Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Aug 17, 2014
I rarely see posts talking about WHY women are leaving these men :ohlawd: the skewed logic and dap for dap bullshyt fukkery of lies spewed from the mouths of men who read redpill, over-masturbate and ruin every relationship they touch that I have witnessed in my short time on this board...oh my, oh my

But ask yourselves brehs, whhhhy would this huge percentage of women leave these awesome, mature, 6 figure, 6 cert, emotionally invested, kind, faithful :usure: men who just know how to slang the dikk they waited their whoooole lives and kept their legs closed just to get chose by? :noah:

Really why???? Makes no sense.

I really wanna see how long it takes for the answer to dawn on some nikkas.


Discuss if you want.
Because women are never satisfied. :what:

I thought this shyt was a Law of Nature by now.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
The game is to be sold and telling ain't selling. Go con u a baller into putting a ring on it, then come on here tryna pop shyt. This is like a nikka who watches basketball on TNT standing on a soapbox to condescendingly defend diminished skills clauses in NBA contracts. Or something like that, u know wtf I mean. bytch u ain't even married.

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012

Canada doesn't have racial problems like America

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
Women don't always know what they like:manny:. I think a lot of guys find a good woman, but instead of working on what you want her to do, you just keep jumping around looking for that imaginary/perfect 1 --and then you are left disappointed because it's impossible. Women settle eventually, but men keep searching forever for something not there.

It's not good to force a woman to do something she doesn't like...Ok, but people change. A woman might do everything you like for 6 years, then get married and never do anything you like again. Six years before, you were sure you found the right 1 to marry because you didn't have to force her to do anything she didn't like.:francis:

Guys don't want to manage their girl, they just want to trip and fall into a woman that does everything they desire. Dudes want to see another man build a woman up and swoop in when he's done. Why not mold your own good woman?

For example: let's say you a guy who likes smacking his girl on the ass every day. The first few times she thought it was cute. You really enjoy it so you like to do it in public, at home, you really want to challenge yourself.

One day she confesses that she hates when you smack her on the ass, she tells you it's degrading, and if you do it 1 more time she is done. What are you gonna do? Smacking her on the ass is 1 of your favorite things about being with her, it makes you genuinely happy. You can either force her to accept it (and maybe eventually learn to like it because it makes you happy) or you can stop doing something that makes you happy--like a bytch.

First of all, there is no perfect woman. There is no woman that does everything you desire. That right there is problem #1, thinking like that.

But why would I need to mold a woman? There's millions of women in the world. If I'm not vibing with one, I'll keep it moving. And since I don't seek validation or get value from women, that's not a problem.

Now to your last part. You said "You can either force her to accept it (and maybe eventually learn to like it because it makes you happy) or you can stop doing something that makes you happy--like a bytch." This is absurd. Are those really your only 2 options? What about those other millions of women I talked about? There's literally MILLIONS of options and you seem to only fathom 2. If I like smacking my girl on the ass and it's a deal breaker for me, then the deal is broken, and I'll go find a woman who likes to get smacked on the ass. I agree it would be a bytch move to stay and be unhappy but it makes me wonder that those are the only 2 options you can think of: "mold her or be a bytch." Is this the ONLY woman you're capable of getting on Earth? Because that's another issue but it stems from the same problem: betaism. :heh:


Levels on levels on levels ahead
Jul 27, 2015
Have a seat brehette

Listen I understand a lot of dudes give you a lot of leeway on here because you're "cute" or whatever but this shyt gotta stop
You know there are nikkas on here who are unconfident as fukk and can't get a bytch to save their life or been in terrible relationships that left them bitter and jaded
Why are you egging them on?
Seriously you know most of those men in those divorce relationships are not 6 figure, 6 cert, and all that bullshyt
And you also know that many women are not taught to be faithful in this day and age
There are many reasons that people get divorced
But you know why women are the main ones to file for it?
1. They are the most emotional and do shyt out of impulse
2. They have the least shyt to lose from gettin divorced
3. A lot of women live in fantasy land and don't understand that a real relationship is never perfect

But you wanna come onto the coli and post this shyt and try to make men look like the bad guys like we the only ones fukkiin up the relationships?
Be real, we all make mistakes

Neither 1, 2 or 3 puts any accountability on the male :childplease: but be real, we all make mistakes?

Women aren't "taught" to be faithful, are men? :francis:

Also :stopitslime: for that gif and tryna come at me.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I worked in a family law court house for almost a decade .

Race. Height, job, salary, status, hairline, Taoist coli thrust none of that means anything at the end of the day.

Women are fickle emotional creatures who can love you today and feel nothing for you tomorrow and real nikkaz know that


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Infidelity is not even the top reason for divorce.

You tried to suggest that divorce is tied to cheating (you noted 70% men admit to cheating/70% women initiate divorce) yet conveniently ignored the rates women admit to cheating.

By your insinuation, if 50-60% of women admit to cheating, 50-60% of men should initiate divorce.

But maybe this is all too confusing for you to understand.



Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
First of all, there is no perfect woman. There is no woman that does everything you desire. That right there is problem #1, thinking like that.

But why would I need to mold a woman? There's millions of women in the world. If I'm not vibing with one, I'll keep it moving. And since I don't seek validation or get value from women, that's not a problem.

Now to your last part. You said "You can either force her to accept it (and maybe eventually learn to like it because it makes you happy) or you can stop doing something that makes you happy--like a bytch." This is absurd. Are those really your only 2 options? What about those other millions of women I talked about? There's literally MILLIONS of options and you seem to only fathom 2. If I like smacking my girl on the ass and it's a deal breaker for me, then the deal is broken, and I'll go find a woman who likes to get smacked on the ass. I agree it would be a bytch move to stay and be unhappy but it makes me wonder that those are the only 2 options you can think of: "mold her or be a bytch." Is this the ONLY woman you're capable of getting on Earth? Because that's another issue but it stems from the same problem: betaism. :heh:

I'm speaking against the never ending journey that some men take in search of the perfect women ( or the best 1). Dozens of movies have been made about this, men will move on from a relationship over the most petty and fixable shyte. I gave 2 options to encourage staying with the person, especially if you actually love them.

Let's not forget love, breh:mjcry:. Yeah, all these women are nice and the world is filled with them, but we are talking love. Finding someone you legit love, who loves you as well, is a much harder combo than finding a new woman, when 1 doesn't do what you like.

If you love the girl you smack on the ass, don't just pack it up and leave breh. Stay and make it work, maybe she can be that special 1 you want her to be. Some brehs eventually get tired of the endless jumping from woman to woman, but some search endlessly forever:yeshrug:.

It's easier to mold clay into the shape you want than it is to search for some clay that is already naturally molded that shape
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