Is Liggins the fukkING GOAT

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Levels on levels on levels ahead
Jul 27, 2015
Why do you believe women stay after being cheated on?

And I myself have made this observation.

They irrationally fear the outcome of their lives without the cheating partner.

They lack confidence to rebuild and rebuild alone.

Stubbornness and pride to admit they ultimately chose a partner who devalued them so they continue to "work through it" to prove to themselves they are valuable through this other person.

Fear of autonomy.

Laziness and comfort with companionshiop.

A belief they cannot find a better partner than the cheater.

Or just not ready to emotionally move on yet.....but will eventually.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
If i can get over my sister being raped and murdered and finding her body in my room, i can get over a man cheating on me.

And he already let me have it and i told him that if doesn't cheat or abuse me or our children, then ill sell the house and give him half of the money.
wow, sorry to hear that juicy. geez

I cant blame you for having a strong disdain for men at this point...I'm surprised your even getting married.

All Star
Jun 11, 2015
A generation ago, women were less likely to file for divorce if in an unhappy or abusive marriage. Most were financially dependent on their spouse and feared the social stigma of divorce.

Today women are more likely to have careers of their own, are less financially dependent on their spouse and no longer fear the social stigma of divorce. Women are more educated and more empowered, which keeps them from accepting abuse or a marriage that is not meeting their needs.

Below Are A Few Reasons Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women:

  • Seeking Relief From a Bad Marriage:
    A woman’s happiness is no longer tied to whether or not she is married. There was a time when, to be happy a woman though she had to be married. Such a mindset led women to believe they were “stuck” in a marriage that had gone bad.
    Those days are over and most women will file for divorce rather than deal with the stress of a bad marriage.

    Some throw in the towel too soon. Some work to find a solution to the problems in their marriage. In the end, if a woman feels she can no longer deal with the constant stress of a bad marriage she will not hesitate to file for a divorce and move on with her life.
  • Escape Domestic Abuse:
    Women are less likely to stay in an abusive marriage today. There was a time when a woman had no choice but to stay. She was financially dependent on her spouse, under his control and had no options for leaving.

  • Fewer Women are Financially Dependent on a Husband:
    In today’s society, women are more likely to have their own career. Even stay at home moms have college decrees and marketable skills to fall back on should they divorce. Because of financial independence divorce, for women is an easy decision to make.

    A career minded woman doesn’t have to worry about how she will support herself after divorce. Due to this, the prospect of divorce causes less anxiety and stress. She is confident in her ability to divorce and move on because she has the power that comes with being financially secure. With money comes security and an unwillingness to stay in an abusive or unhappy marriage.

    Women are Less Tolerant of Infidelity:
  • Due to her financial security and her ability to identify what makes her happy, women’s expectations of their husband are higher. One of those expectations is fidelity and today, fewer women are willing to accept infidelity in their marriage.

    Instead of being a housewife, today’s wife in an equal partner. Most share the financial burdens of keeping the family together. Most do the majority of the child rearing on top of dealing with the demands of their careers. When a husband cheats, they are less willing to accept such behavior from an “equal partner.” Why should they continue to exert so much effort to maintain the family to only have that investment repaid by infidelity?

  • Women Want More Out of Marriage:
    A generation ago, women wanted to be supported, to become mothers and cheerleaders for their husband’s career. Women were more willing to put their needs on the back burner for the sake of the marriage.
    Today women are in touch with their needs and want their needs met.

    Women want an intimate and emotional connection with their husband. They want communication, togetherness and a husband as driven to meet their needs as they are to meet his needs. The problem? Some men still view their wives as “the little woman” and fewer and fewer women are willing to be put in such a role.

  • Women Loose Their Identity:
    Some wives spend so much time focused on raising children, helping their husband further his career and putting their needs last that they loose sight of who they are and what they want out of life.

    It is not unusual for a woman to hit middle age and go into a midlife crisis. She will begin to question the life she has led and wonder, “is that all there is?” She may file for a divorce in order to explore life on her own in the hope of finding out who she is and what she wants out of life.
There are a myriad of reasons a woman will file for divorce. Whether it is to seek her own happiness, escape from an abusive marriage or midlife crisis the one thing most who divorce have in common is a new sense of empowerment. Women view themselves as equal to men and for some marriage takes away that power instead of promoting it.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
The truth is you just never know, its a harsh yet very real reality.

People change, people make mistakes and alot of times you dont know someone as well as you like to think you do.

You can minimize the chances by really getting to know someone in and out before marrying them however. Alot of times there are signs, signs that men ignore because them titties sitting right. And signs women ignore because he got bread and lay's it down in the bed room. Most time we know, in our head "I shouldn't be messing with this person" then 3 years in we are fed up.

Honestly alot of it boils down to some sort of sexual reason when it comes to illegitimate and legit reasons for divorce. Sex doesn't keep a marriage together, not long term. So marrying someone because they look good or they are good in the bedroom is mistake number one.

men be out here straight up cheating, women are sitting around bitter talking about the "spice" is gone.

If you love someone, your both gonna put up with alot from each other. If your girl or guy has you wanting to run off every time yall disagree, :ufdup:


Aug 3, 2015
I mean... honestly they disgusts me. I see them as no different than swirlers. If your boyfriend happens to be black then whatever. But when you objectify a stereo type to use it as some weird fetish or status symbol its kinda psychotic. Type of pawgs who are racist, but only date brehs just piss off their angry Cac parent.

That last one? hashtag "#n!gga" ???

:childplease: really??
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