My g-daughters are 5 and 7. How my day went when babysitting last time I was off tells me I'm not ready:
*wakes up to argument over a Barbie van*
*listens to 20 minutes of whining over it before they move on to something else*
*spend 20 minutes deciding what each will eat for breakfast because they have a list of like a zillion things they don't like*
*spend 20 more minutes trying to get them to eat what THEY picked out*
*cue 20 more minutes of whining over not wanting to take a bath or get dressed*
*are both late for the bus*
*drive them to school while they fight in the backseat*
*drop them off*
*go home and clean up everything they messed up*
*take a nap*
*go to the gym*
*rush to pick up 5 year old from Pre-K on the other side of town that gets out at 12:30*
*listen to her cry in the back seat because she didn't eat her school lunch for some reason and is starving*
*make lunch and beg her to eat it*
*get older sister off bus*
*cue immediate fighting and arguing over the TV*
*Help 7 year old with homework while she takes 20 minutes to do 15-6*
*get both dressed for cheerleading*
*Cue crying because someone can't find their skirt*
*drive 40 minutes to drop them off*
*mom calls, says she can't pick them up, asks me to pick them back up and take them back to my house for dinner*
*place my face in my hands and cry*
At this point in time, my life > that shyt every single day