Hmmm, if that was the case, you'd still be stuck on Atari 2600 hardware.newer systems have always been about how they can push new tech and give a different experience or else why come up with a new one....When developers hear about next gen the first thing they think is " How much can I push the new system / whats the polly count etc". If technology didn't advance you wouldn't have a "Next Gen".....
Newer consoles are typically better because technology gets better. This has nothing to do with whether or not they are next gen. The two are completely separate topics. Also technology advances totally independent of console gens. I've pointed this out before when discussing PC gaming and graphics cards.
The problem with your logic is this: the same people that are sitting here arguing about the Wii-U were arguing that the Wii wasn't next gen, last gen. Yet there it is, listed right along side the 360 and PS3 as a 7th generation console.
And Wii-U, PS4 and 720 (or whatever) will be 8th generation. This is not open to debate or discussion. People are trying to change the definition of a term that was coined 30+ years ago.