Why Some Black Folks Don't Consider White Women Oppressors?

Black Barbie

AADOS Queen of the Appalachian
Jan 7, 2016
MLK accepts an award from piece of shyt of a woman and we suppose to believe that she wasn't on some dirty dirty shyt..FOH

MLK also hung with that Gundi motherfukker and I know what you read what he had to say about black ppl??

There is a statue of this clown motherfukker at the MLK memorial but yet he shytted and said all types of things about black ppl

You dudes need to really read about how WW are a piece of shyt.

These the same ppl that would murder black babies, steal them in the middle of the night and either cut their throats or drown them because they were upset/mad/full of rage that their husband got a black woman pregnant...

IF they wasn't killing the baby, they would beat the shyt outta of the baby, do all types of dirty evil things to the black babies...

I can't remember or recall the "Law" that was created to protect these evil fukks, that would allow them to get off from punishment for if they were caught doing some harmful shyt..

I'll find what that law is called..someone on here may know what I'm talking about.

Hell yea these WW are evil fukks..

Look up the law, they mentioned the law in Hidden Colors 3 I'm drawing a blank and can't recall that law, but that shyt was made to protect these evil ass WW from their evil ass acts they were doing to black babies and the black woman

Speaking of which didn't they also use them as "Gator Bait"?

The slaves who had babies, they would steal the babies during the course of the day, sometimes when their mothers weren't watching... Some would be infants, some would be a year old; he said some would be toddlers. He said they would grab these children and take them down to the swamp and leave them in pens like little chicken coops.

They would go down there at night, take these babies and... tie them up, put a rope around their neck and around their torso, around here, and tie it tight

They'd be screaming... What they were doing would help them to chum the water. He said when they would throw the babies in tied to this rope, he said in a matter of minutes, he said, the alligators were on them. He said the alligator would clamp his jaws on that child. As a matter of fact, once he clamped on them he was really swallowed. He said you couldn't see anything but the rope! Some would be infants, some would be a year old, toddlers, some would be infants.

Supreme HD

Dec 7, 2014
Nikka, ok a lot of black men then. Y'all criticize us black women all day and point out our flaws so fukk you.
Shut your c*nt ass up. Whose gonna protect y'all if a war breaks out. White men? Nah bytch, they'll be too but protecting cac c*nts.


Oct 31, 2014
The amount of brehs tricked and killed in slavery days to due to demonic cac bytches must be high. :wow: :francis:

It's proven sex transcends race sometimes, fukking cacs used to rape female slaves.

I've met plenty of real cool white girls in my day..

Now that I think about it they gave me attention cause they wanted the D:jbhmm:

Yep. See that's the thing I don't understand. You'd think black guys would understand that just because someone wants to have sex with you doesn't mean they like you or respect you. I thought this was universally known amongst men. Y'all are the ones who can separate sex from emotion and say sex is just sex. Y'all talk about this all the time on here, yet when it comes to white women y'all become dumb and naive and think they must be down because they sleep with us.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
On top of what has been said, in general it's "hard" for people (regardless of race) to see women (regardless of race) as "bad". We are preconditionned to see them as nice, caring, gentle people by default. That's why girls get less harsh punishment at school than boys do, for the same thing they did. That's why women get shorter prison terms than men (if they get convicted at all). That's why when a relationship goes bad instantly it's the man's fault, and if it's the woman's fault, well in some way it's because the man didn't care enough her/whatever, so it's still the man's fault.

So when people talk about Nazis, they envision men, like women weren't part of the Nazi war effort and weren't ratting out on Jews too. When people here in France talk about extreme-right, they STILL see old white men, even though the goddamn LEADER of Front national is a woman. Doesn't matter.

That's why I don't care for the whole "intersectionnality" thing. This female (mixed) friend of mine told me once she would always feel sympathetic to the white woman, even if that white woman is racist, because "she's also oppressed for being a woman" :dwillhuh::francis:


P.S. : This is also how you can have a thread like this where a Black man is going hard on his brother,
and a Black woman will come in talkin' all kinda additional flagrant chit about Black men, and he won't say a damn thing to her.

Men - none of these women (no matter what color) out here is givin' a chit about you unless you can do something for them personally.
Understand that chit, then do it how it go.


Can’t find a job, YOU can rap at least
Apr 7, 2014
...When did dudes start giving Cave women such hard passes? I realized that White women are often given passes and are often free from the oppressor label as it pertains to Black folks. :what:

Like they play no hand in the subjugation of Black Americans. Like they don't have a historical track record of falsely accusing Black men of crimes sending them behind bars or up an oak tree. As if White women's lies didn't destroy Black neighborhoods, like in, Rosewood and Oklahoma. As if White women weren't smiling in them lynching photos, as if White women weren't behind the Street Harassment Movement with intent of locking up Black and Latino males.

A White woman Did this......
Madame LaLaurie

The New Orleans Bee reported that on April 11, 1834 bystanders attempted to evacuate the slave quarters but were denied keys by the LaLauries, so they broke down the doors. What they found would haunt them til the day they died. Seven mutilated slaves, some were hung, others were stretched at their limbs, some were missing body parts. Some reports mentioned spiked collars, and being bound in contorted positions.

Sounds like some shyt a White man would do, right? Want to know why? Because there is no difference between a White man and White woman...They are one in the same...Except White women have vaginas, which I guess might be the reason some nikkas give them passes for their bullshyt, huh? :pachaha:


Cause they want the p*ssy.

I figured...which is pathetic because some of these dudes put way too much life stock into sex, it's pathetic.

/end thread it's the equivalent of why some of the old homies wanna be on some wild shyt in our mid 20's. Yet you moved on & their upset :martin: Can't reason with stupid that lynching postcard only had myself & others in that bytch. How many times did a lynching & castration start with... "He raped a white woman" "he whistled at a white woman" etc


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
It's because some black men think white women look the best, and are easily misled by them. They see white women as an angelic, infallible monolith and put them on a pedestal.

I've dated them before but I knew they sleep, eat and shyt just like anybody else does.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
possibly because of misogyny and because of our male centered society. therefore it leaves little possibility that a woman could be far enough ahead where she could control anything let alone oppress anyone not female. but i doubt any conversations would be had on that topic, it's easier to just say "yeah, they can oppress too", which is true however less likely, than to realize it's more likely, if you're a male, that you've done something oppressive, given your male privilege weighed against your black skin, to another female.

simply i'm saying it's less likely, given majority of us being males paired with the fact some of us are black, that we've experienced oppression from white women.

These same Black men deny having male privilege all the time so....no. That's not it.