Will there be another Golden Age in Black Film???

Will there be another Golden Age in Black Film???

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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Hollywood does not need you nikkas anymore.
They were once intrigued by the freshness of the black culture, but have since learned it, integrated parts of it into their culture, and discarded the remains.

:snoop: @ this being true

As long as there are young black directors with a fresh imagination and young black actors that are willing to expand the limitations of the past, there is hope.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

London Film Festival Review: "Dear [White] People… Dear USA, Dear World"


In a time of online views, shares, likes, instant messaging, apps for everything, and reality TV, Dear White People is as much about DIY micro-celebrity as race. Catching the technological and social zeitgeist in which personal identity and public image converge and get lost in each other, the film could have just as appropriately been titled Dear People, Dear USA, or Dear World.

Set in a fictitious elite US University with a majority white student body, and centred around the lead-up to and aftermath of a party with a seemingly ghetto fabulous themed party urging invitees to “unleash your inner negro”, Dear White People, if the three trailers are anything to go by, promises to give a good ass-kicking to every white person who thinks it’s fun to ape, appropriate, and yet alienate black people. Except, of course, like any good satire, the film holds up a mirror to the society it seeks to represent and, in so doing, could also just as appropriately been titled Dear Black People.

From the “mulatto” (tragic or otherwise) overcompensating for being a privileged half-white person by becoming a militant, honky-hating (in public, anyway) black activist; to the “self-hating” desperate to be seen, noticed, or even acknowledged, dark chocolate sister with the long silky weave trying to distance herself from her ghetto roots; to the handsome hunk of chocolate who’s suave, debonair, and, among his white friends at least, is the definition of cool, even as he struggles to live up to his father’s values and dreams for him; to the non-consensus, only technically black dude who isn’t confident or camp enough to fit into the gay crowd, but isn’t ‘down’ enough to fit into the black crowd either… It’s these dear black people whose foibles are laid bare, motivations explored, and upon whom the main focus of the film is, as we watch them prodded and poked into action. And let’s not forget the chorus of proud young black people who find comfort in numbers and are ever seeking a leadership to speak for them and tell it like it is.

The film has everything that discerning black audiences claim to want to see more of, but which the Hollywood machine seems to be afraid of portraying: Good-looking, well-spoken, educated, smart, clean black people keeping it real… in a bourgie kind of way, at least. However, this film is really not about pulling white people off of their high horse and telling them like it is, or calling them out for their ignorance or denial of racism, or even guilt-tripping them for their white privilege. Whilst the very mention of the supposed post-racial America makes my eyes roll involuntarily, it has to be acknowledged that probably the most trying thing some of the dear black people in Dear White People face is being denied the career-kick-starting recommendations some of their white peers are destined to receive. While this isn’t a good thing, given America’s history, it’s hardly surprising. No real story there then, although it’s enough to reel some people in.

The real issue at the centre of Dear White People is finding a comfortable seat at the table of white establishment or, indeed, inveigling an invitation to said table. There’s also the option of refusing an invite, yet side-eying the table as you circle it with defiantly clenched fist. Dear White People adroitly examines the ways in which middle class black America navigates the terrain of a wider society it still doesn’t quite feel comfortable in, was never really cordially invited into, but to which many of its number long to be included in, or at least have the opportunity to turn down on its own terms. Sadly, any option seems to involve, at best, a popularity contest or, at worst, a fanonesque crisis of identity which pits self-awareness with public persona and/or group, tribal, community or public opinion. It raises questions of holding onto any semblance of black cultural identity in the face of white mainstream micro-aggressions — real, made-up, or imagined — which rely heavily on perceived black stereotypes which, in turn, raise the need for a show of black consensus, authenticity, dignity, and exemplary achievement, resulting in a simplification of the notion of blackness on all fronts, and all at the expense of individual being and real self-determination.

Many will no doubt want to compare writer and director, Justin Simien, with Spike Lee. There are nods to Lee, thematically at least — the racial tension (albeit, lite) and anger, of Do The Right Thing, the inappropriate cultural appropriation, albeit more abrasive than in Bamboozled. However, without wanting to give too much away, there’s a somewhat unexpected moment which evokes a “wait… what?!” similar to a particular moment in Lars von Trier’sManderlay, which reveals how racial politics can be, and is, used to both expose and manipulate. Simien is, however, less heavy-handed then either Lee or von Trier; and is neither as “angry” as Lee once was, nor as fundamentally shocking as von Trier. Simien does more than just point out the injustices of society. Whilst certainly provocative, rather than just holding up a mirror to society, Simien leads his characters, black and white, to the brink of the pool of narcissism and gives them a little nudge to see if they’ll drown, sink or swim.

Borrowing possible quiz answers from the film, middle class black people have three options for navigating life in western society (or, indeed, any society in which they’re a minority): (a) oofta [oophta?], (b) nose-job, or (c) 100%. You may need to see the film to get a breakdown of what these mean but, suffice to say, I’d rate Dear White People a smart, humorously eviscerating, but critically thought provoking 100%.

Post script: Oh, and no – white people don’t come away smelling of roses. They’re just not the main focus, even though their ever predominant presence necessitates the very notion of blackness.

Both screenings of Dear White People at this year’s London Film Festival, on October 9th and 10th, are sold out. However, it’s definitely worth catching if or whenever you can.

Dear White People opens in the USA on October 17, 2014

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
It already happened in the 90s:yeshrug:
This and a lot of those flicks (as far as message goes) had the subtlety of a sledgehammer. I dont think any upcoming black director should pull a spike lee for the simple fact unless you dumb down like tyler you are setting yourself for failure, blax are just not a reliable target audience certainly not now with streaming/ torrent sites e.t.c Black directors need to make "black movies" in the fashion of a film with a mix cast and the lead happens to be a black gordon gecko. Make a flick about a lunatic with menal health problems who is a math wiz with a gambling problem, and thinks he has the formula to strike it rich....and hes black

I am sick of the cheesy "lets all sit at dinner table and argue but in the end we'll pull through it cuz we family" type shyt.I am am sick of images of poverty or street crime there is more to blax than that and there are most certainly other stories to tell than, slavery, gangs, poverty or sexual relationship
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Apr 3, 2014
I don't know man. I think a lot of directors coming up now, at least the black ones that are fresh to the scene like Ryan Coogler, they have other stories to tell that aren't just "black" stories. He did Fruitvale and next he's working on the Rocky spinoff about Apollo's son, "Creed" and I can't think of any other new young black directors on the scene. I know we're a crowd that isn't catered too much but I've always been a person who wants something different than what we have. I don't want Think Like a Man or its sequel or the Tyler Perry flicks to be the sole representation of my race on screen because most of those movies operate in stereotype and broad characterization to the point where they can become parody of what it means to be black in America. Eventually though we need to get to a point where a film with an all black cast is no different than a film with an all white cast or at least isn't given the title of "black movie." I'd say the 90s was the last period of good-great "Black" film because those directors had a lot to say. They were the kids who grew up in segregation or at least at the tail end of it and they were firmly rooted in that particular facet of being black in america. So we got films like Do the Right Thing, Menace 2 Society, Crooklyn, etc but the black experience has changed to a degree so you need not only filmmakers who can tap into that but an audience that is willing to listen.

breh paragraphs! nobody likes reading blocks of text.

good post though.

back on topic: I hope there will be. And maybe golden ages for other minorities too.


All Star
Feb 20, 2013

I'd rather see more original black shows, like The Eric Andre Show, not the generic shyt that BET and OWN airs. Why can't black folk make a show that's on the same level of quality as House of Cards, Game of Thrones, or True Detective?
:leostare: The Wire? Luther?


All Star
Feb 20, 2013
You do realize every show I've named has come on after those two shows ended? :sas1:
And the second one was wasn't even american.:sas2:
You do realize without The Wire those shows wouldn't exist. :sas1:

And the only show that started after Luther ended is True Detective. :sas2:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
No breh, for the rest of human history Blacks will never have a golden age in film

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
No breh, for the rest of human history Blacks will never have a golden age in film
clearly :troll:ing, but how sad is it that we are calling that collection of "black films" the golden age for black movies..

"We can do better"