He needs to play some darker character driven roles. First as support and later he could do a few starring roles in some gangster/dark character study shyt. I don't know why this fool doesn't just mine his undercover sissy struggles and play a morally compromised individual.
Corrupt crackhead cop fails to get a witness paid off and has a contract from the cartel put on him to be carried out by his old friends on the block (without him knowing it would be them) unless he repays the cartel for the money they had to spend again.
First reel is him in present day, shaken up a bit, smoking that shyt, revealing the movie's conflicts through introduction of characters, 2nd reel is the backstory of his former moral position and his fall from grace and how he met the characters. Third reel is his complete collapse into crack and meth addiction, forsaking his job, family, and friends to go on an epic binge where it's also revealed thru a crack hazed vision he used to be a war vet and he does drugs to not feel afraid on the streets and not care about ppl. He was probably also from an abusive home but this should only be alluded to through discussions between crooked cop and criminal friends trying to give him advice and his wife arguing with him before leaving him. Her leaving should be cold and abrupt, too. Just taking the kids, some bags, and gone. The main character will have spent so much time being a worthless dopefiend absentee husband/father in the first reel that it'll be justifiable.
Will should use his inner fagg0try to channel a war-darkened soul back in the US and worn down to fumes of drugs and quick life-threatening thrills (like spending the money on drugs and bailing his favorite hookers out jail after a Vice Squad sweep. Yeah, he should be a Vice cop cuz a narc or something is too forward. A subtext of his struggle should be him going into the war to prove something to himself after an abusive upbringing and coming back not to glory, but to an oblivious and lawless and ungrateful society.
He becomes a cop to have legal authority to threaten ppl and be perceived as the hero, but he has a PTSD moment during his first narc case, where he meets the cartel and starts off doing drugs, and he's transferred to Vice Squad. In Vice Squad he hooks cartel associates up with more reputable girls while they're in town. Maybe the girls come from a strip club some of his h0mies own, that he likes to frequent so much and get drugged out and lay up w/ his favorite whores instead of being with his family.
Maybe he takes his 12 yr old son out of school one day when he's the only option after he feigns illness to keep from getting picked on, and Will sympathizes with the kid for a moment, becomes harsh again like was done with him, almost drives back to the school in a drug fueled rage to try to force his son to fight his bullies and pulls a U turn apologizing to his son and telling him he's gone get him some p*ssy and takes him to the strip club.
Some hating ass nikka calls his wife and she pulls up and they have a big argument and she pulls a gun and takes the son with her and they race back to the house in separate cars where Will's dumb ass just paces the floor trying to get a dopeboy on the phone to get some crack while he has HIS gun out. That's where his wife just gets her shyt and leaves him. And that's just a small cherry on top of the cake of shyt he's put his family through.
Maybe Will fukks the cartel out of their money because they intimidated him by having him ride along on a contract murder and that kicked in his PTSD which led to his trying to prove something to himself by blowing their money.
Maybe Will plays too many redeemable characters. This character shouldn't be redeemable. The supporting cast of criminals and crooked cops should have their shyt together a million times better than Will and should be intimidating other lowlifes in front of Will to snap him back to the reality of his impotence on the streets and make him want the drugs even more.
Maybe Will bailing the hookers out of jail was his attempt at redemption when it was really just flaunting his false authority. Maybe his real shot at redemption comes when the cartel sends him pictures of his family but instead of coming up off the money, which is fukking $25,000, he lights his stem and says fukk you and walks off (his wife had just left a few days ago and he's the deepest into his addiction of the whole film), where one of his friends follows him to his car and jumps in the passenger seat and shoots him in the face with a silencer equipped Mac 10, hops out and trades places, just pushing Will into the passenger seat and driving the car off into LA traffic.
Yeah it should take place in LA, seeing as how it'll borrow things from OG Bad LT. What'll prevent it from being too much like Training Day is the criminals will be more realistic and likeable and hence a lot more threatening and ominous. The whole damn movie shows how everyone has issues to deal with in their psyche and perhaps everyone is crazy in different ways while they try to resolve those issues. Will's drug use is what keeps him from going full retard in the street because he couldn't process his abuse enough to function as a charming and moderately wealthy sociopath like the crooked cops and criminals around him. The irony is that his black brehs seem the least sociopathic but they turn on him in the end. Maybe it's something about an amoral world of selfish sociopaths preying on one another to fight demons.
And Will should be square as fukk. Like a doped out version of Allen West, box fade and wire rim glasses and all. It should be the paradoxical nature of the character. He's from the hood and grew up rough as fukk but went Ultra Right conservative and joined the military in a rejection of that. After coming back from the war his confidence is shaken and he joins the police force as a last ditch effort at respectability but is shaken again and becomes an even worse contradiction.
His drug addiction causes him to become unjustifiably arrogant and grandiose, spewing his political ideologies and military strategies and war stories to random ppl in dopehouses, the strip club, etc. The great irony is that this character delves deeper into drugs and crime and immorality while preaching louder and louder about morality and "The Greatest Generation". He's a complete basketcase and he's either on that


, or

thru most of the film. Obviously another subtxt would be Black Respectability Politics and how it ties into the problematic image of manhood in the Black community, which is really just symptomatic of a larger confusion in the American male.
This character should NOT be gay, btw. His sexual abuse should come from women, and his physical abuse should come from both men and women. It would completely undermine the character to have his conflicts be summed up with fakkitry. No, he's doing drugs because his reality is at odds with his image of himself as a conquering, GWB era war hero back to clean up the streets and maybe run for office. He's always telling his wife to be less ghetto and how he's a pillar of the community now. He's a self-righteous a$$hole who's a tortured soul.
His personality was fragmented once when he went to war, then again when the cartel killed in front of him. The drugs were first a form of macho camaraderie among the cartel guys but once the second break in his personality occurs after the contract murder he becomes a contradiction of the first alter, even trumpeting louder the convictions of the first alter to further the agenda of the second, which is revelation of the absurdity of the first alter and destruction of everything meaningful to his core personality. His family, his job, his true friends. In a subconscious punishment of the core personality for not being strong enough to prevent fragmentation and just roll with the traumatic stress like how it perceived his abusers doing.
The alters wouldn't have names, because obviously if Will is smart enough to know he's fragmented his personality he would be too aware to fully deceive himself into a full blown alternate personality. It's a struggle with identity, and honestly a lot of the supporting characters would only be lacking that 2nd traumatic break to go off a cliff themselves.
The film would be a character study and so the character would have to be slightly schizo just by the nature of the story.