Why is the game lineups for 2014 so lopsided in Xbox One's favor?

May 1, 2012
Is it because the PS4 selling way more you feel some type of way?
Some type of way make you feel some type of way?
Xbox One not so lucky, know you feel some type of way

Mr. CEO is what the title say

PS4 and PS3 did the most, he feel some type of way.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Well well, its now 4pgs. One 3cept tried. One 3cept failed miserably :laff:
Lets review/recap the first 4pgs of the first epic sonning of 2014
The Order 1886 (Target is for the Fall of 2014, but most likely spring 2015)
Infamous Second Son (April 1st 2014 :tu: )

The Witness (The game by Jonathan Blow, doubter of Xbox Cloud Tech and Moron extraordinaire)
Let's actually look at this game, somebody tell me why there should be HYPE surrounding this game again?

shyt looks like a game I'd play on an iPhone :heh:

DriveClub (Was delayed cuz it sucked)

Rime (This sorry game HAS NO RELEASE DATE :ufdup: )
Now let me show you what these dudes are hyping up. Looks like an HD PS2 game :laff:

Deep Down (Game was a flop once we actually seen gameplay, has no 2014 release date either)

Shadow of the Beast (Release date Unknown :beli: )
Shadow of the beast. A title nobody really heard of until you posted about it. What can you tell me about this 2015 title 3cepts? fukk it, lets show a video

I really like how the UI stays invisible so it doesn't disrupt the CGI that sony is known for (word to Killzone 2)
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (2014 TBD but I'm saying 2015)
And the reason I'm saying 2015? Well, if its a game coming out this year. There would be some gameplay footage wouldn't there be. Or are they gonna rush that part so it can make it this year? All that is shown is an unimpressive tree foilage.. a radio.. then the sun. :wow:

^^^ Peep the video yourselves ^^^ :hula:
:whew: That's not even counting 3rd party titles coming to PS4 that ain't coming to Xbox1 like Outlast, Dayz, Hotline Miami 2. (More indie cellphone games bruh :heh: )

And if this comes out this year?? :noah:(And if this comes out this year :laff: Waitstation 4)

It's over.

Well, that was a sad pathetic attempt at showcasing the games of 2014. If I exaggerated at any part, please point it out. Otherwise, I expect a bunch of whimpering. Bring it on :win:
Let me update the list of actual this year games. Let me show the the difference ladies and gentleman.
2013 came and went, and Xbox One took home the most awards for gaming and system features
Best tech gadget/etc.

So now that we are into 2014, the general talk amongst the fanboys is how this game/system has sold
Right now its still the launch period, so sales don't really matter right now. Thats for 2/3yrs out
For now, I just want to be entertained. RYSE, Forza, DR3, Peggle 2, Max, Killer Instinct and others have been more than enough for the first 2months of its existence :salute:

But now that its 2014, what is on the horizon?

Xbox One has these titles that WILL LAND THIS YEAR!!!

Halo 5 (No video available)

What is known about his game is that it will be the first Halo to run in 1080p/60fps.
What I didn't know about this game?


Fable Legends

It takes place 400yrs before Fable 1, is 5players. 4 good guys, and one person controlling the final boss
Thru out the game the bad guy chooses what enemies attack the four players, sets up traps/etc.
Sounds amazing, looked fantastic. Can't wait...


I don't know much about this game, but I do know that the entire gaming industry has vouched for it as being a AAA title. To further elaborate. Games like DriveClub have never been called AAA from industry insiders who play games. This game, AAA by everyone who has seen/played it. So if this wasn't on your radar? It should be.


Looks great, can be played with a controller or totally via Kinect. made by the people who made Deadly Premonition. Early play thru's have said the game is a hit. Should be out soon :eat:

Minecraft XB1 Edition

Not much to say about this except that it will be the definitive edition. Whatever other versions have, this will have plus more. TBC...

If you heard of Little Big Planet, well meet his older brother who went on to become a college professor.
This game is basically every game, you can create your own worlds, characters, cut scenes, dialog for every character/etc. You can do everything in this game. This game alone would be enough to keep you busy for this entire gen. Its that damn deep. Feel free to hate...

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

Will hit other systems in 2015, but this year? Xbox One is the only place to have fun :win:

Quantum Break

What can be said about this game besides :wow:
Its made by the creator of Max Payne. It plays like Max Payne mixed with Alan Wake
It fuses live TV with the game. Has like a dozen hours worth of TV show, and like 16hrs of gameplay mixed in
This is not including DLC
One of a kind game play experience. Must have AAA title. No game is trying to break new ground as much as this title. Feel free to continue hating :umad:

Sunset Overdrive

Well, its made by the people who made Ratchet & Clank/Resistance. Its a 3rd person shooter in a online world that is constantly changing because its based in the cloud. They say nothing will be the same from day to day. Very ambitious, and if you are a sony gamer? Then you can vouch for this companies pedigree
Just because of that, this game is something a sony gamer can't be overlooking. Sounds awesome, I expect it to be awesome. :ufury2:
Super Time Force

You don't know shyt about this game, so let me learn you all...

Trials Fusion

Trials is an motocross stunt racing game that is big business on XBLA
Sony came out with Joe Danger which is ass in comparison, and now that game is also on XBox
Trials Fusion aka Trials 3 is gonna be a beast in 2k14


Have you seen Titanfall :shaq:

Tom Clancy: The Division

Exclusive content coming BEFORE and AFTER the game officially drops. Expect a beta for XB1 ONLY
Diablo 3

Recently revealed, This lame ass game is heading to XB1. But some people will be happy for it so here ya go :tu:

Kinect Sports Rivals

The game is flat out awesome, nuff said. Everyone and they mamaz will agree once this title is ready for the world to digest. Prepare to grub gamers :cook:


That's how you showcase games of 2014. You see there was no bullshyt thrown in. :win:
Playstation Now :eat:
PS Plus :eat:
Free-To-Play PSN titles :eat:

All on TOP OF the game lineup for the year :eat: :eat: :eat:

We gonna have to loosen our belts this year :mjpls: we past the point of needing lists
Damn, you seem like you on struggle mode bruh. Free to play titles :bryan:
The PS4 just lanuhced 2 months ago, you over here with your hand out waiting for something free :dead:
I thought you don't care about indie titles??
Damn, you still alive?
I'm sorry I forget this is the part where you turn into @damagecontrol23 :skip:.

Lol I NEVER see you get into batman mode when Xbots post incorrect info. You just bat your eye.
Bruh, don't you have other stuff to worry about? Like that list you posted. You singlehandidly sealed the deal on 2014 :shakehands:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I see no release dates on them LarryBox games. :umad:
Peep the first post in this thread. At the bottom, its in RED :ufdup:
:dead: @ that Witness HD trailer. The fukk did I just watch? :heh:
The gameplay is non existent because that is the gameplay. Its kind of like Pokemon Snap
They just want you to witness a bunch of bullshyt :manny:

Lord Beasley

Aug 2, 2012
469 x 972 x 702
court is a fkin flabb :dead:

shyts on the witness but big ups below :deadmaus:
big ups kinect game D4 :flabbynsick:

Big ups minecraft :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:

Trials fusion?????????? i'm fukkin done :deadmanny:

2 titles ALONE will shyt on the majority of your exclusives. The Order and Infamous, even Deep Down looks like it will shyt on y'alls titles brehs. u suck slagg

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
court is a fkin flabb :dead:

shyts on the witness but big ups below :deadmaus:
big ups kinect game D4 :flabbynsick:

Big ups minecraft :dead: :dead: :dead: :dead:

Trials fusion?????????? i'm fukkin done :deadmanny:

2 titles ALONE will shyt on the majority of your exclusives. The Order and Infamous, even Deep Down looks like it will shyt on y'alls titles brehs. u suck slagg
Lets try to engage in an adult conversation, friend :shaq:
No, I wasn't BIG UPPIN minecraft. I was naming a game slated for this year. Minecraft is a big deal to some gamers, but with Spark on the horizon, Minecraft should be an afterthought on this console (might be a big deal on PS4 :heh: )

D4 is a very ambitious game, and IGN seem to LOVE IT. So without playing it, I'm not gonna shyt on it when people who have played it say its great :ufdup:

Trials fusion, you trying to downplay that game? Wow, you really are exposing yourself as a non gamer who has to be told what is what. If you actually played games yourself, you'd know Trials is an excellent game.
Moving right along...

The Witness. Yes I'm shytting on that game. Because as of today, its not a game. Its more of a concept
I've seen the same bootleg windwaker video you seen. No gameplay. So why would anyone be excited for it
Why is it this game on a radar when no gameplay has ever been shown :wtf:
What the fukk are you excited about?

Then you mentioned The Order, Infamous, Deep Down. Infamous is pt.3 in a franchise that has never caught on with the masses. I like Infamous, I expect this new one to be decent. But Playstation gamers don't give a shyt about infamous just like you don't give a shyt about Killzone. So if you wanna talk about that game like its a AAA game, nikka. Its not a AAA game on PS3 so its not a AAA game to the world :hula:

The Order, you know NOTHING about it. We know what Quantum Break is about. We seen it/etc.
The Order, The Witness, RIME, Deep Down/etc. All these games are unknown titles with questionable release dates.

And this is the best you guys can come up with? You do realize that its very possible that only 2/3 games mentioned so far hit this year. Thats how horrible the PS4 2014 lineup is. If what I said wasn't true.
Prove it bruh. Posting up a game with no gameplay, no screens outside of CGI/tech demo. That proves that its nowhere near release. Not sorry if that offends you :umad:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Well well, its now 4pgs. One 3cept tried. One 3cept failed miserably :laff:
Lets review/recap the first 4pgs of the first epic sonning of 2014
Well, that was a sad pathetic attempt at showcasing the games of 2014. If I exaggerated at any part, please point it out. Otherwise, I expect a bunch of whimpering. Bring it on :win:
Let me update the list of actual this year games. Let me show the the difference ladies and gentleman.

That's how you showcase games of 2014. You see there was no bullshyt thrown in. :win:

Damn, you seem like you on struggle mode bruh. Free to play titles :bryan:
The PS4 just lanuhced 2 months ago, you over here with your hand out waiting for something free :dead:

Damn, you still alive?

Bruh, don't you have other stuff to worry about? Like that list you posted. You singlehandidly sealed the deal on 2014 :shakehands:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Peep the first post in this thread. At the bottom, its in RED :ufdup:

The gameplay is non existent because that is the gameplay. Its kind of like Pokemon Snap
They just want you to witness a bunch of bullshyt :manny:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Lets try to engage in an adult conversation, friend :shaq:
No, I wasn't BIG UPPIN minecraft. I was naming a game slated for this year. Minecraft is a big deal to some gamers, but with Spark on the horizon, Minecraft should be an afterthought on this console (might be a big deal on PS4 :heh: )

D4 is a very ambitious game, and IGN seem to LOVE IT. So without playing it, I'm not gonna shyt on it when people who have played it say its great :ufdup:

Trials fusion, you trying to downplay that game? Wow, you really are exposing yourself as a non gamer who has to be told what is what. If you actually played games yourself, you'd know Trials is an excellent game.
Moving right along...

The Witness. Yes I'm shytting on that game. Because as of today, its not a game. Its more of a concept
I've seen the same bootleg windwaker video you seen. No gameplay. So why would anyone be excited for it
Why is it this game on a radar when no gameplay has ever been shown :wtf:
What the fukk are you excited about?

Then you mentioned The Order, Infamous, Deep Down. Infamous is pt.3 in a franchise that has never caught on with the masses. I like Infamous, I expect this new one to be decent. But Playstation gamers don't give a shyt about infamous just like you don't give a shyt about Killzone. So if you wanna talk about that game like its a AAA game, nikka. Its not a AAA game on PS3 so its not a AAA game to the world :hula:

The Order, you know NOTHING about it. We know what Quantum Break is about. We seen it/etc.
The Order, The Witness, RIME, Deep Down/etc. All these games are unknown titles with questionable release dates.

And this is the best you guys can come up with? You do realize that its very possible that only 2/3 games mentioned so far hit this year. Thats how horrible the PS4 2014 lineup is. If what I said wasn't true.
Prove it bruh. Posting up a game with no gameplay, no screens outside of CGI/tech demo. That proves that its nowhere near release. Not sorry if that offends you :umad: