Wife caught our 4 year old beating off to porn... :mjlol: (Update: Day Care Looking For the Parents)


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
4 year olds "discover" themselves, it's no big deal.

Please don't listen to a bunch of people online who don't have children and overreact.

You've already done the right thing by talking to him and explaining what's going on.

Just keep an eye on him and put some damn parental controls on the tv:martin:


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
:wow: dammit I didn’t want to be right

Next piece of advice breh is to not flip out on the lil girl and her parents, remember she is just a child but you definitely want to see if her parents know what's going on and who showed her how or why to do that

I would be harsher on the day care, how are three year olds left alone long enough for something like that to happen

But most importantly of all don't chastise your song you don't want to make him feel guilty for what happened

Well... I think I'm level headed enough to not take it out on a child but I do feel some type of way about the parents right now and I am equally pissed with the day care. The thing now is, how many other kids are getting touched and stuff.

Regine Hunter

Captain Fupa
Dec 14, 2013
4? My five year old cousin is too preoccupied with the transformers and always tells me how girls always want to hold hands with him when his kindergarten teacher takes them outside but instead wants to play soccer with his friends :pachaha:

Honestly, just monitor your son more

Cynical Thoughts

All Star
May 17, 2012
I was too, but as far back as I can remember I liked p*ssy as well, it is what it is. I turned out just fine, and in no way am I encouraging that behaviour in a young child, just saying it's not uncommon.
Young boys are known to do shyt like look up girls skirts n such, it's not that different.
what if your son gets curious and tries something with your daughter or you baby??? this ain't nothin to blink about son...four years old is way too young for this shyt...


I went to his room last night and ask him had anyone ever touched him down their before. He said no. I asked him had his sister done it and he was like :scust: . So after I brow beat him to answer the question he said started crying. At that point I found myself getting annoyed. Then he finally fessed up.

Apparently there was a little girl in his day care that touched him. After his sister was born, we took him becuz it made no sense to keep him in there since my wife wasn't going back to work. I'm not sure of who the girl is or the parents. I'm not about to give names out becuz I'm thinking about taking legal action. But I just went from :heh: to :demonic: real quick.

Oh and when I asked if he was pulling it, he said that he was only flipping it around. So I'm getting off early today to go to the day care and talk to the "teachers" and see if I can get an address or something on these parents. But yea, I'm thinking of sending him to a therapist soon.

My soon is the goofiest and sweetest kid I know.

I can honestly say that if it wasn't for yall, I probably would have gave no further thought to this matter. So thanks. But to the rest of yall calling my son a fakkit and all of that shyt... It's just proof that anything can be said with the stroke of a keyboard.

If theres another 4 year old girl that taught him this then that girl probably getting molested
4- and 5-year-olds engaged in oral sex at California Lutheran pre-school | Opinion - Conservative

Carson preschool to close after alleged student sexual activity

Richard McCarthy says his 4-year-old son and at least another boy often received oral sex at school from a 5-year-old girl, and that his son “told me about all the bad things that girl had been doing to him. It went down in the classroom, it went down in the bathroom and it went down out on the playground. The two boys that have been introduced to this feeling that they don’t know how to process are still looking for it, and trying to make it happen.”

McCarthy says after the school told him his son was acting up again, he rushed to campus. Fighting back tears, the father said “I just had to keep yelling in his ear, ‘You’re not in trouble, you’re not in trouble!’ And I just told him, ‘You’re never coming back here again for these people to do this to you.’”
But now, he doesn’t know where to send his son: “There’s no way I can just take him to another school and be that parent that just lets a predator loose. How else do you explain it?”

ow, McCarthy and other parents are concerned that their children, after being inappropriately exposed to sexual behavior at such a young age, may become sexual predators themselves.
“There’s no way I can just take him to another school and be that parent that just lets a predator loose,” McCarthy said. “How else do you explain it?”

Owen said, “Parents are saying, ‘My child is now a predator. Now how can I let him go to another school?’ I have talked to three of the parents who have not been able to, but I would think there are schools around. ‘There were many children lying there and they watched these acts. In our business and in psychological terms, that’s sexualizing a child at a young age.”

In an exclusive interview with KABC-TV, the mother of the little girl alleged to have given oral sex to the boys said her 5-year-old daughter was caught by a teacher inside a bathroom at school giving oral sex to a 4-year-old boy. The unnamed mother said:
“It’s unfathomable on so many levels. For one, that it actually happened. For two, where it happened. For three, how often something happened. The way that she [her daughter] explained it, it was kind of like it was an everyday thing…from pulling the pants down to exposing themselves to, you know, trying to get somebody to put their mouth on the privates.”
The mother insisted investigators had found no evidence of child abuse at her home.
That being said, there is no way that a 5-year-old girl would know about oral sex, even less perform oral sex on boys, without having been sexually abused herself.

The little girl was black and fatherless. If that makes a difference.

This is why I can't stand when dudes in here act like mixing young boys and sex is somehow good and only beneficial to him. They never think a step ahead." Only I wish it happened to me" Buncha fools.

Wonder how that little girl is doing now? Smdh

smh dudes actually coming in here saluting and glorifying sexual behavior at age 4? If it did happen to them, they were the extreme minority.

I liked p*ssy at 4? come on breh. If you saw you littles girl stuffing things in her privates, you gonna let her cook?

Some of y'all man. Smh.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013

I went to his room last night and ask him had anyone ever touched him down their before. He said no. I asked him had his sister done it and he was like :scust: . So after I brow beat him to answer the question he said started crying. At that point I found myself getting annoyed. Then he finally fessed up.

Apparently there was a little girl in his day care that touched him. After his sister was born, we took him becuz it made no sense to keep him in there since my wife wasn't going back to work. I'm not sure of who the girl is or the parents. I'm not about to give names out becuz I'm thinking about taking legal action. But I just went from :heh: to :demonic: real quick.

Oh and when I asked if he was pulling it, he said that he was only flipping it around. So I'm getting off early today to go to the day care and talk to the "teachers" and see if I can get an address or something on these parents. But yea, I'm thinking of sending him to a therapist soon.

My soon is the goofiest and sweetest kid I know.

I can honestly say that if it wasn't for yall, I probably would have gave no further thought to this matter. So thanks. But to the rest of yall calling my son a fakkit and all of that shyt... It's just proof that anything can be said with the stroke of a keyboard.

I am SO glad you talked to him and got answers. He will be ok. I never liked daycare you can't control what happens to the other kids at their home and what they bring back. I hope that little girl is ok tho it's a domino affect.


I ain't never seen no talking winning nothing.
Aug 21, 2013
OP is a weirdo..... what the hell....... Netflix has a kids only mode or whatever......

How you lazy parenting your kid letting them look up whatever....

There's all kinds of scarring shyt out there that I've had to purposely avoid/make other people avoid like the movie Irreversible


Jun 7, 2014
Your son should never be around your daughters without parental supervision.

There's also a good chance that the girl who touched your son is being molested at home.Instead of telling the day care center/parents of the girl what happened,maybe you should contact the authorities.If the parents of the girl are tipped off about this incident they might move to another city/state.
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Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
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