Literally what has been being said all throughout the ABK deal.
Now y'all want to pay attention to it.
He also said if it was up to him there wouldn't be exclusives at all. But y'all tee-hee and laughed that off as some round about excuse to get the deal closed.
No nikkas, if MS could just ship games and have a few exclusives here and there to test and show off their proprietary hardware and features they would.
That's ultimately what they are working towards. This isn't something new. Hence why I've been saying since gamepass was announced that console sales won't matter as much for them.
Just like surface sales don't matter much to them. Windows, office and azure aren't simply going to tank because surface sales tanked. And MS is likely never to get rid of some kind of hardware they make for PC use. The samething applies to Xbox.
20 plus years and 70 billion dollars later and y'all still debating and trying to convince everyone that Xbox is falling in one way or another.
Player count
Cool factor
It's sad