So that doesn't make sense, but it makes sense for you to call old technology next gen because of when they release it?
If thats the case, I got a next gen Amiga I wanna sell you
I don't think he does. See, tunnel vision means no vision bruh
I hear you, just quoted you. Here is my reply to that.
What nintendo is doing has never been done before. Yet your using the normal way of how things are done and applying it to what nintendo is DOING
See, if they rereleased the N64, according to your logic, its a next gen system at this point
Oh wait, it wouldn't be a new system because it would be a rerelease?
Ok, then instead of calling it the N64, I'll call it the Wii-2 and I'll add a new controller so Hex and Winb can be satisfied
If the innards was something new, of course. And if they are repackaging the same old tech they already sold you with a minor upgrade? Its not NEXT gen. What type of backwards moving foward bullshyt is this?
Just cuz a guy in a shiny suit tells you its next gen doesn't mean you can't use your own brain to see that its not.