Godless Socialist CEO
Such a wild statement for someone to make about Joe Biden of all people.No he wouldn't.
Such a wild statement for someone to make about Joe Biden of all people.No he wouldn't.
Personally? To get our arms around and dismantle the conservative power structure that republicans have been building brick by brick for several decades.What do liberals want?
Personally? To get our arms around and dismantle the conservative power structure that republicans have been building brick by brick for several decades.
Fundamentally, what does that look like, you say? :
- eliminate partisan redistricting
- make voting (national & local) a holiday
- expand/restore voting rights ( return right to vote to felons, mail in ballots, etc.)
- expand the supreme court
- grant statehood to Puerto Rico & DC
- eliminate the filibuster
- congressional term limits
Liberals in this country want the Obama years where they can go back to living care free lives and not be bothered by inconvenient truths about inequity and systemic racism shoved in their faces. They'd love to largely keep the status quo,with a little less police brutality, a little less culture wars that prevent them from being blissfully ignorant like they want. They want to address these issues by kneeling in kente clothes and patting themselves on the back for it.
"The left is better funded now". Can we please stop calling Democrats "The left"
The entire reason we're having this dumb conversation is because of right-wing democrats. "The left" is not being funded by dark money
If anything the first year of Biden's presidency should kill all this dumb talk about Democrats being "The left".
What do you want to call the more liberal party? The "center" since they're been moving right for 40 years?
If you took that as shytting on Obama, then Idk what to tell you.Here we go shytting on Obama again, you understand change is incremental right?
If you took that as shytting on Obama, then Idk what to tell you.
Liberals got to live pretty care-free lives under obama. They were able to advantage of the economy growing out of the recession, weren't bothered by social unrest in the news and in their faces. None of that is really a value statement on Obama.
Agreed it's a blanket statement. It doesnt apply to all liberals, but it certainly applies to most. If youre posting on this board, and having this discussion, youre probably more dialed in and informed than 99% of the voting populace. Most people vote and dont think much of it. Biden won, in part because those suburban wine moms didnt like Trump because all that shyt gets thrown in their faces, and hoped all they had to do for it to go away was vote for Biden.That's a pretty big blanket statement.
Most of my views would be considered "liberal" I guess, I graduated college during the recession and spent most of Obama's first term struggling. And as a black man I certainly cared about the social unrest and racist backlash going on.
red states and their residents are why we can't have nice things and why this bill turned into such a cluster f'ck
You forgot Billionaires and Corporations are always why we can't have nice things. They need their slaves desperate, hungry and fukking unhappy