Bruh, you just one of many butthurt stans. The proof is in the pudding
I'm over here on every system, playing every game, with everybody
Your broke ass is crying over $35 a fukking YEAR, and your internet connection is so shytty you get dropped from games on a regular basis
I counted today, I got 30games in my backlog. I'm talking games that came out within the last year and a half
Do you want a picture, or should I throw it in da bushes
Tru Story
Bruh, what you smokin on? First off, maybe you forgot? The Wii took off with a sonic BOOM!!!!!!!!
And they priced the system at a higher price than the xbox was at the time
People wasn't flocking to the wii cuz it was $100, they flocked to it cuz of the controller. The new way of playing. That with games/graphics of its competition?
The ps3 would of been the system left out, not the Wii
The Wii STILL has sold more systems than the ps3 as of right now
You got it twisted bruh...
What does them selling 360's for $99 gotta do with anything

As for the 720, they will have a $300 option, and a $400 one just like last gen
Its not confirmed, but who is talking here. Trust me

The ps4, there is not enough information and unless sony is doing things differently? Then the ps4 is nowhere near completion. Expect that in 2014, and sony themselves is sorta waiting til they find out what the next xbox is all about. Just like they did last gen...