I never listened to that. That’s an interesting angle will wanted. He wanted it to be more about Django and Broomhilda?
Not only do I think that Will's too safe, I think for as talented as he is, he's not very "creative". I don't think he can "see" something if he doesn't have something else he can directly compare it to. And he's too controlling to let someone lead. Not give over complete control, but trust that somebody else has a vision, and he, as an actor, can add to it and help make it real.
Ever since I heard that story of how he picked his movies during his Movie Star run (studying Box Office and only doing movies that had CG, Aliens etc.), all his choices seem so see through and overly calculated in hindsight and in the present.
So I just had an idea and went through his entire filmography...
In over 30 years of acting Will Smith has only worked with 2 director's who have ever won Oscars for Directing - Robert Redford and Ang Lee. If I'm wrong someone can correct me.

An Oscar isn't the be all and end all, but to have only worked with 2 people who have that to their name says something. I don't know what, but it says something.