Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Levels on levels on levels ahead
Jul 27, 2015
1) I didn't state that language is a point of division...I am stating that language adds distinctiveness...That's why slang and jargon are very important when people are creating new sub-cultures....

For you Spanish example, I will say that you are right, but by teaching other groups Spanish, the Spaniards were able to transmit their culture to those other groups...I will bet that many Non-Spaniard Spanish speaking people follow a lot of Spaniard traditions, of course they have added their own flavors...

2) I already stated that my personal observation was limited...

3) I don't EVER feel "ostracized"...In my opinion, culture is overrated and not as important as we claim to be...As far as ideology and tradition is concerned, the most important thing is the SCIENTIFIC METHOD...

Everything we believe in should be based on science, all that "I do things this way because that's how my people have always done it" is NONSENSE to me...

The Scientific Method is the only religion/culture/tradition that we MUST teach our children as early as possible...

4) Conclusion, culture is overrated...1Billion years from now, nobody will give a fcuk that black people invented Jazz and Hip Hop...It is useless information...

Make a thread about culture when you dont understand anything cultural brehs

Your "culture" is like a pair of glasses you can't take off, it shapes everything about your human experiences, how you interact with your family, religions, what you eat, everything. Just stop.

:mjlol: you one those posters who like to hear themselves post

Guy Incognito

Homer? Who is Homer?
May 10, 2012
Some of us do not practice our ancestors' religion nor speak our ancestors language. You got us on that. But we do have Gullah language and AAVE. But at least we have created several music cultures, we have our own cuisine, and we do have a lot of customs and tradition and other cultural gems unique to us. Unfortunately our culture gets heavily(pretty much everything we do) approapriated and mass marketed to the mainstream. Then its not ours anymore. I am watching marching bands on youtube right now. That is historic black culture. Of course now its "American" culture.

Please don't insult black people in this manner. Because most of culture is stolen by white people who are the one who really don't have a culture. The music you listen to, influenced by blacks right down to Country music. Most of the foods you eat from Bar b Que to "stuffing" was appropriated from blacks.

And remember the English language and Christianity was forced upon us.

Culturally we are not European just because we speak English. Learn something about us before you start talking shyt.
smh..There's always one

When i get green Imma double neg you for taking the bait


Jun 22, 2014
Black America is a sub-culture of White America...

Nope. It's sub culture of America that's caught in between West/West Central Africa and the British Isles

You don't have a language,

Are you talking language or dialect?


you believe in the same things (generally speaking)...

not quite

1) Take raising children for example,
Whether white or black you believe a child reaches a certain age, typically 18, he goes to college and makes his own way...Thus, in America both black and whites laugh at men who are still living with their parents...In other parts of the world that is perfectly normal especially for the 1st born male...

2) Take marriage for another example, boy meets girl....They date for awhile...Move in together...Get engaged...Get married...Same ritual for blacks and whites..

This way of thinking is the norm globally for the "modern" thinker unless you are on some old way/tribal thinking

I could go on...Take away skin coloration and the differences between Black Americans vs White Americans are NEGLIGIBLE...

keep thinking that..........the only white americans that are even somewhat similar to Aframs culturally are certain Southern whites and that's for obvious reasons.

Because the things that really separate Black Americans from White Africans also separate Black Americans from the South from Black Americans from the North...

Nope...Northern Black Americans still have the same cultural roots as Southern ones just with an urban twist.

For the things that count, you all have the same culture...So, Black America is composed of various sub-cultures (same for White America), but the main branch is White American culture...

Your average Black American has more in common, culturally speaking, with your average White American than any other group of people in the world...

yes and no.........any two or more peoples in close proximity for an extended period will have similarities but also differences. White Americans on the whole and Black Americans are not that similar culturally. A Greek American from the North East has nothing in common with Aframs, regardless of region. Anglo-celtic based Southern white americans have more in common with Aframs because Afram culture is Creolized, Afro-AngloCeltic but the two are clearly distinct. An Italian, Jewish or Green American, falls outside of this bubble. The same way a Haitian has Creolized FrancoAfrican culture like Louisiana Creoles but because of geographic proximity, they have more in common with the Creolized AfroIberian Dominicans than the more Creolized Angloceltic Afram, influenced Louisiana Creoles.


new love, same neurosis..
May 4, 2012
Basically most foreign women have a happier persona like another poster said. They are not worried of what their GF thinks she do if dating a guy. They aren't influence by media also. There is less drama to deal vs American women. You are not going to run all over them either. A lot of foreign women aren't submissive in that sense.

You also don't lose anything you have built if you get a divorced in another country like here. shyt is pretty even.

sounds like you're putting foreign women on a pedestal breh :pachaha:

it kills me when nikkas think there's some p*ssy utopia on this planet for men. there are nikkas complaining in those counties too :francis:


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
American women are trash between the ears and they eat like shyt. I lived in Europe for two years and the difference is real. If my visa hadn't expired, I'd still be there. It's like they're only good for being a consumer, extracting nut by being pumped and very little else. The majority of them aren't quality people and their ugliness comes from the inside-out.

On the other hand, the women in Europe are educated, dedicated, and really about finding substance. They make good eye contact and they will typically go out of the way to make sure their man is doing okay (mentally,physically, emotionally) because they know that if he's alright, they're going to be alright too.


new love, same neurosis..
May 4, 2012
American women are trash between the ears and they eat like shyt. I lived in Europe for two years and the difference is real. If my visa hadn't expired, I'd still be there. It's like they're only good for being a consumer, extracting nut by being pumped and very little else. The majority of them aren't quality people and their ugliness comes from the inside-out.

On the other hand, the women in Europe are educated, dedicated, and really about finding substance. They make good eye contact and they will typically go out of the way to make sure their man is doing okay (mentally,physically, emotionally) because they know that if he's alright, they're going to be alright too.

what european countires are we talking about here? :patrice:

the last couple dudes dodged my question whenever I asked specific countries :francis:


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
what european countires are we talking about here? :patrice:

the last couple dudes dodged my question whenever I asked specific countries :francis:
It was a Mediterranean country that has a romance language but of course I interacted with tons of Nordic girls too cuz everyone in Europe travels all over.

American chicks in a Facebook group for English teachers were always wondering why the men in this country would fukk them but eventually end up falling for a non-american girl and were more passionate towards them. There'd be posts like "is it normal for these men to just start kissing women in the streets when they just met 5 minutes ago?" :beli: these worthless shytbags would literally run back on the internet to shame two people for hitting it off really fast cuz they're not used to that.

Clue on specifics, peninsula 40M people
Jun 6, 2015
Women are a challenge everywhere but the fact that you have to even ask this question boggles my mind.

I am the type of nikka that DOES NOT HAVE TO EXPERIENCE DRAMA DIRECTLY TO WANT TO AVOID IT. My question to OP is how many successful relationships have you seen between American Men and American Women in the past 5-10 years? For me I would say it's literally 1-2/10 people I know in TOTAL.

A lot of nikkas have this happy go lucky "it can't happen to me" HORSE shyt mentality especially when it comes to Women. How many of your homeboys getting railroaded with baby momma drama, domestic altercation drama and other bullshyt related with American Women do you have to witness in order to comprehend the legal, financial and emotional risk of picking the wrong Woman? bytches can sometimes even get your shyt without being married.

Some stories I've witnessed in terms of domestic altercations - You move her in and her name is not even on the apartment sometimes they will make YOU be homeless until they can relocate the bytch which could take days to MONTHS. And remember there are two sets of laws on the books one for us and one for CACs. But many times these days even CAC dudes are getting hit hard, in certain states where they dominate more they are getting hit harder than us with this Women-can-do-no-wrong bullshyt.

When you get into a relationship with an immigrant Woman you hold most of the power. When you go abroad as an American you hold most of the power. It's not just financial, it's intelligence, education etc. A Thai farm girl may be just as volatile on the inside as an American Black Thunderbytch but she will check herself more often than not because she was raised to respect the Man of the house in charge and a Man who is handling his business. And more often than not Asian Women in particular will be very submissive because Asian Men tend to be very feminine in relationships outside of Mainland China. But in Mainland China I don't recommend getting a Woman from there because the Men beat and whoop, abuse their ass so they can be similar to Black Women, aggressive and very defensive.

In general I know Men who are bad at picking Women period. But 7 out of 10 dudes I know who gave up on American Women and finally made an effort to learn a different language, culture and sometimes even a religion have benefited tremendously. These nikkas lives are more peaceful, health is better, earning more money and are more fulfilled beyond having regular sex and a home cooked meal. And most of all they not getting shot on the street or by cops over some DV dramatics.

No matter where you look be careful with any Woman, but for god's sakes don't have a child or get married or move in with an American Woman period.
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May 7, 2012
Basically most foreign women have a happier persona like another poster said. They are not worried of what their GF thinks she do if dating a guy. They aren't influence by media also. There is less drama to deal vs American women. You are not going to run all over them either. A lot of foreign women aren't submissive in that sense.

You also don't lose anything you have built if you get a divorced in another country like here. shyt is pretty even.

Jun 6, 2015
What is anything in this post supposed to mean.
Break it down for me.

nikka you need to travel more. Experience it directly. Sometimes I can talk all I want but until a nikka experience that shyt 1st hand he ain't gonna listen.

what european countires are we talking about here? :patrice:

the last couple dudes dodged my question whenever I asked specific countries :francis:

Honestly Western Europe is dead IMHO. But Eastern Europe you can still find some gems but you gotta be careful there too. My recommended go-to places are mostly in S.E. Asia right now personally.

However, overall you are getting your ass shanked and taken to the dry cleaners maybe only 1/2 as much in Europe compared to America. And I mean just emotionally and health wise. No other country rapes your check for child support and alimony like in America. So financially and legally the repercussions of picking the wrong Woman will be low, especially since if the problem is bad enough you can just leave and never come back. :russ:


new love, same neurosis..
May 4, 2012
It was a Mediterranean country that has a romance language but of course I interacted with tons of Nordic girls too cuz everyone in Europe travels all over.

American chicks in a Facebook group for English teachers were always wondering why the men in this country would fukk them but eventually end up falling for a non-american girl and were more passionate towards them. There'd be posts like "is it normal for these men to just start kissing women in the streets when they just met 5 minutes ago?" :beli: these worthless shytbags would literally run back on the internet to shame two people for hitting it off really fast cuz they're not used to that.

Clue on specifics, peninsula 40M people

spain huh? I heard spain was mad racist, but that's a can of worms I don't want to open right now :russ:

feminism is really entrenched in western europe and scandanavia (especially in a region like scandanavia where the equality movement for women is REAL out there, where women have more high office positions than anywhere in the world). I remember reading articles where danish men complaining about their women becoming too masculine and unapproachable. I don't deny that chicks in western europe and scandanavia may have better genetics than most american women, I don't buy into the idea they're any more docile. the women there they were raised on feminism just like america and are indoctrinated with similar entitled attitudes

if dudes here were naming countires in eastern europe. east asia, south america, etc. i'd buy into more, because the culture there is just different. as in, a stark contrast to american culture

but you have nikkas naming other rich ass western countries where the women are spoiled as shyt and i'm :patrice: I dunno
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