Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
I swiped right on a french-canadian girl, i sent her a text and she greeted me with monsieur chocolat. :manny:

Again, it's Tinder.

So you have the final say on what someone can find offensive? :mjlol:

And because it's tinder people are no longer allowed to expect to be treated nicely from those they're interacting with?

Ok good to know.

Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
:mjlol: If you can't have a woman the way you want her, then what's the point?

Don't know black people for buying into that corny alpha beta shyte, but the idea of studying what women want, and presenting yourself as that sounds beta as shyte. I can agree about what you said about women, they don't want clingy men, they don't want men who put them on pedestals too much, they think blah blah blah is weakness, but honestly, who cares?

This is about you, breh, it's about what you want. If a man wants his fantasy then let him eat. It's his fantasy, he should be getting her to deal with it, no matter how much she hates it. All these talking points are nice for sex, but past that, it's about getting what you want out of a relationship right?

Or are you just in it to make your partner happy or to not be alone?:patrice:

I really don't understand what your post has to do with mine, breh.

You don't have to study women to understand them and just because I pointed out what they find unattractive doesn't mean it's about them. I don't really know how to respond to you because what you're saying doesn't really have anything to do with what I said. :yeshrug:

But as far as fantasy, the reason he won't eat is because he will constantly be unhappy. How you gon want your lady to do splits in bed but she can't do a split? And getting mad at your lady because she can't makes you lose on multiple levels. First, you're not gonna get what you want because it's literally impossible. Second, you're gonna be disappointed because you're not gonna get what you want because it's literally impossible. And third, she's not gonna respect you because you're losing your cool because you're disappointed because you're not gonna get what you want because it's literally impossible.

That's the problem with fantasy, breh. Imagine your girl wanting you to have a 12 inch dikk and it's only 7. Then imagine her becoming unstable because of it. But that's only half the issue because when women become unstable it's not really a deal breaker but instability is the complete opposite of manhood so not only does the man come off as unstable but he comes off as a feminine bytch ass sucka.

If you think forcing a woman to do something she doesn't like is better than finding a woman who actually likes what you like then I'm just gonna assume you lack the ability to attract women and are settling for anything you can get. And that's exactly the type of relationship that won't last and if you're married will lead to divorce. But that is beta. A real man would say what he wants and seek it until he finds it. Beta males settle and fantasize and are ultimately disappointed and get left.


Feb 12, 2013
My third eye is wide open, so allow me to illuminate you, if you feel you are ready for the answer.
I come only to teach, and bring love.
Human beings have existed in their modern form for approximately 200,000 years. Accepted historical fact would have you believe that 194,000 of those years were spent in darkness, with us developing writing and civilization only within the last 6,000 years. This is, of course, a terrible fallacy. Our ancestors accomplished much, and the tales of Atlantis testify to only a small portion of what they achieved. Ask yourself why, when removed from the day/night cycle of planet Earth, astronauts circadian rhythms reset to that of the exact length of day for the planet Mars? This is but one riddle tied into the amnesia our species (unfortunately) currently possess.
This golden age of human enlightenment was brought to an end by a series of terrible cataclysmic events some 10,000 years ago. Whether you choose to believe that that was naturally occurring (asteroid/ice age/etc.) or retribution from vengeful Gods, angered at the hubris of Homo Sapiens for attempting to achieve the knowledge of the almighty is irrelevant--the Earth was wiped clean with a terrible flood, and humanity was reduced to a band of survivors, tasked with repopulating the Earth and continuing forward the mission of our souls journeys here on Earth--whatever that may be.
This cataclysm has been recorded by nearly every ancient civilization, but for our purpose here, let's use the Bible as a convenient (familiar) source to interpret the message given by the God to human survivors:
Repopulate the Earth, spread love, and keep your covenant with the lord.
Throughout the old testament, the message is oft repeated and clear: men did not strive for material wealth, but for nations to carry their name.
Men were to marry, and pass their seed on to the next generation, and so on--to rebuild the earth. And these generations were to worship the Gods who could, at any time, remind us of our sacred duty.
And this is what man did, following the last apocalypse. They built massive monuments to the Gods. They did not work in offices, toiling away in mind-numbing tedium for the sake of the almighty dollar... they built temples to the Gods, and consumed hallucinogenic substances in great quantities to commune with inter dimensional beings and find the true path of light for the soul to traverse.
This ability--this mission--has been taken from humanity. And has been made essentially illegal in our dark ages, or, what is called, "the modern world".
If you were to tell your boss tomorrow that you would like a month off to drink ayahuasca tea and commune with forest spirits to attempt to divine your souls purpose, he could call you every name in the book before you were locked away in an assylum.
But yet, if you told the same boss that you wanted to deface your body, to cut off your penis; to take poisons in order to suppress your testosterone and raise your estrogen; to start wearing dresses, painting your lips and your eyes, and walking in high heels--well, he better call you Caitlyn, or else hes looking at a hate crime.
And in this very world described above comes the modern man.
Knowing he should spread his seed, but not understanding why.
Free to have "sex" with any woman within a 30 mile radius thanks to tinder, but unable to make love to anyone, because his third eye is sealed shut thanks to years of flouridated public drinking water; godless public education; synthesized drugs brought into the prisons/neighborhoods of America that do anything but provide the mind-expanding psychedelic journeys necessary to become one with the creator, but instead stimulate the senses in all the wrong ways--if not deading the completely with alcohol.
The woman is the closest to mother Earth, and knows the true power of the planet--she can connect with God through the process of giving birth. She creates life, as did our Lord. Her womb is sacred, as it houses humanity's only chance to survive on this planet.

And the modern man knows none of this.

Knowing all of this, brother, I ask you: would YOU stay married to yourself, if your third eye is closed to the point that you cannot receive this information?


Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Jan 25, 2015
the sooner y'all learn that just by the law of averages, there are enough dope black women to offset the ones who thirst for unrequited validation from brett and skyler (see article), the more care free your lives will be :blessed:

nikkas on here taking every black girl they see who wants a white boy as perceived slight :dead:

i'm hoping with sincerity they stay on that side, with all the "benefits" that come with that (again, see article :dead: )


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
I rarely see posts talking about WHY women are leaving these men :ohlawd: the skewed logic and dap for dap bullshyt fukkery of lies spewed from the mouths of men who read redpill, over-masturbate and ruin every relationship they touch that I have witnessed in my short time on this board...oh my, oh my

But ask yourselves brehs, whhhhy would this huge percentage of women leave these awesome, mature, 6 figure, 6 cert, emotionally invested, kind, faithful :usure: men who just know how to slang the dikk they waited their whoooole lives and kept their legs closed just to get chose by? :noah:

Really why???? Makes no sense.

I really wanna see how long it takes for the answer to dawn on some nikkas.


Discuss if you want.
Have a seat brehette

Listen I understand a lot of dudes give you a lot of leeway on here because you're "cute" or whatever but this shyt gotta stop
You know there are nikkas on here who are unconfident as fukk and can't get a bytch to save their life or been in terrible relationships that left them bitter and jaded
Why are you egging them on?
Seriously you know most of those men in those divorce relationships are not 6 figure, 6 cert, and all that bullshyt
And you also know that many women are not taught to be faithful in this day and age
There are many reasons that people get divorced
But you know why women are the main ones to file for it?
1. They are the most emotional and do shyt out of impulse
2. They have the least shyt to lose from gettin divorced
3. A lot of women live in fantasy land and don't understand that a real relationship is never perfect

But you wanna come onto the coli and post this shyt and try to make men look like the bad guys like we the only ones fukkiin up the relationships?
Be real, we all make mistakes


Jun 22, 2013



May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
They can like whoever the hell they want. Why is that a problem for you that they would to like to be respected?
I have zero problem with them liking who they like. Don't make this about the messenger. Your debating tactics are easily predictable .....I've seen years of it cuz it's not just yours.....the majority of BW debate like you so move it along with the playbook.

Why do u think they have to pander to men who obviously don't respect them from the jump? Are you able to address THAT (and only THAT) question or no?


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
I really don't understand what your post has to do with mine, breh.

You don't have to study women to understand them and just because I pointed out what they find unattractive doesn't mean it's about them. I don't really know how to respond to you because what you're saying doesn't really have anything to do with what I said. :yeshrug:

But as far as fantasy, the reason he won't eat is because he will constantly be unhappy. How you gon want your lady to do splits in bed but she can't do a split? And getting mad at your lady because she can't makes you lose on multiple levels. First, you're not gonna get what you want because it's literally impossible. Second, you're gonna be disappointed because you're not gonna get what you want because it's literally impossible. And third, she's not gonna respect you because you're losing your cool because you're disappointed because you're not gonna get what you want because it's literally impossible.

That's the problem with fantasy, breh. Imagine your girl wanting you to have a 12 inch dikk and it's only 7. Then imagine her becoming unstable because of it. But that's only half the issue because when women become unstable it's not really a deal breaker but instability is the complete opposite of manhood so not only does the man come off as unstable but he comes off as a feminine bytch ass sucka.

If you think forcing a woman to do something she doesn't like is better than finding a woman who actually likes what you like then I'm just gonna assume you lack the ability to attract women and are settling for anything you can get. And that's exactly the type of relationship that won't last and if you're married will lead to divorce. But that is beta. A real man would say what he wants and seek it until he finds it. Beta males settle and fantasize and are ultimately disappointed and get left.

Women don't always know what they like:manny:. I think a lot of guys find a good woman, but instead of working on what you want her to do, you just keep jumping around looking for that imaginary/perfect 1 --and then you are left disappointed because it's impossible. Women settle eventually, but men keep searching forever for something not there.

It's not good to force a woman to do something she doesn't like...Ok, but people change. A woman might do everything you like for 6 years, then get married and never do anything you like again. Six years before, you were sure you found the right 1 to marry because you didn't have to force her to do anything she didn't like.:francis:

Guys don't want to manage their girl, they just want to trip and fall into a woman that does everything they desire. Dudes want to see another man build a woman up and swoop in when he's done. Why not mold your own good woman?

For example: let's say you a guy who likes smacking his girl on the ass every day. The first few times she thought it was cute. You really enjoy it so you like to do it in public, at home, you really want to challenge yourself.

One day she confesses that she hates when you smack her on the ass, she tells you it's degrading, and if you do it 1 more time she is done. What are you gonna do? Smacking her on the ass is 1 of your favorite things about being with her, it makes you genuinely happy. You can either force her to accept it (and maybe eventually learn to like it because it makes you happy) or you can stop doing something that makes you happy--like a bytch.
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