White City Black
Ol’ Basquiat head ass
What’s with the one scene they’re showing in an IG promo of what looks like Daniel taking in a freestyle cypher with a couple brothers, only to raise his gun and shoot one of them?
At best good but nothing I'd watch again. Too predictable and too long. Great cast, camera work. But I felt no connection to these characters. Paperboy was the best actor to me. That Get Out nigguh was ruthless but u cant buy him as a gangsta. Alot great actors but I just never felt the depth.
At best good but nothing I'd watch again. Too predictable and too long. Great cast, camera work. But I felt no connection to these characters. Paperboy was the best actor to me. That Get Out nigguh was ruthless but u cant buy him as a gangsta. Alot great actors but I just never felt the depth.
I LOVED the movie. The twist, was unexpected. I didn't see it coming.
I do have a few small issues.Where did the girls get the car from at the end, to get the money back? Daniel Kaluuya had a head start. That part felt a little deus ex machina.
But all the characters were great. Loved VIOLA DAVIS and Elizabeth Debecki. Both were acted their asses off.
Also what was up with the end in the coffee shop, between Viola and Debecki's character? Didn't understand that too well?
I have an idea...I feel part is that Veronica was such a hard-ass that she never once really been friendly to anyone of them. Old girl took a bullet for them. She cannot brush that aside after everything they went through.
Your last sentence gets at my problem with the film. I would have liked it more if Get Out dude had more scenes. Got to really see him as a character. Not saying he would the next Pesci but it could have been iconic. Movie felt like it had a bunch of characters which I would have liked more if it had time. But with so many characters you cant. Unless you focus in on them. For example, less time on that tall thot. Yeah you can say they developed her character but at the end i felt nothing for her. Give more time to Daniel or the Paperboi and his interaction with the pastor. Just felt like he tried to do too much with the film. And that ending was too Hollywood as well. I know I'm in the minority but that's the way I saw itI feel 100% the opposite. This movie was GREAT and had layers that delved deeper into how politics are, how it interferes and drastically affects the urban communities, true Chicago corruption and a lot of ironies in terms of white liberalism. I thought the movie was brilliant. I was invested in all the characters from the start and definitely give Daniel Kaluuya an Oscar already. His role is the most ruthless since Javier Bardem performance as Anton Chigurh... The only wish was that dude had more scenes, because he commanded it each time.
I LOVED the movie. The twist, was unexpected. I didn't see it coming.
I do have a few small issues. Where did the girls get the car from at the end, to get the money back? Daniel Kaluuya had a head start. That part felt a little deus ex machina.
But all the characters were great. Loved VIOLA DAVIS and Elizabeth Debecki. Both acted their asses off.
Put spoiler tags on that question....but I feel you on that, but I suspect they came in two vehicles.
I didn't want to go there yet but that car part didnt make sense. And killing Daniel like that was lucky at best. My other question is was Daniel just gonna keep the money for himself and not tell paperboi?