dude.....what u don't get is that technology is improving exponentially and that before long you'll be able to replicate the experience of being at the movies from you couch
immersive 3D technology is just coming online right now.....it'll first explode in the gaming with the next gen consoles but before long it should impact all scopes of entertainment
imagine being able to experience being in madison square garden being surrounded by thousands of people watching the knicks play from the comfort of your couch?
that is where technology is heading
Movie theaters are just the beginning. I think watching live sports as well as live concerts will also become a thing of the past. We are heading toward a society that will be online much more than being out there in the "real world" as the "virtual world" becoming more real.
I see where you getting at but all that aint happening in the next 20 years. People also have to not only be able to afford the technology but be able to really use it. How many people are really gonna have a large OPEN wall in their house to project a movie the size of the screens in theaters as well as the surround sound systems to replicate that.
Not only that but this is going to lead to another debate (future human social interaction)