FB/Instagram, Google/YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. All of the platform holders bent the knee and played a role in shaping reality on their platforms to favor him. If there was a way to break down all that free publicity, and estimate the monetary value, it would likely exceed the $6 billion from his 2016 campaign multiple times over, but you want to harp on the misleading notion that they outspent him.
And no, the Democrats didn't have "every advantage." That's a delusional take. They faced a hostile media environment. Major networks gave Trump a platform at every turn. Social media companies bent the knee and handed him the spotlight and an algorithm that favored him. Meanwhile, GOP state legislatures worked overtime to suppress Democratic voters through targeted voter ID laws, reduced polling locations, and aggressive gerrymandering.
Claiming Democrats had more institutional power in 2024 is just not true, either. Republicans controlled the Supreme Court with a 6-3 conservative super-majority that consistently ruled in their favor, while red state governors and attorneys general aggressively pushed voter suppression laws, voter roll purges, and legal challenges to federal policies. State legislatures were dominated by GOP trifectas that gave them control over election laws and redistricting. In Congress, it was a 50-50 split w/ a +1 tie-breaker. The reality is, outside of the White House, Republicans held far more power at every level of government. Suggesting otherwise is just gaslighting.
Favorable mainstream media coverage? You can't be serious. The media constantly scrutinized her while bending over backwards to normalize and "both sides" Trump. Instead of holding him accountable, they ran with the "Trump is more disciplined this time" narrative, while sane-washing him to make him more palatable. Every slip-up or misstep by Harris was amplified, while Trump's dangerous rhetoric was reported on as if he was a normal. If anyone got favorable coverage, it was Trump.
Like, he was straight up pushing Nazi eugenics rhetoric and the MSM was whitewashing it.
As for the idea that Harris's campaign was just "Orange Man Bad," that's revisionist nonsense. The 2024 Democratic campaign focused heavily on unity, democracy, and protecting basic rights. They ran more positive ads about unification and policy proposals than negative attack ads, which you'd know if you actually paid attention.
They were fukking stupid for pandering to Liz Cheney and the Never Trump crowd. Courting those people was a colossal waste of time. Propping up Bush-era war criminals like dikk Cheney and pretending Liz Cheney was some hero of democracy likely alienated some Dem voters while winning zero actual votes from those people, too. Appealing to people who will
never vote for a Democrat was a ridiculous strategy that backfired. It's why I don't agree with you that we need to chase racist Trump voters.