Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Sep 2, 2014
White people gave you a culture after they took the one your ancestors had....

If you don't have your own language, then you don't really have a culture...

Black American culture is just European sub-culture...

I have been observing students in my classroom, and noticed that Black American students will easily make friends with White Americans before they make friends with a Black African...This is just a personal observations...I could be wrong...

But it makes sense...Black American culture is a sub-culture of American culture...Y'all think you are so different, but as an outsider I see things differently...
So culture is only language? Nothing else matters? Our music, our food, our traditions, our customs, our dances, our fashion, etc. None those can be seen as culture? Like nothing about us African Americans is European. Most of what you see as American culture has been appropriated from us. But nevermind you are trolling. You mad A.A. didn't make friends with you.
May 15, 2012
i see guy is still but hurt

black people live in a white society not white culture

you don't know the difference

nobody's ancestors in america were wearing jeans and modern clothes

black people were born in america and has been in America ever since the beginning, there is no america with black people no matter how they try write blacks out of history

black people have been wearing suits and shyt for hundreds of years, it has nothing to do with culture, but with society, in even to this day even though it's the same type of clothing black people dress differently than weights

since you seem to struggle with the concept because you are lonely person, I will explain to you simply

culture is how one's people interacts with each other

like you idiots brought up basketball in one thread, basketball isn't a culture, but blacks don't play basketball like blacks, they don't move blacks, they don't dribble like blacks, all the slang and terminology comes from street ball that use today, nobody was even dunking in professional basketball but blacks were doing it in their neighborhoods, because blacks had a different culture, a different way of doing things

and yes black american culture has european influences that's why its called black american, and why blacks are never called just americans, because black american culture is different

that's why if you go to white club, people are doing things differently than in the black club, because blacks have their own culture
Jul 6, 2012
False, language is not a point of division in cultures, Spanish is a good example of varying ethnicities/cultures and traditions speaking the same language.
Your classroom observations are hardly sufficient evidence to formulate a solid opinion on a topic of this magnitude
And if you wanted to discuss feeling ostracized by black Americans as an African American then just say so :mjlol:
1) I didn't state that language is a point of division...I am stating that language adds distinctiveness...That's why slang and jargon are very important when people are creating new sub-cultures....

For you Spanish example, I will say that you are right, but by teaching other groups Spanish, the Spaniards were able to transmit their culture to those other groups...I will bet that many Non-Spaniard Spanish speaking people follow a lot of Spaniard traditions, of course they have added their own flavors...

2) I already stated that my personal observation was limited...

3) I don't EVER feel "ostracized"...In my opinion, culture is overrated and not as important as we claim to be...As far as ideology and tradition is concerned, the most important thing is the SCIENTIFIC METHOD...

Everything we believe in should be based on science, all that "I do things this way because that's how my people have always done it" is NONSENSE to me...

The Scientific Method is the only religion/culture/tradition that we MUST teach our children as early as possible...

4) Conclusion, culture is overrated...1Billion years from now, nobody will give a fcuk that black people invented Jazz and Hip Hop...It is useless information...

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
fattest, most entitled, disloyal and confused group of women on earth. no shade

American reality had no culture outside of money really no shade.
underrated post. most of our holidays are rooted in consumerism. how many of our heavily celebrated holidays don't involve going to buy shyt? in spite of the holiday specifically about going out and buying shyt
Jul 6, 2012
i see guy is still but hurt

black people live in a white society not white culture

you don't know the difference

nobody's ancestors in america were wearing jeans and modern clothes

black people were born in america and has been in America ever since the beginning, there is no america with black people no matter how they try write blacks out of history

black people have been wearing suits and shyt for hundreds of years, it has nothing to do with culture, but with society, in even to this day even though it's the same type of clothing black people dress differently than weights

since you seem to struggle with the concept because you are lonely person, I will explain to you simply

culture is how one's people interacts with each other

like you idiots brought up basketball in one thread, basketball isn't a culture, but blacks don't play basketball like blacks, they don't move blacks, they don't dribble like blacks, all the slang and terminology comes from street ball that use today, nobody was even dunking in professional basketball but blacks were doing it in their neighborhoods, because blacks had a different culture, a different way of doing things

and yes black american culture has european influences that's why its called black american, and why blacks are never called just americans, because black american culture is different

that's why if you go to white club, people are doing things differently than in the black club, because blacks have their own culture
1) This the Academic definition of culture "culture definition. The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next."

If you are working with your own definition, then I can't engage you, but if you agree with this definition, then I will ask you the following questions?

2) What are some customs that Black American follow that are so different from White Americans? Do Black people believe something different from Whites?

Do Black Americans and White Americans who share socio-economic status have different views about A) the role of men and women in society B) education C) romance and marriage

Just because a Black man wears his pants below his bum it doesn't mean Blacks now have a different culture :mjlol:

When we are talking culture we are talking about men/women relationships, beliefs about family, methods of educating children, days reserved for special rituals

When a black boy goes off to college, he has the same goal as a white boy, he wants to get as much vagina he can handle...Just because the black boy does it to the tune of hip hop, and the white boy to the tune of country music, it doesn't mean the culture has changed...

The culture is that American teens are taught when they are 18, they are suppose to go to college to drink a lot of beer and have lots of sex....Hip Hop and Country music are just ways that different sub-cultures achieve this...

The belief is the same, the custom is the same, and the goal is the same even the method is the same except for little variations (which separate different subculture)...

You can't tell me, because a Black New Yorker plays Boom Bap at a 4th of July BBQ and a Black Atlantian plays Distorted 808 Sub at a 4th of July BBQ, it means they different cultures...

The culture is that 4th of July is celebrated with BBQs and everybody knows what that day means, the subcultures are some may use Boom Bap, others Trap, others country music and etc...


Feb 12, 2015
Numbers gotta be fake. There's only 34 million total AAs
Yep. Love it when people use their brains.

Our numbers went up to about 42 million in the U.S.
23 million are blk women and around 19 million are blk men.

Keep in mind there are only about 9 million single moms period in the US, discounting unregistered immigrants.

Only 1/3 of those single mothers are blk at around 3.3 million blk single mothers.

People get confused because the media says that 70% of blk babies are being born OOW. So people ignorantly assumes that this means that 70% of black women are having these children. Nope. Many of these women have multiple babies which is why the majority of babies are being born to a small minority of our women.

I'd like to take a moment and reflect on the fact that I know this stuff b/c I did my research to bring ether to racist whites online.

Now how sad is it that I have to do the same breakdown for ignorant men in MY own race?

I'd like the record to be wiped clean for all the blk women who have to carry the burden of being stereotyped as baby mamas not only by racists but by our own men. Please spread the word. You can mask your self-hate as frustration towards blk women for a lot of other stereotypes (that I'll dispel later on). But for right now, let's just be honest you can't claim to hate blk chicks b/c of this any longer.


We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
Yep. Love it when people use their brains.

Our numbers went up to about 42 million in the U.S.
23 million are blk women and around 19 million are blk men.

Keep in mind there are only about 9 million single moms period in the US, discounting unregistered immigrants.

Only 1/3 of those single mothers are blk at around 3.3 million blk single mothers.

People get confused because the media says that 70% of blk babies are being born OOW. So people ignorantly assumes that this means that 70% of black women are having these children. Nope. Many of these women have multiple babies which is why the majority of babies are being born to a small minority of our women.

I'd like to take a moment and reflect on the fact that I know this stuff b/c I did my research to bring ether to racist whites online.

Now how sad is it that I have to do the same breakdown for ignorant men in MY own race?

I'd like the record to be wiped clean for all the blk women who have to carry the burden of being stereotyped as baby mamas not only by racists but by our own men. Please spread the word. You can mask your self-hate as frustration towards blk women for a lot of other stereotypes (that I'll dispel later on). But for right now, let's just be honest you can't claim to hate blk chicks b/c of this any longer.

Im confused, are you disagreeing or agreeing with me? :dwillhuh:
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