circumcise them, not because a god said so, but because there is scientific evidence that shows circumcised men have cleaner penises and lower rate of sexually transmitted diseases...

Any tradition not supported by science is USELESS...Tradition and culture is the reason why HIV/AIDS is so rampart in Africa...

Science will save us from ourselves. This is the culture I will pass on to my children.
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