
�� Y'all!!! I went to a special screening of "Concussion" tonight (the FIRST official screening...even before its world premiere at AFI Fest next week!)....What a great film!! Based on a true story, what Dr. Bennet Omalu (played by Will Smith) did & achieved is amazing. I'm a HUGE fan of football ��...but no matter how you feel about football & the NFL in general, you can't deny the facts & what happens to some of these players. >> And it's great to see a powerful film about an African man & his amazing accomplishments, his love for America & science, & his enormous faith & spirituality. >> The film was well written & directed...& Will Smith & the entire cast did some great & inspiring work!! They kill it, especially my maaaaan Will!! (And the film is funny too!!) >> Also (of course) to hear a few of them (especially a man who has been one of my faaaaavorites & has inspired me since I was a little kid aka Will Smith) talk afterwards about the process & the story was incredible!! ���� Here is Will, along with Albert Brooks & Gugu Mbatha-Raw!! The talkback was great!!

���� Albert Brooks is crazy!! Ahaha!!

�� They all had everyone laughing the whole time afterwards!! �� Haha! What a night!! Please go out & support this film, in theaters on Christmas Day!

grandkillaroThose who know me know how influential that guy on the right has been for me...So I go to a screening for Concussion tonight and I hear someone say "I'm excited to see Will at the Q&A"...If I was asthmatic I would've needed an inhaler. I'm already planning how I'ma bulldoze my way to the stage after the film is over. So it ends, I rush up front and he's chillin, shaking hands and taking pics. I'm geeked. I'm literally 2 feet away from him...and my phone dies and his publicist pulled him away. So close...I needed something from God to let me know that I'm on the right path. That He's working in my favor, and then this. I heard Him say "You're so close. Keep going." Needed to hear that. To anyone else who needs it, you're so close. Keep going...Oh, and go see Concussion on Christmas. Will murders it. Gugu is the heart and Albert Brooks is hilarious. If it doesn't get all kinds of Oscar nods, something is wrong. #WillSmith #Concussion #SAG #KeepGoing #NothingIsStoppingYou #darlene
yvettesaundersofficiallyWill Smith in movie CONCUSSION was fantastic! Must. See! Heartwarming, tragic, and inspiring. Coming out on Christmas. #concussion #christmas #willsmith #actorslife #hollywood #oscar
noelkathleenkLast night I got to see a screening of Will Smith's new movie #Concussion. Such an eye opener about the NFL and just how sick people are when it comes to making money. At the cost of human lives. But there was a line in the movie that struck me hard. Will Smith's character is a Norwegian Doctor living and working in America and he said that as an American it is our job to become our best self. I thought that line was amazing! What if everyone everyday worked on becoming the best they could be? Through continual education, self development, faith, helping those around us. To make it a point to constantly grow. How would that look if everyone was lending a hand and growing together? #TeamMegaPowers #Grow #BecomeMore #BeYourBestSelf
michelle_argyrisWell this was an awesome screening. Thanks @teocristea #willsmith #Q&A #concussion Great performance and kick ass movie. Got to see the first showing of this film.
casperandreas1Last night I went to the very first public screening of Will Smith's New film CONCUSSION opening Christmas Day. A very interesting and well told story, great performances and film followed by one of the most fun Q&As I've been to with Will Smith, Albert Brooks and Gugu Mbatha-Raw
milestwo14Last night I was apart of the first audience viewing of the film Concussion starring Will Smith. Great dramatic performance by Will as well as a great in your face film about the truth of how these huge collisions in the sport of football cause some serious head trauma. This film did not hold back at all when it came to gunning towards the NFL, their policies and how they handled the situation of being called out for not protecting their players. The info is now out there and it's up to the players to choose if they want to continue to hit the gridiron every Sunday. #Concussion #WillSmith #NFL
galenhooksPlease go see this movie. It's incredible, sobering, brave and necessary. Opens Christmas Day. Thank you @sagaftra for the screening and Q&A. #Concussion
yvettemachadoEarly screening and Q&A of "Concussion" starring Will Smith! A very powerful film and a must-see for football fans. ������������ In theaters Christmas Day! I smell some Oscar nominations. PS. #WillSmith is the man. Such a funny, down-to-earth, cool guy! �������� #ConcussionMovie #AlbertBrooks #GuguMbathaRaw #AmazingCast #BasedOnATrueStory #OscarBuzz