Will Smith felt broken after failure of "After Earth"


Jun 14, 2012
Again tho..everyone died..you're picking movies where EVERY damn character died minus one. Idris' character may have died but he was also the smartest one there and had the best plan and went out like a hero. And he, along with everyone else except one character, died.

AE can't make bank because it was a boring flick breh lol. Like I get what you're saying, I feel you, I just feel like you're using the wrong movie to champion your cause right now. Will was a strong black lead in I Robot and he lived. Sci Fi is his thing but it didn't work for him this go round. Nothing wrong with that; not every movie is going to be a hit, sometimes you gotta go back to the drawing board and adjust which is exactly what he's doing and I commend him for that.

Edge of Tomorrow flopped too and that was great sci fi, Guardians succeeded because it has the marvel logo attached to it and while I loved the movie, I understand why some don't and that's cool. I disagree with your claims about it but it is what it is at this point.
Seriously. He thinks were hating on it for stupid ass reasons. Will is still low key top 3 for me. NEVER wanna see his movies do bad but this shyt was shyt


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
I knew Smith would feel that way especially when he put a lot of into getting the franchise off the ground. Got hated on from the start just because he has his kid in the movie. Me personally I liked the move but it did have some flaws like any movie. I liked the message between father and son that was displayed in the movie. Overall I liked how it displayed black people in the future having some prominent positions.


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
I'm probably the only person on this earth that actually sorta enjoyed after earth. From a scientific perspective it was rather interesting.

True I got the DVD and it made me enjoy the movie more seeing the behinds the scenes knowing all the stuff they put into the movie in a scientific perspective.


Behind Enemy Lines
Dec 26, 2012
DSGB(Down South Georgia Boy)
Remember Will had a chance to make The Last Pharaoh but NOOOOO he wants to keep making str8 bullshyt

:camby: Will

I remember walking outta After Earth and everybody was making fun of how awful the movie was. Just straight clowning the movie like



May 1, 2012
that's the thing, people say it's average and it wasn't that bad but no one goes to a Will Smith movie for average

11%RT and barely broke even (and that's being a bit lenient) is a flop for him

and let's not act like jaden isn't an absolute c*nt. no one is gonna like him just cause they like his dad, if anything it's an even bigger contrast that leads to more hate


May 1, 2012
After Earth was better then Guardians of the Galaxy IMO.

If people didnt think the hate for AE was solely because of M. Knight, then you havent been paying attention. :smh:

GoG was pure garabage that had the same concepts that been regargitated time after time again. I hated that shyt.

AE was a completely original concept and a more personal film with a postive black image that people hated because there wasnt enough explosions and action. Cacs like blake griffen and @Mikey2Toes cant stand to see a black sci fi done right. Then when one actually shows up black people complain and see that horrible flick GoG, foh.

Tell me what was it about AE that made it a steaming pile of horsehit? It wasnt a kiddy flick like GoG nor a hard-sci fi, intelligent flick like Intersteller, but yall act like it was Green Lantern bad (which it wasnt that bad) or completely uneatchable like The Rocks Hercules (which I turned off the first 5 minutes).

GoG had a immense backstory, that was "done right" so I could see the alocolades it got but when you have a positive black image star in a movie, something in which you dont see in this type of genre in the first place, doesnt mean its Hercules bad or a steaming pile of shyt like the critics want it to be. Thats assassine.

How did it stray off course?? It was pretty consistant throughout the movie. Everyone in the film except Will and Jayden was forgettable. So would Michael Bay and his explosions would make the movie more watchable? The plot was man vs nature and self, something really isnt explored in space-sci-fi that much.You wanted more suspense or something because it provided plenty of that.

I really wanted a sequal and the premise of this movie was a set-up for a awesome one but peope didnt give it a chance, which was sad. A completely original concept in terms of the premise and story but because black people dared to finance something outside of the Hollywood circle and having two black lead characters made the film "unbearable" and universally panned by critics.

Ahhh the Tyler Perry defense.....I too made that arguement about supporting stuff we shouldnt bit the difference between that and AE was a major sci-fi franchise and universe that was being created with no comic or novel backstory and was supposed to be taken seriously in a genre that was dominated by whites. As someone who was involved in the artistic realm, who wanted to see more people like me in a this type of film, you damn right i was going to support a film with serious black characters in sci-fi that hasnt been seen since Fishborne's portrayl in Event Horizen, give or take. Switch the characters races and i bet it wouldnt be slammed by critics like they did AE.

I guess its different strokes for different folks....

Race has everything to do with it, especially when it comes to black people making a film that hasnt been done like this before. And no, just because it had a black face doesnt mean it was a black movie, because it was marketed towards everyone, not just black people. Meteor Man was a scifi flick that was a "black movie" because it was marketed towards black people despite it most likely had nonblacks working on the film. "I Accidently Domed Your Son" was another black movie: intentionally hillarious with black humor targeted for a black audience. Same with Dinner with the Assassin.

And its different for Bay's movies because his lily-white Transformer 4 and the movies before that stay breaking box office records, despite the fact that it was pure trash. Entertaining yes, but no where near a artistic film. And people love it hence they are making more Transformer movies and not giving a fukk about the story. You think the franchise wouldve been this hot if it had a black star in place of Shea Lebouf and Mark Walburg? Or you think it wouldnt have matter??:upsetfavre:

Im not saying that AE couldve been done better, it could have been a better film, but to think that race wasnt involved at all for its horrible ratings and reviews again isnt paying attention. The same black people who support all of Perry, Issa Rae and the woman who created Greys Anatomy and Scandal dont watch sci fi. So of course its gonna target the Transformers, xmen, and spiderman crowds along with Will Smith fans. But those comic book fans didnt come out in drove and support the movie.....and quite possibly you will never see a film with a strong black lead make as much money as transformer 4....but thats another topic all together.

Gtfoh, GoG had the same tropes amd plot devices seen in dozens of action, adventure, and space stories in ALL platforms, there was absolutely nothing fresh, original, or innovative about.

At least AE's premise was way more fresh and innovative which is why I would rate it ahead of GoG. It couldve been executed more properly, but its not like GoG was a good fukking film either...hell Green Lantern was more enjoyable then GoG.



Don of all Dons
Mar 20, 2014
that's the thing, people say it's average and it wasn't that bad but no one goes to a Will Smith movie for average

11%RT and barely broke even (and that's being a bit lenient) is a flop for him
Yeah lets pretend Will doesnt have Wild Wild West, Bagger Vance, Men In Black 2, Jersey Girl, Seven Pounds and probably Winters Tale on his resume. shyt I could add Men In Black 3 on there, these are all either shyt or average movies. He has more shyt or average movies than great ones. This is Will Smith not Leonardo Dicaprio, his filmography aint shyt and After Earth isnt even in his bottom 5 of bad movies

People are pissed and overreacting because they thought it would be Will kicking ass and instead it was about his son while Will just guided him. It was a great movie for any father to take his son to, good message for any young boy lacking confidence, it was a movie for young boys and it was better than pretty much every movie aimed at that demographic around my time growing up.

Motherfukkers cant even make good kids movies without you grown ass nerds overreacting like it was meant for you feminine clowns
The fact that is at 11% on RT while shyt like Transcendence, Green Lantern, Divergent, etc have higher ratings is retarded
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Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
It's Will's own fault for working with M. Night. After that abomination that he claimed was 'Avatar' :beli:, I promised to never watch a new film from him ever again, no matter what... I suspect a lot of people feel the same as I do.